My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 252 The excitement before dawn.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!In life, people always feel depressed at a certain moment.

This depression may be the accumulation of emotions, the impact of life, or the encounter with a big problem, or the thimble has reached the tip of the horn...

Under this kind of depression, people will instinctively choose to escape. The closer is to go out for a walk, and the farther is to travel and go to a brand new place, not seeking to integrate into the local environment, but to be there. Remove all disguise in one place.

Change to a new environment, this is the most simple and animal way to solve problems, but it is effective...whatever has been used is good.

The depression in the heart fades a bit, people will still return to the familiar place. Only familiarity can bring people a sense of security, and familiarity can make people have the courage to face the depression.

After all, evasion will not solve any problems.

After a stroll, the notice was given and the warning was given. By the way, Jiang Shouzheng, who also took the business, brought two brand new lanterns to look back.

This is what he saw on the road, this year's new product.

He slightly simulated the "vampire"'s fascination ability. He wanted the boss to sell it to him with a psychological bottom line. Although he can achieve such an effect after spending some time, he has "super powers" that are not significantly perceived by people. Why not use it?Of course, if Jiang Shouzheng is willing, he can be sold to him at the purchase price or even given to him by the boss, but it will hurt his conscience to open a store, rent, water and electricity, property, channels, etc. all have costs. of.

Let the other party earn and let yourself not lose is the right way.

But the boss actually grabbed him and kept asking him if he was named Jiang Shouzheng. After getting an affirmative answer, Jiang Shouzheng paid the price of his "signature" and then replaced him with the lantern in hand.

"What's the use of my signature?"

If I don’t understand it, I don’t want to. Anyway, I have already got my hand, bartering things. It’s not deceived, or the other party’s proposal...

Using his mind to change the lantern outside the Taoist Temple, Jiang Shouzheng stepped back and looked up at the lantern that was already working. He frowned slightly:

"This new product looks... so ugly, are these lanterns popular now? It doesn't fit my aesthetics at all. It looks a little fancy, similar to the hanging lights in the night scene."

After silently comparing the lamp tube of the lantern with familiar things, Jiang Shouzheng determined that the light emitted by the lantern did not conform to his own aesthetics.

If he spent money, he would definitely choose to return the product, but this new product didn't cost a penny. Jiang Shouzheng looked carefully and wanted to accept as much as possible for himself and accept the so-called "new product" fashion.

"Look carefully, this is a lot more interesting than monotonous red. At least it has a little more color, from static to dynamic."

"Pure red lanterns, in the film and television works, more or less bring a little quirky atmosphere."

"But next month's electricity bills may go up a bit. After all, this thing not only has to shine, but also rotate."

Dispelling the idea of ​​returning the goods, Jiang Shouzheng walked to the wall, jumped and turned into the view.

This time, he didn't have any help. After all, if he left a mark on the wall that was just painted, it would be more or less unhappy.

In the Taoist temple at this moment, without a trace of light or fireworks, Jiang Shouzheng could clearly feel the peace of mind.

Jiang Shouji and Jiang Shouqin should have fallen asleep. The incense in front of the statue of Laojun has also burned out. The heterogeneous poplars are slightly rhythmic with the wind, and the birds nesting on them occasionally flutter their wings or make a low cry. It seems to say a dream.

After Jiang Shouzheng re-applied the three-pillar incense to Lao Jun, he rinsed and then carefully pushed open the quiet room.

There was a uniform snoring sound from the room. It was Jiang Shouji's. She was now lying on the bed in the form of her body. The two fox tails lost their awake control and split.

Jiang Shouzheng tilted his head, and he saw the lotus buds on the door...

"When the master left, I was unaware, and now I can't let such a beautiful thing leave me."

"Perhaps when I go to Kyoto, they can bring them if they want. I tried to leave them rations in the Taoist temple several times, but the rations will disappear for various reasons."

"This is probably a sign."

Thinking of this, Jiang Shouzheng's eyes became softer.

After closing the door, Jiang Shou took off his shoes at the door. After all, walking in shoes, no matter how careful you are, there will be noise.

He thought of doing this before when the subject was still there, but every time the door was pushed, regardless of whether there was a door opening, the subject would feel him looking back for the first time, so that he did not put it into practice. opportunity.

Walking back to the bed wearing socks, Jiang Shou sat cross-legged on his bed, and after a slightly reluctant glance at the white fox and the soul-devouring lotus, he entered concentration practice.Jiujiu Chinese

To practice well, as a big brother, he has the obligation and responsibility to keep the members of the Taoist temple in order...

And shortly after Jiang Shouzheng entered Ding, the principal of No. 1 Middle School came to the door of Qingfeng Temple.

This is the first time he has come to Qingfeng View, and the national college entrance examination champion representative's weight has fallen to his "home". Such great glory and benefits have not fascinated his mind, but it has also made his behavior lose the calmness of the past.

According to his habit of handling affairs, since Wang Qiang has been instructed, he only needs to wait for the news.

But after he got home, he couldn't fall asleep over and over again, and finally couldn't wait any longer. He had never felt that the dawn was so slow!

Anyway, he was too excited to fall asleep, so he took advantage of it to come outside Qingfengguan.

This time I came here just to satisfy his personal interest, and it was not so late to let Jiang Shouzheng meet him...

But all the interest dissipated after seeing the lantern outside Qingfengguan.

Especially under the gloomy light of the lantern, there seemed to be many transparent figures standing, "they" turned around and glanced at him at the same time...

The cool night breeze rolled up for no reason, blowing his goose bumps...

Under the moonlight, the mottled tree image is a moving ghost claw after another, as if to catch something...

Turning around mechanically, he stepped away from the view of Qingfeng step by step, but he always felt that someone behind him was looking at him, staring at him, and blowing into his back.

Going faster and faster, going faster and faster, and finally trot up.

After running to the road, under the shining of the street lamp, I felt that I had returned to the world.

He propped his knees, and then straightened up after a short while:

"I must have read it wrong just now. At this age, I have problems with my eyesight, and I was frightened by myself."

I touched the back of my neck, it was all wet, half scared and half tired.

"This kind of physical strength is really not good. I have to urge myself to exercise a little bit. It will take a while to hold a'school faculty and staff sports meeting'? On the eve of the sports meeting, I will exercise and take a few more first places!"

Thinking of this, the tight string in his head loosened slightly.

In the next second, a question came to his ear:

"Why are you still not leaving?"

Shocked, looking around, no one.

He opened his mouth, and the emotions that had been brewing for a long time didn't wait for a chance to break out, and he saw a rental car in the distance.

"Stop! Stop!"


"If we absorb the power of faith, we must absorb it outside the Qingfeng Temple. If something really goes wrong, we can also ask Master Jiang Shouzheng for help.

"Come and come, another wave of faith is coming. Whoever hasn't eaten enough will give me a heavy meal and open my belly to eat! If you don't eat, you will look down on me to test my God!

"That old man is true too, it would be fine to leave early, and I have to play a ghostly and lose a lot of money!"


The "reverberation" outside the Taoist temple awakened the soul-devouring lotus, it heard it very clearly.

No matter who it is, when you just wake up, it is the time when the self-control is the worst...

~~~ So hungry~~~

After struggling for a while, Soul Devouring Jinglian forced herself to sleep.

~~~ If you eat the gods outside, you will be scolded by the seniors.~~~

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