My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 253 Choose a good day, please hug!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!When the sun still rises, everything is business as usual.

Jiang Shouzheng was eating breakfast and received a text message from coach Hu Congcong——

"Today you go to the practice field by yourself. I am unwell. I have arranged a coach to help with the match."

This was obviously a mass message, but Jiang Shouzheng remembered how his daughter was entangled in Yin Qi.

"Should you not encounter evil?"

Jiang Shouzheng put down his chopsticks and dialed a phone call back... At any rate, he was also his coach, or a teacher, and taught him the skill of driving himself, so he can't ignore it.

The phone was quickly connected. Before Jiang Shouzheng spoke, he heard a lazy female voice on the other end of the phone:

"Husband, don't answer the phone, we..."

Halfway through the conversation, the phone was hung up.

Jiang Shouzheng glanced at Jiang Shouji. Jiang Shouji lowered her head and quickly took a few bites of porridge.

But when she raised her head, Jiang Shouzheng was still looking at her.

"Hee hee~ Brother, isn’t my look more chic today than yesterday~"

Jiang Shouji laughed, her eyes crooked and she was very cute.

Jiang Shouzheng still looked at her without speaking.

"Eh~ Brother, do you think my clothes today are new compared to yesterday?"

With that said, Jiang Shouji stood up and began to circle, turning while approaching the entrance of the hall.

But before she stepped past the threshold of the hall, she felt her body restrained, and then floated to the place where she had eaten, and sat down "honestly".

Jiang Shouzheng still looked at her calmly without speaking.

There was no way, Jiang Shouji had no choice but to gesture: "Brother, I only used my lost charm to greet Hu Congcong's wife."

It may be that she felt that using gestures alone could not effectively express her “involvement”. Jiang Shouji put forward a trace of demon power in her body. Under the eyes of the sky, this demon power is not the common purple, and there is no evil atmosphere, but pink. Luscious... Jiang Shouji prefers to call it "Meili".

"This refers to Hu Congcong's little price for restoring the family relationship. I promise that it will not hurt Hu Congcong's body, nor will it hurt Hu Congcong's body."

Jiang Shouji made a "four" to Tian with a serious look.

Jiang Shouzheng still looked at her calmly without speaking.

Jiang Shouji finally couldn't stand Jiang Shouzheng's gaze, her eyes flickered, and the charm of her fingertips expanded more than ten times...

"Brother, it's really that much, not more."

"My charm does not contain any power that harms the human body, it just carries a bit of ambiguity, and has a slight hint of the possibility of human reproduction."

"If you don't believe it anymore, I can't help it."

This time, Jiang Shouji buckled her thumb on her little fingernail and pointed to the sky three times: "I swear, this time I absolutely did not lie."

"Huh? Oh."

Jiang Shouzheng nodded and said that he knew: "You don't need to give me too much detail. I know that your disposition is kind and will not harm people's health or life."

"Then you just looked at me like this!" Jiang Shouji pouted, "You looked at me like that, so I said everything! I'm not a standard vixen!"

Jiang Shouzheng shrugged and said helplessly: "I didn't deliberately look at you just now, but a message came from my distracted soul. He told me that everything is well in the test of God. For the first time, I used the way of mind and "self" Communication, I didn’t get used to it for a while, so I decided to stay here, and he seems to be a little far away from Linjiang, and the'signal' is not very good."


"By the way, have you encountered anything unclean in Coach Hu's house?"

"Something dirty?" Jiang Shouji thought for a while, and raised her eyebrows. "At that time, I ran into a pen fairy. She said that she knew her senior brother before she was alive. He was called Zhuang Keke. It said that she is now under Ye Cuilian's command. The post of a pen fairy."

"Zhuang Keke, Zhuang Keke..."

Jiang Shouzheng repeated a few words, or she asked Jiang Shouzheng to add "Law" to his professional planning...

Unfortunately, human life is too fragile.

But since you know that Zhuang Keke and Ye Cuilian are connected, you don't have to worry about it doing evil.

"Eat, eat, if you don't eat, it will be cold." Jiang Shouzheng greeted Jiang Shouji to continue eating.


Jiang Shouqin sat on the sidelines and agreed with Senior Brother's words. The exchange just now was too "depressing"...

Whether looking at Jiang Shouji's expression or looking at Jiang Shouzheng's expression, I feel that every sentence they say makes sense!Every sentence seems to be true.

However, senior sister Jiang Shouji kept repeating what she said under the gaze of her brother Jiang Shouzheng...

And although Jiang Shouqin Benlian didn’t have much research on the soul, but he eats more, he still knows more or less... With the power of the brother, no matter how far away the soul is, there will be no "signal". Bad question...

Unable to provoke, Jiang Shouqin took a few mouthfuls of porridge, and did not dare to touch his chopsticks against the wall of the bowl, and the sound of "Hula Hula" disappeared.

After the meal, the dishes and chopsticks belong to Jiang Shouqin, the rags belong to Jiang Shouji, and Jiang Shouzheng is responsible for supervision.

"After washing the dishes, I have said it many times. The towels for washing the dishes should be spread out and not crumpled up... the table should also be wiped, and the things should also be arranged..."

"That's right, right, right, wipe it carefully. It's your duty to clean the places that everyone can see. It's your duty to clean the places that you can't see, see, and don't pay much attention to. It's serious... Work harder, you You will find that cleaning is also a very interesting thing." Xishi Literature

Waiting to see that they were almost done cleaning, Jiang Shouzheng drank a big bowl of Qingfeng Shui, took a cup of Qingfeng Shui, and went out.

Of course, this door is neither the front door nor the back door. The admissions office teachers who have been waiting at the front door for a few days also discovered through observation that Jiang Shouzheng is in the Taoist temple, but they knocked on the door and ignored them, so they couldn't enter the door!

Yesterday, the door was opened, but the Taoist temple is under construction, and Jiang Shouzheng is not there. What can they do?!

Today they already know that Jiang Shou is the most important piece of information that is the top scholar in the national college entrance examination!

Ever since, everyone reached a tacit understanding and blocked the door together.

Some people are at the front door, some are at the back door, and some are "patrolling" by the Taoist temple...

Jiang Shouzheng opened the "invisibility enchantment" and turned out of the Taoist temple. After a teacher walked in front of him, he swaggered towards the outside of the main road.

"Stupefied, stupefied, stupefied..."

The phone ringing suddenly rang, Jiang Shouzheng quickly pressed the mute button and ran quickly.

"Huh? Did I hear a hallucination just now?"

No, you don't.

Jiang Shouzheng glanced at the call prompting "My high school class teacher-Wang Qiang" and silently complained.

After the prompt was displayed for a while, because Jiang Shouzheng was not connected, he was disconnected.

After Jiang Shouzheng ran to the main road, he called Wang Qiang back. Before Wang Qiang could speak, Jiang Shouzheng first said:

"Old class, let's talk about it first. I won't go to school to speak. I have nothing to say. You should be very clear about what I usually look like. I only hope that my scholarship will be in place."

Start first!

When you feel that someone wants to put forward something that you have no good way to answer or refuse, you have to refuse in advance!

"Ah, ah!" Wang Qiang on the other end of the phone seemed to be taken aback, and smiled, "I originally asked you about this, but since you have said so, I won't say much, I Let me tell you the other two things."

Jiang Shouzheng put on his headphones, scanned the shared bicycle, and listened while pedaling.

"The first thing is, I want people in our class to get together again, just these few days; originally, after the college entrance examination results are obtained, they generally will not get together again. After all, everyone will get together and will inevitably discuss the results. Things, but this time our class is doing very well, everyone is superb, um, except you."

Jiang Shouzheng originally wanted to refuse, but considering the scene where he was "framed" at the last party, he replied: "I'm fine now."

During this time, Jiang Shouzheng had nothing other than learning to drive.

Of course, his words will not be too full, if there are other things, it is not easy to refuse.

"Okay, I'll set a good time at that time and let you know." There was a rustling voice on the other side of the phone. Wang Qiang seemed to record something. After a short pause, Wang Qiang continued, "The second thing is. .... Just can you come to the hospital to hug my daughter."

After saying this, Wang Qiang seemed to smile a little embarrassingly. Jiang Shouzheng pressed the brakes and stopped by the road with some doubts: "Old Ban, did you just say that you asked me to hug your daughter?"

"That's right." Wang Qiang's tone was generous with "I don't want to go out", "No way, my wife said that you must let you hug my daughter, saying that she wants to get her luck in the exam, although I don't believe it. This, but my wife strongly demanded, and I can’t help it. How about you picture my daughter a good luck?"

"Also... OK." Jiang Shouzheng continued to pedal, "Does this require you to set a lucky day for me to hold it?"

"Ah? I didn't think about this..." Wang Qiang said halfway, and Kong Li snatched the phone. "Shouzheng, I am your wife~"

"Hi, teacher~" Jiang Shouzheng said hello.

"Hey, it's just right~" Kong Li said after responding, "Your proposal just now is very good. If you want you, the national college entrance examination champion, to hold my daughter, you really have to choose a good day! I choose a good day. After the hour, I will let you know."

"Hmm, waiting for your notice."

Jiang Shouzheng responded with a smile, but he still remembered that when he first entered school in high school, Kong Li would often come to Qingfeng to watch incense and offer "incense money".

At that time, Jiang Shouzheng hadn't got rid of the spirit, and the life in Qingfeng Temple was still relatively difficult.

Her incense money helped a lot.

Occasionally after burning incense, Jiang Shouzheng chatted with her. She claimed that she was not a devout believer. She defined herself as a "belief in a pragmatist", worshipping when she prayed to gods and Buddha, and believing in herself when she didn't.

"Then make an appointment, see you next time~"

After speaking, Kong Li hung up without returning the phone to Wang Qiang.

"Will it be a bit...a bit...not good." Wang Qiang said embarrassedly when he took the phone.

"What's not so good? Anyway, it won't hurt the child. What's wrong with a try? Try it, and you won't lose money!" Kong Li said, sliding her mobile phone screen, "At present, it seems that I have gone to Chen The students who bought Jiang Shouzheng tore through the countdown calendar, the used draft paper and so on far away, all performed beyond the standard in the college entrance examination."

"Hmm..." Wang Qiang, as a teacher of No. 1 Middle School, naturally knew the truth of this news. For the specific details, he checked with Chen Yuan on the phone. Before hanging up the phone, "Amway" by Chen Yuan——

"Lao Ban, I have Jiang Shouzheng's autographed inventory here, want to cut?"

After hesitating for a while, Wang Qiang said: "Then find a good day and let Jiang Shouzheng come over and hug our wife."

Then, Wang Qiang called the principal. He wanted to report on his unsuccessful invitation to Jiang Shouzheng to come to the school, and then made a profound review.

Not long after dialing, a cell phone ringing rang from outside the ward.

The door opened, and the principal was sitting in a wheelchair with a haggard face and was pushed in by his wife...

"Don't find Jiang Shouzheng!"

"Don't find it!"

"Oh, no, ten million, ten million, don't bother!"

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