My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 248 You are very suitable to be an undercover agent! (Thanks for not sharp nails)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Inside the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Jiang Shouji is reading a third-year Chinese book with a mouthful of walnuts.

She found that this kind of memory works well...

Jiang Shouqin scratched the information searched out on his mobile phone. The one that attracted him the most was an article about the three characteristics of mature men——

#First, understand yourself.#

Jiang Shouqin knows what he does, soaking in water, spooning, cooking, dessert, medicine...

Maturity +33.33......%

#Second, live hard.#

Jiang Shouqin lived a serious life under the torture of Jiang Shouji every day. He did not complain to his seniors, did not hide in the corner and cry, and he also smiled every day every day.

Maturity +33.33......%

# Third, do not complain.#

Thinking about it carefully, Jiang Shouqin thinks that he has never complained about life--

In the Qingfeng View, as long as you sleep, you can take advantage of the "extra express" practice of the senior, and you can become stronger when you fall asleep;

The brother changed his method to strengthen his physique. Although it was very hard and painful, he could still feel the growth of his body. He believed that as long as he wanted, he could get into the stone to get nutrients... ..

Maturity +33.33......%

Counting this up, Jiang Shouqin felt that he was already a mature person.

"Maybe it's just because I don't speak like Sister Xiaobai, but my way of doing things. It should have reached the standard of human maturity, and I need to express in an externalized way."

After thinking for a while, Jiang Shouqin's hand stroked his body, and his clothes became a white short sleeve, with the words on his chest--

Maturity: 100%.

Jiang Shouji saw it, her cheeks twitched, and almost squirted out the walnut dew...

"Sister Xiaobai, do you think there is any problem?" Jiang Shouqin stood up and turned around.

Jiang Shouji swallowed the walnut dew in her mouth, looked up and down Jiang Shouqin, and said seriously:

"You are not mature enough."

"Huh?" Jiang Shouqin asked, scratching his head, "Then what should I do?"

"You should enlarge the font on your clothes a little bit more! And the content should be simpler." Jiang Shouji said, fascinatingly continuing, "And you are pure white, how can it mean that you have matured you? You are a lotus, and the lotus is mature. There must be a logo! You have to match it with a blossoming pattern."

Jiang Shouqin thought for a while, and according to Jiang Shouji's statement, changed his clothes again.

In front of him is a big word "full-cooked", and behind him is a blooming lotus. In order to achieve a little artistic effect, he used gold for the lotus seeds in the lotus.

The advanced lotus flowers on TV are like this.

"Is that enough?"

"Enough! It's all right."

Jiang Shouji nodded, and gave Jiang Shouqin a thumbs up: "You are mature now."

"Okay! Then I won't disturb Sister Xiaobai studying~"

Jiang Shouqin left the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion with excitement on his face, making Jiang Shouji a little confused...This fellow, why did he rush out?

If she didn't understand, Jiang Shouji didn't study it any more, she still had to continue reading.

But you have to learn all the content of the nine-year compulsory education, take advantage of the hurdle of the high school entrance examination, and rub a wave of high school entrance examination papers to prove your learning achievements to your seniors.

Today, Jiang Shouqin and her brother mentioned going to school, and this idea has been buried in the heart of the brother. If the brother arranges the two of them to attend school before going to university, she can euphemistically use "no need to study anymore". Refuse brother.

As for Jiang Shouqin...If the brother runs into a soft nail on himself, someone will always obey his "command" unconditionally.

"Eh~ I'm really a little clever ghost."

Thinking of this, Jiang Shouji praised herself and took another fish oil in her mouth.

The surface of this fish oil is green, representing...mustard.

The irritating sensation in the mouth made Jiang Shouji who was a little sleepy suddenly refreshed. When the taste faded, she bit the fish oil, and a smell of toffee spilled out...

This taste is absolutely amazing.

Tomorrow, tomorrow I must let the test god get the taste back to its original taste!Such fish oil is really terrible to eat!


In the faint moonlight, Jiang Shouzheng was lying on the bricks and tiles of the main hall thinking about what happened tonight.

The question of the test of God has been initially solved. If there are any problems in the follow-up, the test of God and him will directly say that he can receive it as the main body.

At present, there is no cure, and only the “magpie’s nest” can be used to maintain the basic operation of the “magpie’s nest”.

The trouble I caused myself will definitely be resolved properly. From the information feedback from the Distracting Soul, Kaoshen’s divine body has not deteriorated further, and Kaoshen seems to be obsessed with the matter of his own possession satisfaction......

Are you still happy after being upper body?

The power of faith hurt his spiritual consciousness?

But this aspect of the problem, you can't feel it!

Maybe I can only hope that I can find a way to restore the body of the gods, and the problem of the gods will be solved naturally...

Jiang Shouzheng never thinks too much about problems that cannot be solved for the time being. He will only write down the problems and keep thinking about ways to solve them.

After all, in most cases, thinking too much is useless!

Also, what is the place I saw today?Why can the shape be changed continuously?Is the person inside the demon of the heavenly court?I was "glared" by one of the demons, not only ran out of mana, but also let the test god fall into such a field...

The questions in my mind popped up one after another like mushrooms after the rain. These questions are destined to be lying here dreaming and there is no way to get answers.

However, Jiang Shouzheng was able to confirm at least one point, that the old master is still alive!

Jiang Shouzheng can still distinguish the breath of the living from the dead. After all, he has been a part-time spiritualist...

"It's good to be alive, there is a chance when you are alive."

Jiang Shouzheng clenched his fists, and a stone in his heart fell slightly to the ground.

However, carefully recalling the situation in that place, Jiang Shouzheng felt that the old view master might be there, but he did not see...

Those four were supposed to be demons, and it seemed to him that they were watching something.

Perhaps the object of the guard is the old watcher!

Following this line of thought, the instant noodle bags, self-heating hot pot bags, compressed biscuits bags, etc., piled up in the corner of that place, have an explanation...

"The life of the guards is so hard, so how uncomfortable it is to be locked up!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Shouzheng was a little worried, and a sense of powerlessness that hated himself came out from the bottom of his heart.

"Heaven's hiding is too strict!"

"How can they hide so tightly as a demon?"

"How can I find them?"

Click, click, click...

Jiang Shouqin's head appeared on the ladder beside the main hall: "Hi, brother~"

"What's the matter?" Jiang Shouzheng asked, turning sideways.

Jiang Shouqin climbed up to the main hall, walked over, walked over, walked over, walked over in front of Jiang Shou...

"Brother, what do you think of me?!"

These words were like lightning, piercing the gloomy darkness in Jiang Shouzheng's heart.

Jiang Shouzheng stood up abruptly, looked at Jiang Shouqin enthusiastically with his eyes, put his hand on his shoulder, and patted:

"You are fine! You are fine!"

"Really!" Jiang Shouqin did not expect that "fully cooked" clothes could achieve such an effect, but Jiang Shouzheng's gaze made him a little scared...

"Yes, you are very suitable! You and Jiang Shouji are very suitable!"

"What is suitable?"

"It's suitable to go to Heaven to be an undercover agent!"


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