My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 235 The coach who talks about.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The enthusiasm of college entrance examination results continues to ferment. Linjiang's 743 points not only rushed to the top of the Linjiang area's hot search list, but also ranked first in the national hot search list.

And as the subject of this hot topic-

"Why should I be like a thief?"

Jiang Shouzheng slipped out to learn to drive while there was no enrollment teacher at the door "contained".

Today is the first day of learning to drive, so I have to take pictures first.

The "ID photo" of the school car must be taken on the spot. When the staff who took the photo saw Jiang Shouzheng's name, Nane asked:

"Are you 743?"

743, has become a code name.

Jiang Shouzheng pursed his lips without changing his face and said, "This is the second time I have heard about your question today."

When he said this, Jiang Shouzheng glanced at the coach Dong Wu asked him...

Now on the Internet, Jiang Shouzheng's name is already public.

There are some photos of Jiang Shouzheng on the gossip and self-media, but they are not frontal photos, they look like they were taken secretly, and the background seems to be on campus...

Because of these photos, Linjiang No. 1 Middle School launched another "school spirit and school discipline" inspection activity.

The focus of the examination is the female classmates of high school and high school...

Unbelievable, the school leaders searched for mobile phones from students’ schoolbags, drawers, wardrobes, bed bottoms, shoe cabinets, etc., and even searched them in a dictionary—

The dictionary was hollowed out...

Anyway, there is no positive photo of him on the Internet, and the current news reports will not have much impact on his personal life.

The most important thing is that no media has come to the door...


"Mr. Yao, I have already greeted our local media in Linjiang..."

"Mr. Yao, the school of the foreign media No. 1 middle school is now all taking over, but they themselves seem to have been instructed by someone and will not directly interview Jiang Shouzheng himself..."

"Mr. Yao, now the media's attention has turned to the miracle of the college entrance examination in the third grade (1) class. They even hope that Teacher Wang Qiang can share..."

"Also, Mr. Wang Qiang was planning to resign for a period of time. He has submitted a resume to the training organization, and most of the current HR staff are transferred and unemployed..."

Yao Genmin checked the company's financial statements while listening to Li Bo's report.

When the information he wanted to know was almost done, he raised his hand and motioned Li Bo to stop.

"Come here, where is the workbook mentioned by Finance, why can't I find it?"

"Mr. Yao, it's in the lower left corner of this interface. You see, the financial room has been divided by month, and all the data is in one-to-one correspondence."

"Uh...Let's do it, you type it for me."

Yao Genmin rubbed his eyes and complained: "This big computer should be used to watch movies and TV shows. It looks too tired for work."


"Hurry up and absorb it."

"You guys are faster!"

"Don't stop! Let's go together! Even if the conversion rate is not high, you help me absorb the power of faith first!"

"I'm about to be blown up by the power of these beliefs!"

In God's realm of Gu Deng, there were repeated screams of wailing, which was the sound of a test of God.

Surrounding Kaoshen are all the gods of Linjiang.Fifth Novel

But no matter how they absorb it, Kao Shen still has the power of faith like a snake to penetrate into his body!

"Damn it, how could this be?!"

Test God's expression is hideous, gritted his teeth.

But for this, he already had the answer in his heart——

This time the college entrance examination has taken too much intervention!

Those divine powers that have been consumed are now regarded as profitable and profitable... and they are back.

Plus... the power of faith that originally belonged to Jiang Shouzheng belongs to him!

At this time, he already felt that he was going to be overwhelmed, but judging from the feedback from the mother god, it was not the worst time yet.

The worst time will be when Jiang Shouzheng is "fortunate" to become the national science college entrance examination champion, and his photos are officially posted online...

"I have to find a way to save myself, I can save myself, otherwise I may be the first god in Linjiang's history to be burst by the power of faith."

"Before the drought was dying, now the flood is dying!"

"At the beginning, I was afraid that Jiang Shouzheng would repent, and chose a contract that cannot be repented. If my strength does not improve, the mother god should be able to terminate this contract, but after my strength and realm promotion, the stability of this contract is geometric Increased by multiples, now the mother god has no way to help..."

"I really shot myself in the foot!!!"


After completing the administrative procedures, Jiang Shouzheng came to the training ground as a coach.

This place, on the mountainside, belongs to the junction of Linjiang City (a county-level city) and Bugu County.

Because the location is cheap, the surrounding winding roads are convenient for training, and there are several training bases for driving schools here.

"Learning to drive, there are a total of four subjects, all four subjects are completed, then you can get a certificate after the end!"

"Subject 1, the theory test, is mainly to test your rote memorization ability. As long as you are not a fool, you can pass it. Although you are not 743, you have just finished the college entrance examination and your mind is flexible. There should be no problem."

"Subject two, the field test, is also very simple. There are only five things to be tested. Monkeys can learn to reverse parking, parking on the side, parking and starting on the ramp, turning at right angles, and driving in curves!"

"Subject three, this is a bit more difficult, but under my hands, there is nothing that can't be done, that is, just go to the Tao, as long as you follow me to ensure that there is no problem, it is really not good, plug smoke..."

"Subject 4 is still the theory test. I don't know why the theory test has to be tested twice. Can't I finish the test at once?

Dong Wu "arranged" Jiang Shouzheng's coach Hu Congcong, while rummaging through his messy desk, he and Jiang Shouzheng introduced the basic situation of learning to drive: "found it."

Coach Hu Congcong found an exercise book among the pile of materials and threw it to Jiang Shouzheng.

"This should be my last book, just flip through it and don't take it away."

"You young people should know what an APP is. Anyway, the theory test is just one thing. If you do it a few times, you can pass it."

"You watch first, I'll go to the toilet."

With that, Coach Hu Congcong left the office.

Jiang Shouzheng flipped through the pages, wrote down all the contents of the book, and put the exercise book back on the corner of the table.

...This table is too messy, right?...Why don't you clean up while there is no one, it's too uncomfortable to look at me...

Jiang Shouzheng walked around, and after making sure that there was no monitoring, he waved his hand, and the paper materials and decorations on the table moved in a small area, and within three seconds, they fell together neatly.

Because he was unfamiliar with the content, Jiang Shouzheng arranged it according to the color——

Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, white, black.

The top one is a divorce certificate with a dark red cover.

ps. Post first and then change.

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