My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 249 Choice!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The door of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion was opened, and Jiang Shouji raised her head and saw Jiang Shouqin with a confused expression.

"Hey, this guy must have been told by Senior Brother!"

As a elder sister, watching the feeling of being teased by the younger brother, let alone how interesting it is, not to mention that there is a credit for contributing to the flames!

In order to satisfy her emotions and to know the details, Jiang Shouji deliberately asked: "Xiaohun, what did the brother say?"

"Senior brother said...senior brother said, I am fine."


Are you kidding me?But looking at Junior Brother’s expression, it didn’t look like a lie.But, if you are not lying, why is there such an expression?

Jiang Shouji's question did not last long, so she heard Jiang Shouqin say:

"Senior brother said that I am very suitable to go to Heaven as an undercover agent...I don't quite understand what this means, but he also said that being an undercover agent is too dangerous. Let me learn first to see if I have talent." At this, Jiang Shouqin seemed to remember something, and turned on the phone, "I just uninstalled all the video apps just to study hard, and now my brother asked me to take a good look at the information on how to be an undercover... .. I just searched the Internet for "Mission Impossible", "Infernal", "Infernal Affairs", "Plot" and the like, and they all seem to be pretty good, Sister Xiaobai, do you want to watch it with me?"

"I'm still studying." Jiang Shouji subconsciously raised his textbook.

"Then you learn that first." Jiang Shouqin shook the phone in his hand. "My appearance is about the same size as my brother. My brother explained that he would help me ask how I can become an auditor at Kyoto Film and Television University. I learn to perform well, and I may have to go to Kyoto with my brother in the future!"

"This...unfair! I want to go too!" Jiang Shouji pursed her lips, a little unhappy. "Senior brother and you have gone to Kyoto. I am the only one left in Linjiang? They are girls. It is definitely not safe to stay alone."

Speaking of this, Jiang Shouji put down the textbook in her hand, walked away from the Tibetan Buddhist Pavilion with her short legs, and left a sentence: "Brother can't be so unfair~"

Walking out of the Buddhist scripture pavilion, Jiang Shouji saw her brother punching in the small square. His movements were as light as a flying swallow and as heavy as a running thunder, seeming to vent something.

She was sitting in front of the main hall, waiting with her cheek supported, Jiang Shouqin, who was still a little confused, also followed out, sitting beside Jiang Shouji and waiting.

When Jiang Shouzheng received his merits, Jiang Shouji was the first to applaud: "Okay! Brother played really well!"

Jiang Shouqin wondered in his heart: "Don't you, brother, do this set of punches every day? What's so good? Isn't that the case?"

Of course, Jiang Shouqin would not say this. He still knows how to grow his wisdom after eating. He is still mentally hungry because of a lot of words... Eating is a mouth addiction for him, physiologically. There is no feeling on it.

When the fog visible to the naked eye faded away, Jiang Shouzheng looked at Jiang Shouji and Jiang Shouqin with complicated eyes.

Finally, Jiang Shouzheng seemed to have made up his mind. He first said to Jiang Shouqin, "Forget what I just said to you."

After finishing speaking, he said to Jiang Shouji: "You two, just stay in Linjiang."


"Don't talk, I'm afraid I will regret it!" Jiang Shouzheng's voice lost the peace of the past.

For the first time, Jiang Shouzheng's expression was so serious that it was almost angry, so scared that Jiang Shouji and Jiang Shouqin did not dare to speak.

Jiang Shouzheng looked at them with a little cringe, twitched the corners of his mouth, showing a somewhat ugly expression, and said in a low tone:

"Really don't ask, just assume that what I just said to Jiang Shouqin was a dream."

With that said, Jiang Shouzheng turned around and waved his hands to the two of them behind their backs: "I'll go for a walk outside and relax, you guys rest early."

Because it was too late, Jiang Shouzheng fastened the door of the Taoist temple from the inside, and then went over the wall and went out...A kiss novel

Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji, look at me, I look at you, they were speechless for a long time.

Finally, Jiang Shouqin said, "Sister Xiaobai, let's show "Mission Impossible" together."

"it is good."


"Wang Qiang, although we cannot allow you to have a high income like working outside, we can give you a stable, good, and pure working environment, so that you no longer worry about your livelihood. I take my personal Credit guarantee, if there is a preferential house purchase, I will find you the first time."

"Principal, I..."

"Talent! You will be given preferential treatment everywhere. You don't need to give me an answer now. It's too late. The answer you give now is not objective and calm enough. I hope you can think it over..."

"I won't resign."

"Very good! Your answer now is very objective!"

After a few words with a smile, Wang Qiang hung up the phone.

"How is it? I guessed it right, I immediately agreed to the favorable ones, and dragged the unfavorable ones." Kong Li raised her eyebrows.

"The principal is like this. Think about it in another way. If I were him, I would say the same. I won't talk about it." Wang Qiang kissed Kong Li's forehead lightly, then pointed to the phone and said, "I I have to send replies to those HRs in groups. You said, I edited a sentence, "After careful analysis, I will continue to stay in any one. Sincerely, what do you think?"

"It's up to you. After you send this message, I believe that many HRs will be talked to by the boss the next day."

"It's none of my business."

Wang Qiang shrugged his shoulders, edited a text message according to the statement just now, and sent it out in groups.

Mute it after sending it, and then turn it off. Don’t look for anyone, thieves are excited.

The "career plan" for continuing to teach at No. 1 Middle School was set, and Wang Qiang's entanglement over the past few days has completely disappeared.

From the bottom of his heart, he still likes to teach in a middle school, where the students are good to teach, the parents are relatively polite, and the atmosphere between teachers is good...

Of course, if Kong Li chooses to let him go to a training institution, he will go too.

After all, life is for two people, oh, now it's for three people.

Always have to compromise, give in, and find a comfortable state that makes everyone not uncomfortable...

The couple chatted for a while, and Wang Qiang leaned against the wall and fell asleep.

Kong Li carefully looked at Wang Qiang's tired profile. The couple had been living together for a long time. She was very clear about the expression of Wang Qiang's sleep quality.

When Wang Qiang was asleep, Kong Li quietly took his mobile phone out of Wang Qiang's pocket.

Long press the power button, after the phone is turned on, many short messages and missed calls reminded Kong Li's spirits.

"Hey! I made you look down on my husband at the beginning! I'm anxious now! It's useless!"

"Ohhh~ let me see what stupid you guys are posting, so that I can be happy."

"It was so hard for my husband to find a job at the beginning, and I was bullied by you. Didn't I just give you red envelopes!"

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