My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 236 Get started.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Taking a deep breath, Hu Congcong went into the bathroom holding his breath.

Unfasten the belt quickly and force...

After getting loose, he hurriedly picked up his pants, zipped up, and ran out, with no time to tie his belt.


After taking a long breath and breathing heavily, Hu Congcong was relieved.

The training field belongs to the top of the hill, and the basic sanitation facilities are not in place.In addition, there are farmland around, so that the toilets are designed to facilitate the picking of manure.

The smell inside is very touching.

Even if Hu Congcong has been working here for many years, he still can't get used to these things...

After all, the taste is fresh every day, and the picture is also...

As I walked, I was wearing my trouser belt. I met someone I knew on the road and nodded.

"Old Hu, don't you smoke?"

Hu Congcong subconsciously stretched out his hand and wanted to take the cigarette butt handed over by Li Ling, who was also the coach, when he suddenly realized that he hadn't washed his hands just now, rubbing his trouser legs, and then took it with his right hand.

Li Ling ignited, Hu Congcong hurriedly gathered his hands to protect the fire, took a sip, and resisted the urge to cough.

Seeing Hu Congcong's face flushed slightly and smoke coming out of his nostrils, Li Ling put the lighter back in his right chest pocket, sipped his eyes, and spit out the smoke, teasing:

"Old Hu, what's the matter? Can't quit smoking during this period? Why do you still blush after smoking?"

"Cough cough cough..."

Hu Congcong finally couldn't hold back, coughed a few times, and waved his hand: "Nothing, my cigarettes have been confiscated by my daughter during this period. There is no way. Last time I told her that she got 100 points in the exam. Just quit smoking. I didn't expect this guy to really give me a full score and go home!"

Although the tone was complaining, Hu Congcong's tone was proud.

"Cut, you can be proud of you." Li Ling rolled his eyes at Hu Congcong, glanced at his coach car, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, took off the cigarette with his left hand, strode forward several steps, and slapped heavily The car cover, "Kill! Beat me! The steering wheel hit me to death, what are you doing? Do you let my car hit the pole? Will you pay!"

Hu Congcong saw that Li Ling had entered the teaching state, so he didn't delay. He made a gesture to indicate that he had something to do and left.

Returning to the office built with sandwich panels, Hu Cong was stunned and looked at his desk carefully:

"It's weird, wasn't my table messy just now?"

In his eyes, the current table is still very messy, I don't know if it is an illusion, it is very neat.

"Have you moved my table just now?" Hu Congcong asked Jiang Shouzheng, who was sitting in a chair and turning pages of exercise books.

"No." Jiang Shouzheng closed the exercise book and shook his head. "Coach, isn't your desk the same as when you left?"

"It seems so." Hu Congcong subconsciously wanted to scratch the back of his head, but thinking that his student was still in front of him, he restrained his impulse, "Then, go touch the car first."

As a senior coach, Hu Congcong is equipped with two cars.

One was just up the mountain with Jiang Shouzheng, and one was being circulated by the students at the practice range.

The cars were all veteran students, and he was relieved that they would drive in the field by themselves.

Anyway, as long as you don't go out, the problem is not big. After all, even if the accelerator of the contact car is stepped on, it will not exceed twenty yards...

Bang bang bang.

Hu Congcong patted the car cover, the car stopped, the assistant trainer of the co-pilot got off the car, Hu Congcong sat in and signaled Jiang Shouzheng to get to the back row.

There are now five people in the car. The driver in the front row and Hu Congcong, the co-pilot, have made three in the back row. Except for Jiang Shouzheng, the other two seem to be about the same age as Jiang Shouzheng. They should also learn to drive after the college entrance examination. of.

"Hello~ My name is Lv Qinqin" The girl sitting in the middle of the back row took the lead in saying hello, and she was generous.

"Yeah." Jiang Shouzheng nodded, not planning to greet him back.360 Literature Network

Although he has set a policy for himself-not directly abandoning cause and effect, but... it is not that everyone's cause and effect will be accepted.

After reading for so many years, he has enough classmates. He doesn't want to know a few more people when he is learning to drive.

"Huh~" The boy sitting on the right hand of Lu Qinqin leaned his head against the glass, seeming to snorted coldly.

Inside the car, fell into a strange and quiet atmosphere...

"Starting at Banpo!!! It's not to let you reverse the car! Take a little throttle, take a little, how many times have you said it, don't say you took it, it’s too late! If there is a car behind, you have to go home with others Do it!!!"

"Kill, kill, I'll let you kill! Kill the direction! If I teach a dog, he will already learn it!"

"I'll show you the reverse mirror. Why do you stretch your neck so long? Pinch your mouth up? Do you want to kiss the glass lightly? Kiss it goodbye!!!"

"Substitution! I can't stand you anymore! Change to a slightly smarter upper drive than a pig, eh eh eh!!! When you get off the car, the handbrake won't be pulled up, you are going to float!"


Although the air conditioner was driving in the car, Jiang Shouzheng could still feel the strong anger, and he was studying seriously--

The clutch should be loosened slowly...The accelerator should be slightly brought on...The brakes should be lightly pedaled...Do not cause sudden brakes...Otherwise it will be easy to stall... ..

These contents are all very simple. Jiang Shouzheng observed for an hour and repeated simulations in his mind, and now he is fully prepared.

"Coach, can you let me try it?"

Originally it was not Jiang Shouzheng's turn today, but Hu Congcong was really furious by the other three students: "Okay, just try it."

Jiang Shouzheng got out of the car and swapped positions with the current driver Lu Qinqin.

The first step is to fasten the seat belt and finish;

The second step is to adjust the rearview mirror and the rearview mirror to complete;

The third step is to step on the brake, ignite, and release the handbrake to complete;

the fourth step......

Jiang Shouzheng methodically implemented the "driving on the road checklist" revealed by the coach just educated the other three students.

Slowly release the clutch, feeling the body trembling slowly, let go of the brake, and slightly put on the accelerator, a little roar can be heard in the car...

"Very good, I finally taught a slightly more clever one." Hu Congcong saw that the body was moving and nodded in satisfaction. "You are the smartest student I have ever seen. You are very stable. The clutch is loose just right! I didn't turn off the flame. ."

Speaking of this, Hu Congcong turned his head and looked at the three people in the back row: "Look at you. The first time they drove, they behaved so well and the fire did not go out. Have you studied for a week? Did you turn off the fire? They all graduated from high school, what about their brains? Are you stupid to do test papers? I think..."

Hu Congcong hadn't finished speaking yet, and he smashed his body heavily on the seat of the car, before he could react to anything.

The piercing and sharp braking sound reached his ears, and the whole person leaned back and hit the front window.

The three students in the back row were not so good either. The one behind the driver’s seat and the co-pilot’s seat slammed into the back of the chair. The boy sitting in the middle, who had previously sniffed Jiang Shouzheng, also "jumped" out and hit him. On the front window.

Hu Congcong rubbed his head and was about to curse, Jiang Shouzheng calmly said:

"Coach, there is a problem with this car. Didn't it mean it is only twenty yards?"

"How can it be so fast?"

"Fortunately, I braked, otherwise there will be an accident!"

Hearing Jiang Shouzheng's words, Hu Congcong's attention also changed: "Yes, this car shouldn't be so fast! The car is turned off! The handbrake is pulled up! I'll get off and take a look!"

Hu Congcong got off the car from the passenger seat, walked to the parking space, and saw a brake mark on the ground nearly one meter long...

"Damn it."

ps. Change first and then change.

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