My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 257 Help! (Eight thousand more, please subscribe)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!After school!

After school!

For children, the most anticipated time of day in school is the end of get out of class and school.

The schoolbags were packed early, just waiting for the school bell to ring, and rushing out to see who can run out of school the first time!

Only after rushing out of the school gate can school be considered true!

After Fei Zhixi's close friends and Fei Zhixi waved goodbye, they were either picked up by his parents or grandparents, but Fei Zhixi was not picked up.

In the past, she would go home to make a fuss and ask her father to pick her up in a rental car, but she is used to it now.

Children from poor families will always mature a little earlier, and she will be very sensitive to find that she is always lacking something more than other children...

Following a path that he planned for himself, Fei Zhixi wanted to walk home.

When he went out, his mother had paid him a bus fare, but it was more cost-effective to walk home, and you could pick up some empty bottles on the road for a little money.

Fei Zhixi often walks along this path. There are many people on this path, so she is not afraid of meeting bad people.

"Even if you meet a bad person, you are not afraid."

Fei Zhixi looked at the phone watch she was carrying, and then remembered that beautiful sister named Yao Qian, that sister was so nice...

She thought about this phone watch for a long time and didn't dare to speak to her parents, even if she mentioned something like "My classmate XX has a phone watch, she can chat with her parents at any time".

When he encountered the first trash can, Fei Zhixi took off his schoolbag, took out a folded trash bag from the gap between the schoolbag, and lowered the yellow hat he had for school.

She didn't want to meet an "acquaintance" when she was picking up an empty bottle. One time she happened to ran into an aunt who was doing handicrafts with her mother in the same place, but Fei Zhixi fled in a hurry.

She doesn't know why she wants to run, but she just wants to run...

Perhaps in the bottom of my heart, she didn't want anyone familiar with her to know that she was picking up an empty bottle...

"Big, small, small..."

"If you reduce a little bit, you can save a little more money. I like the notebook with stickers very much. I want to save the money and buy it."

"If you don't lose it, you have to secretly buy a small can for it now. You can't buy too much. After you buy it in the supermarket, you have to eat it without throwing it away, otherwise it will be found by your mother and it will be troublesome.

"And I have to prepare a birthday present for Qi Ni..."

There are many places where children spend money. Others can act coquettishly and ask for it from their parents. In addition to stealing money from her brother Fei Xiaochuan, Fei Zhixi has to collect the rest of the money herself.

"Mom, beggar!"

A little boy passing by paddling a scooter stopped and pointed at Fei Zhixi and said loudly, as if he had discovered something new and exciting.

This scream made everyone around him cast their eyes.

The little boy’s mother quickly stepped forward, pulled him, and whispered, "Hide away."

I don’t know why, Fei Zhixi felt a little sad, like, like...Obviously cleaning is done by herself, but the teacher praised others...

She bowed her head and hurried out of this place with the garbage bag.

There is a trash can in front of it. Go ahead and pick it up. She doesn't want to pick it up here.

Just two steps away, there was a soft "Huh" behind her, and then someone called her name:


Fei Zhixi was taken aback, and hurried to trot with the garbage bag, and shouted: "You admit the wrong person, admit your mistake..."

The bag is a bit big now, Fei Zhixi ran for two steps, stumbling on her knees, and falling forward.


Seeing that he was about to fall to the ground, Fei Zhixi released the garbage bag.

But now it is too late to cover his face.

Fortunately, the garbage bag seemed to have been hit by her knee just now, and she slid forward a bit, and she fell on it.

It hurts a bit, but there is no injury.

"Why are you so careless."

After hearing this sentence, Fei Zhixi was suddenly pulled up.

"Your clothes are dirty, pat yourself."

Fei Zhixi lowered her head in a panic, and slapped her body casually. When she raised her head, he could see the appearance of the person.


Jiang Shouzheng patted Fei Zhixi on the head, and said strangely: "What are you running?"

"I, I didn't run, I just exercised with these things." Fei Zhixi poked the garbage bag on the ground and said seriously, "Our school homework today is to clean our city. I just pick up the road. I hope that our uncles and aunts who clean up the environment will relieve the work pressure."

The more Fei Zhixi spoke, the smoother and smoother Jiang Shouzheng was looking at the section of road Fei Zhixi had just passed. There were peels and cigarette cases there, and the broken bag was filled with plastic bottles.

Following Jiang Shouzheng's gaze, Fei Zhixi was a little embarrassed, her little head was spinning quickly, thinking about how to reasonably answer Jiang Shouzheng's possible questions later.

But Jiang Shouzheng didn't ask anything. Instead, he pulled up the torn mouth, tied it, and then lifted it up.

"Let's go together."

"Huh? Oh."

Fei Zhixi watched Jiang Shouzheng walking forward, so he had to walk quickly to keep up.

This time, it was purely picking up trash on the ground.

Fei Zhixi, who followed Jiang Shouzheng, watched Jiang Shouzheng "skillfully" find waste plastic bottles, waste aluminum bottles, and scrap iron from a very hidden place. All these recyclable objects were thrown into her by Jiang Shouzheng. Some non-recyclable items were caught in another garbage bag picked up on the road by Jiang Shouzheng.

Fei Zhixi saw that Jiang Shouzheng had thrown a lot of things into her big bag. She was very afraid that her big bag would be broken, but this kind of worry seemed unnecessary. No matter how much Jiang Shouzheng had thrown in, except for The volume of the bag swelled a bit, and the bag showed no signs of breaking open.

"If I did it myself, I would not be able to handle so many things, and the bag must have been dragged to the ground and broken."

"Is this an adult? I want to be an adult!"

Fei Zhixi looked at Jiang Shouzheng's back with some envy, and Jiang Shouzheng seemed to feel Fei Zhixi's gaze, and said without looking back:

"Didn't you say that this is your homework? Don't just look at me picking it up by myself, you are doing your best."

"Oh oh oh!"

Fei Zhixi quickly moved forward side by side with Jiang Shouzheng.

"Uncle, what do I think of you...Look at you..." Fei Zhixi picked up an empty bottle again. This bottle should have been run over by a bicycle tire, and the center has been sunken.113 novel

Jiang Shouzheng took Fei Zhixi's empty bottle, threw it on the ground, stomped on his foot, squashed the bottle before throwing it into the big bag:

"Do you want to say that I look very skilled?"

Jiang Shouzheng hooked his mouth and looked at Fei Zhixi.

Fei Zhixi nodded, shook his head again, and hurriedly explained, for fear that Jiang Shouzheng would misunderstand: "I didn't mean you were picking up rubbish."

Regarding Jiang Shouzheng’s college entrance examination results, Fei Zhixi had heard his brother, father and mother more than once last night——

First in the country.

Fei Zhixi is not quite clear about the meaning of this term, but she knows that first place is very powerful, and it is very hard to get first place.

Especially this kind of No. 1 only once a year, just like their school only holds a rope skipping competition once a year, that No. 1 is very powerful, very powerful.

She was always the first place. She spent a lot of time practising skipping rope for the first place, and her hands became cocooned, just to win the first prize of skipping rope-schoolbag.

In this case, she can change to a new schoolbag every year...

"It's nothing, your feeling is right, I can pick up garbage professionally." Jiang Shouzheng shrugged, "You should know that I live in Taoist temple."

"Yeah, I heard my brother say it."

"Living in Taoist temples means that I have never had parents since I was a child. My life is very hard. There is no good food or clothes to wear. Sometimes there is nothing to keep myself warm in the winter. The clothes were worn, and at that time, they all relied on shaking to keep warm in winter."

Speaking of this, Jiang Shouzheng trembled all over, indicating that this was the frequency of winter shaking.

Fei Zhixi was amused by Jiang Shouzheng's exaggerated movements, and smiled with her mouth covered.

"In order to have warm clothes and a full stomach, I had to find a way to make money, but it was very difficult for me to make money. At that time, I was too young and I was not wanted in many places because they were afraid of getting into trouble."

Fei Zhixi nodded in agreement. She wanted to distribute flyers, but no one wanted her, or they didn't dare to use her.

"So, in order to make money, I had to go out to pick up rubbish, and find a garbage collector to sell it...just like you."

Fei Zhixi nodded again, but when she felt something was wrong, she suddenly reacted, as if she was "pitted" by the uncle.

"You cheated me?"

Children learn from adults, especially when they learn to speak, they learn quickly.

Cheating, this is what Fei Zhixi learned from her brother, who made him often say "you cheating sister", "you cheat me" and so on.

"I didn't cheat you." Jiang Shouzheng pointed to the bag full of dangdang. "If I cheat you, this bag will belong to me?"

"No, this is mine! This bag is mine." Fei Zhixi grabbed the mouth of the bag suddenly, trying to drag it away, but found it was too heavy.

Seeing Fei Zhixi blinking, Jiang Shouzheng lifted the bag easily, and by the way he held it with his force. If he didn't protect it, the bag would probably break.

"There should be a recycling station ahead."

"How did you know?"

"I have said it, I also picked it up before, speaking of it, I am still your predecessor, you may be able to call me senior."

"No, you are so old, I should call you uncle."

Jiang Shouzheng tied the non-recyclable garbage bag, because it was too full, so he could only put it by the non-recyclable garbage can.

At this time, Fei Zhixi suddenly realized a question: "Uncle, why are you here?"

"Of course I came to you."

"Ah? But... but how do you know I am here?"

"This is a secret." Jiang Shouzheng carried the bag and whispered, "We are selling this bag now, and then I have something to ask you. But before that, you should call your parents first. , Tell them, I just ran into me, I want to take you to dinner."


Fei Zhixi still believed Jiang Shouzheng.

Anyway, Jiang Shou is in the role of teacher most of the time in their house.

Teachers are worthy of respect.

"Hey, Dad, I ran into my uncle on the way from school, and I will go home a bit's that uncle, the one who is my brother and teacher."

Jiang Shouzheng squatted down, beckoned, and motioned Fei Zhixi to bring the phone watch closer to him:

"Mr. Fei Chuan, I just ran into Zhixi. I will take her to eat outside before going to your house."

"Oh, it's Mr. Jiang Shouzheng!" Fei Chuan's voice came from the phone and watch, and he reproached, "Is it Zhixi being naughty again? I just pulled you and said you want to eat fried chicken or something!

"No! I didn't say that I want to eat fried chicken! Nothing else, I died!"

Fei Zhixi pouted, hung up the phone a little angry, then looked at Jiang Shouzheng weakly and asked:

"Uncle, can we have fried chicken for dinner?"

"Yes." Jiang Shouzheng pointed to the trash bag beside him, "But before we go, we have to take care of this thing first."

After selling the waste products, Jiang Shouzheng confronted Fei Zhixi and promised not to reveal her secret, and took her to a nearby fried chicken shop.

Fei Zhixi took a deep breath as soon as he walked into the fried chicken shop, with a satisfied expression on his face.

"What kind of taste do you want?"

"Any flavor is fine, but if you can have a little bit of each flavor, it would be better~"

Seeing Fei Zhixi's greedy face, Jiang Shouzheng was in a daze. When he was first brought to the store to eat fried chicken by the master, he should have looked like this.

What was the reason for eating fried chicken that time?

It seems that Guanzhu's Demon Elimination Alliance has won... Guanzhu and the members of the alliance traded a great demon after death...

Fei Zhixi's appetite is big, but his stomach is small, so he is full without taking a few bites.

Jiang Shouzheng ate the rest, and the uneaten part was packed.

Fei Zhixi leaned on the back of the chair, patted her bulging belly, and asked, "Uncle, did you have anything to do with me today?"

"It's like this. I have a classmate... whose parents want to give pocket money to my classmate, but they don't want to give it to him directly. It is always bad for nothing, so they want to find someone to help ."


"Yes, help!" Jiang Shouzheng tapped the table with his fingertips. "My classmates, the college entrance examination results are okay. His parents want him to be a tutor and make money. My grades are better than him. He can't teach me. , I thought, give the money to your family, and then my classmates will help you and your brother make up lessons, and then you give him money, what do you think?"

"Um...I have no problem." Fei Zhixi always felt that something was wrong there, but he couldn't understand it.

"Then when you agree."

Jiang Shouzheng clapped his hands: "Then let's go back first, and then talk to your parents about this matter."

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