My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 247 I Want to Be Mature!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Thank you so much Jiang Shouzheng!"

Kao Shen returned to his normal human size, and he bowed to Jiang Shouzheng 180 degrees, as if he was afraid that Jiang Shouzheng would regret it, and left through the door.


Jiang Shouzheng quietly breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the degree of solidity of the god's body just now, it should be enough for him to go out and not fall in front of the gods.

The mistake he accidentally caused was solved relatively safely.

Although the split soul has left the body, in essence, Jiang Shouzheng can control his body and the god-testing body at the same time, so now it is considered as one gas...two clear?

However, the power of soul-dividing cultivation still converges in the body as usual, not much different from before.

"Forget it, no matter what, it's good to have a steady increase in mana. Don't be too constrained to form and constitution, anyway, I am not a real Taoist priest."

After burying himself in his heart, Jiang Shouzheng turned around and took a look, only to find that Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji had turned into human forms and moved the table to the entrance of the hall.

Watching Jiang Shouzheng had already sent the test god away, Jiang Shouji waved at Jiang Shouzheng:

"Brother, you can't come to eat anymore, you will be hungry and thin. People will feel distressed."

Jiang Shouqin looked at Jiang Shouji in surprise, frowning:

"Sister Xiaobai, what are you talking about nonsense? With the strength of your senior, he won't lose a pound of meat if he doesn't eat for ten and a half months. You should respect objective facts when you speak!"


Jiang Shouzheng pursed his mouth, sat on the seat and picked up the chopsticks, but he took the meal in front of Jiang Shouqin into his hands.

Before Jiang Shouqin could post, Jiang Shouzheng said to himself:

"Soul Devouring Lotus, just plant it, eating is a waste of money."

Jiang Shouqin opened his mouth and looked at the senior sister aggrievedly.

Jiang Shouji shrugged at Jiang Shouqin, gave a helpless expression, and then put a piece of lean meat in Jiang Shouzheng's bowl:

"Brother eat first."

Seeing that he couldn't move his chopsticks while eating at a table, Jiang Shouqin swallowed and forced himself to look away.

"Now, I have to find something to be distracted, otherwise, I will be greedy. Play a game, playing a game can effectively divert your attention."

Jiang Shouqin took out his mobile phone, opened the game assistant, and wanted to choose a game to kill time.

But at this time, he heard hallucinations——

"Still playing games? Hurry up and learn!"

"Go and study! Study will lead to a way out."

"I don't know how to read books, so what about life!"

"Learning is the basic productivity, and reading is one of the manifestations of learning."

Under these babbles, Jiang Shouqin quit the game assistant and uninstalled the game assistant by the way. Then, other game apps were also uninstalled, and video apps did not escape the fate of being uninstalled.

He got up and said, "I'm going to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to read," Jiang Shouqin left on his own.

"Senior brother, did Xiaohun just get hit too hard by you? You got wicked?" Jiang Shouji bit her chopsticks and asked in a low voice.

"Zhongxie, impossible." Jiang Shouzheng looked at Jiang Shouqin's back and shook his head, "Let's hurry up and eat. Today I will wash the dishes."

"Oh." Jiang Shouji glanced at Jiang Shouqin with some concern, and then honestly accompanied Jiang Shouzheng to dinner.

Evil, only eaten by Jiang Shouqin as a snack.Baihui Novel

Remembering that he was entangled in the flood of information before, this should be a sequelae, it will be fine after a while.

After eating, Jiang Shouzheng sat in a chair, manipulating the bowl and rag with his mind, washing the dishes seriously...

Jiang Shouji sat beside him, pretending to ask unintentionally: "Brother, today the national ranking has been released, and the university should have announced the scores. What school are you going to study?"

"Kyoto Chemical University."

"Ah?" Jiang Shouji asked suspiciously, "Brother, don't you want to study law? How do you go to the University of Chemical Materials?"

"Isn't law science now available in every university?" Jiang Shouzheng asked, "Why are you asking this?"

"Nothing, people are just curious~"

"Curious, why don't you go to school, let me ask Wang Fei how to solve the problem of receiving education for your special group?"

"Don't bother brother~" Jiang Shouji stuck out her tongue at Jiang Shouzheng, "I'll see if Xiaohun is studying hard."

After that, Jiang Shouji ran towards the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in a panic.

When he arrived at the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, Jiang Shouji found that Jiang Shouqin was already lying on a chair, covering his face with a book...

Jiang Shouji breathed a sigh of relief, took out his mobile phone, clicked on Yao Qian's contact information, and the editor said:

"Sister, my brother has chosen a university. It is Kyoto Grammar University."

Click to send, Jiang Shouji feels her heartbeat is speeding up——

"Ah, is this what it feels like to be serious and deceptive! So exciting!"

"Jiang Shouji, don't panic, you are a vixen, and the vixen deceives people. Isn't this a normal operation? Besides, you have been prepared for a long time. You should be a seamless deception this time!"

"Senior brother wants to study law, sister Yao Qian knows, then, the grammar university in Kyoto is the top law major, I said that brother chooses this way, didn’t sign up, then brother really chooses chemical university, I Just push this question to the brother, anyway, sister Yao Qian will not find the brother to check!"

"Hey~ Luohua deliberately criticizes it. For the good of everyone, first isolate the spatial distance between Sister Yao Qian and the brother, and leave the rest to time."

"Wow! I really am a little clever ghost!"

On the last thought, Jiang Shouji couldn't help but exclaimed excitedly.

Hearing this, Jiang Shouqin, who was lying on the chair, immediately sat up, smashed his mouth, and finally looked at Jiang Shouji and asked:

"Sister Xiaobai, what do you eat?"

"Eat, eat, you know, do you know how meaningful I did just now?" Jiang Shouji was startled by Jiang Shouqin's sudden rise, and patted her chest.

"What meaningful thing did you do?" Jiang Shouzheng opened the door of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and asked with a smile, "Did you go out and put the good idea into practice?"


Jiang Shouji turned around. At the beginning, she didn't realize what the senior brother was talking about. After thinking about it, she remembered the purpose of going out today.

After brewing for a while, Jiang Shouji said:

"Before I went out, I had already thought of a legal way to make Hu Congcong, who was rude to the senior brother, no money. But then I thought about it, maybe there is a reason why he is so hostile, so I found a god. Asking for directions, I went to his house and wanted to investigate."

"Unexpectedly, I found out that his wife who lived with him in his home was already his ex-wife, so I used my power to repair their marriage a little bit..."

As he said this, Jiang Shouji burst into joy: "Brother, do you think I am doing this right?"

"Well, your way of handling it is very good."

Jiang Shouzheng rubbed Jiang Shouji's head, and said to Jiang Shouqin: "Look at your senior sister, now the way of doing things is so mature, let's look at you again."

Jiang Shouqin opened his mouth, finally sighed, turned on the phone and searched——

#Are there any online courses that teach people how to mature?#

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