My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 234 Long-term goals: end of life.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Brother, I'm a bit thirsty, can I drink some water?...Grumbling...Ha! I can continue again."


"Brother, I'm a bit thirsty again, I still want to drink some water.... Guru Guru... Ha! Keep going!"


"Brother, I'm still a bit thirsty, or... I will plant myself in the water."


"Senior brother? Little soul? Talk." Jiang Shouji fiddled with the buds of Soul Eater Jinglian, and asked Jiang Shouzheng, "Senior brother, why don't you speak anymore."

Jiang Shouzheng checked the time, it was one o'clock in the morning.

"Maybe, it's been too long."

It’s hard for Jiang Shouqin to talk for seven hours.

Going on, there shouldn't be any special attention.

"Go back to the quiet room and take a good rest. I'll go to the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion."

Seeing Jiang Shouzheng stepping into the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and closing the door, Jiang Shouji grabbed the edge of the urn with one hand, lifted it up, and brought it back to the quiet room.

As soon as the door of the quiet room was closed, the lotus leaf jumped out of the urn while supporting the edge, and turned into Jiang Shouqin's appearance.

Jiang Shouqin took out the phone blankly, holding the phone in both hands, twenty-four keys...

"Sister Xiaobai, don't talk to me these days, I don't want to talk anymore."

After showing Xiaobai the phone interface, Jiang Shouqin felt that such words might not have enough deterrence and expressiveness, so he added a new sentence--

"If you still keep me talking like this, I'm going to run away!"

Jiang Shouji thought for a while, tilted her head and asked, "If you want to leave the temple, how many days will you leave the temple?"

Jiang Shouqin used only Jiang Shouqin to express his determination to "leave away from the temple".

As for how long to walk, Jiang Shouqin has not seriously considered it.

Now that Jiang Shouji asked this, he felt that he should also think about this question. His eyes drifted a little, and he started to mutter:

"As a person, the place to spend money every day is to eat, drink, and sleep."

"If I leave the temple and don't stay in a hotel or guesthouse, I just find a place to plant myself."

"Then I only need to consider the issue of eating. Three meals a day. Brother once said that a person generally costs 45 yuan, but the outside things are not as delicious as the seniors cook, so I must win with a large amount. I have to eat twice! That's ninety!"

"My current money is enough for me to leave my job for more than half a year... But if I have to leave for so long, then I will definitely not be used to it. The quality of life outside is too unsuitable for my survival."

Speaking of this, Jiang Shouqin looked at Jiang Shouji with bright eyes, kept tapping his finger on the phone screen, and then showed Jiang Shouji:

"Sister, I think if I want to leave the temple, it will take seven days. Before leaving the temple, I will prepare you for seven days of clear fengshui!"

Jiang Shouzheng sensed the movement next door and deliberately cut the connection.

Need to give them a little privacy...

He took out a pen from the bamboo tube and recruited the notebook with blank pages.v3 Academy

When his thoughts were confused, Jiang Shouzheng used to record with a pen.

...The first three stages of declining the mortal, keeping true, imperial emissary, and tongxuan belong to mortals!...The secret and secret organization of Heavenly Court must be more than mortal, so it is Tong Xuan!...I just tried it, and there is no way to speak the law and influence the power of nature, so I should not have been to Tongxuan.......I can now "remember all things" and "see yin and yang". Fighting seems to be relatively strong at the moment. Combined with Jiang Shouqin's reasoning, I should be the imperial envoy now!...

Jiang Shouzheng wrote for the first time: "Strength must impact Tongxuan."

...Then, I have to know how to impact Tongxuan and how to change qualitatively. This is a question that needs to be known...The nature of my mana, so far, it doesn’t seem to change, just Simply pile it up every day, it won’t work, it’s like being a monk for a day to hit the clock...Even if you try to use your epiphany to increase your mana during this period, the nature of mana is the same...

Jiang Shouzheng wrote for the second time: "Find a way to impact Tong Xuan."

Jiang Shouzheng believes that there are no new problems in this world.

......There must be seniors who have recorded their experience and left them to the younger generations. How should I borrow and take a look?...It seems that I don't have any thoughts now. I know too few people... Now Wang Fei and I should be closer, right?Maybe I can tell him... this kind of thing is experience, and experience is the most precious.If you call and ask rashly, you may not respect Wang Fei. Similarly, it does not respect Wang Fei's teachers...

Jiang Shouzheng wrote down the third stroke: "Looking for senior Tongxuan's experience stickers."

At this point, Jiang Shouzheng paused, then continued to fill in the sentence--

"Don't directly abandon the cause and effect, expand your circle of friends, and then cut off the cause and effect after you save the master."

...How can you gain experience?What should be given to get valuable things from others....I don't have anything valuable in me, and there is nothing valuable in Taoism.After the old master left, the box of magical instruments in Taoist temple was gone....For money, there should be no shortage of Wang Fei's appearance. Then, what should I start with?...Looking at the appearance of Wang Fei and Xu Liang, they should like what I cooked...

Jiang Shouzheng wrote down the fourth pen: "Learn how to cook online!"

These four strokes can form a closed loop——

The basic conditions and strength of the old view master's "rescue" starts from the content of these four strokes.

So, what can be done during this time?

In addition to improving strength, something must be done——

...... Now the college entrance examination is over, so in order to ensure that my future life status meets my expectations, I will go to learn how to drive... I should put this matter in place tomorrow, um, it should be another time Six or seven hours...

Jiang Shouzheng wrote down the fifth pen: "Contact Mr. Dong Wu, and meet him, give him a mana ball."

At this point, Jiang Shouzheng hooked the corner of his mouth...My own magic power seems to have a kind of wild ginseng rushing like a century-old ginseng in TV and novels.

Jiang Shouzheng saw this wild ginseng when he prepared a medicated bath for himself. It is sold in drugstores, but it shouldn't look real, but it looks really like a human.

If it's not too expensive, Jiang Shouzheng would like to buy a few to put in the medicated bath, but speaking of it, those wild ginsengs really look a bit like people!

Withdrawing his thoughts, Jiang Shouzheng continued to think and summarize...

After half an hour-

Current goal: learn to car!

Mid-term goal: live a good university life!

Medium and long-term goal: rescue the master!

Long-term goals:......

When writing about the long-term goal, Jiang Shouzheng bit the cap of the pen and wrote--

End of life.

ps. Post first and then change.

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