My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 258 Revenge?

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Do you really want to donate the money?"

After Chen Yuan hung up the phone, Chen Guang looked at his younger brother in disbelief. After checking Chen Yuan's account books, he labelled his younger brother a "profiteer" in his heart.

"I have been planning these things these days, and I always feel that something is wrong. When I called Jiang Shouzheng, I felt it. After I said the word donation, I felt much better, and I felt that everything was fine. It's smooth."

Chen Yuan returned Chen Guang's mobile phone to him, put his hands in his pockets, turned and walked to the bathroom, and said as he walked: "Perhaps like the ancestors said, the poor livelihood and the rich conscience."

Closing the bathroom door, Chen Yuan put his hands on the countertop, looked at himself in the mirror, carefully studied, then stared at the blackhead on his nose, and then watched it gradually precipitate out.

In his mind, Chen Yuannao made up a "pop" voice.

"Is this the feeling of mind power?"

The corners of Chen Yuan's mouth got bigger and bigger, and then he laughed "hohohoho".

Some of the reasons that Chen Yuan and Chen Guang said about the money sold were donated, but part of it was the promise made by the self-proclaimed god-testing god in that "classroom"-to enter the slimming industry , Buy a car in two years, buy a house in three years!

[Test God, I have a question, why do you and my classmate Jiang Shouzheng look so alike?]

[Mortal, I don’t look like Jiang Shouzheng, but because...because of "coming from the heart", we are gods, with a thousand faces, if the "testing God" in your heart is someone else, I The way it appears in your eyes may be another way.]

[Test the gods, will I be rewarded if I become your ambassador?]

[You can get the power of mind, Jiang Shouzhengda...probably it will be the same. The power of mind that I gave you is a little bit weaker, but there is no problem in getting rid of blackheads. I just let you be mine. The divine envoy is also to enter the beauty and slimming industry.]


After giving the fantasy experience previously encountered in that "classroom" in his mind, Chen Yuan became more and more desperate.

Of course he wouldn't compare with Jiang Shou, that is boring.

But now that I have super powers, I might be able to become the capital of "showing off"...No way, no way, beat the first bird, the wood show in the forest wind will destroy it, the rafter that can't be the outcrop, the muffled voice Wealth, soundness...

After calming down a bit, Chen Yuan opened the door, and saw Chen Guang standing at the door, and took a step back in shock:

"Why are you standing at the door?"

"Isn't I worried about you? You laughed so terribly just now, I'm afraid there is something wrong with your brain."

"You just have a problem in your mind. Why don't you think about a good place?" Chen Yuan looked at Chen Guang and rubbed his stomach. "I'm all light without'shit'."

He walked outside and mumbled: "Why don't you know why you are standing at the door? Can't you go to the living room to chat? You must stand at the toilet door to chat."

Chen Guang ignored his younger brother's complaints, instead he glanced into the bathroom with his probe, and then said:

"Chen Yuan, you didn't flush the water just now. The toilet is so clean now, did you eat it?"


Chen Yuan squeezed his fist and turned and said solemnly: "Chen Guang, we have been fighting since we were young, and now we have all grown up, it's time to compete with each other."

"Ha...Haha, only children use their fists to determine their family status. We are now older..."

While talking, Chen Guang walked towards the door of the house against the wall.

Chen Guang knew how powerful his fists could be.

His body has been weak since he was a child. He has never been missing from fever in winter and heat stroke in summer.

They were all born to the same parents. I really don't know why it is so much worse.

Did parents have no experience when they gave birth to him for the first time?

When all things in life are already established, all kinds of reasons will be forgotten if they are not sophisticated people...

How to avoid my brother's fist is the top priority.

Chen Yuan walked towards Chen Guang step by step, creaking with his fists, his mouth bends, with a bit of mockery.Yiyun Chinese

"Grandma, Chen Yuan is going to hit someone!"

With a loud shout, there was a ping-pong-pong sound in the kitchen.

The glass door to isolate the kitchen fumes opened, and the grandma holding the spoon opened the door while shouting "What's wrong".

"He wants to hit me." Chen Guang's face was "horrified."

"I didn't." Chen Yuan was "aggrieved."

Seeing the appearance of the brothers, the old man will naturally have the wisdom of life. After distinguishing it is playing, she is dissatisfied:

"You brothers, it's okay, don't trouble me, cook!"

Seeing the kitchen door closed again, Chen Guang raised his eyebrows at Chen Yuan, and said, "How about it."

"It's not very good, it's so big, it's just a parent."

"I care about him, as long as it is useful."

Chen Guang is not ashamed of his behavior. If it were not for this "stunt", he would not know how many times he would be beaten by Chen Yuan.

In other people's homes, the older brother beats the younger brother. In my own home, it happens that the younger brother beats the older brother, which is strange and strange.

The brothers exchanged a few words with each other, and they reconciled as before. The problem they now have to consider is how to make a "donation".

Sitting on the sofa, Chen Yuan peeled off an orange and threw half an orange to Chen Guang:

"Speaking of donations, I only donated once when I was in my first year of high school. Speaking of which, Jiang Shouzheng was the recipient of the donation."

Chen Guang lowered his head and carefully tore off the white silk from the orange peel. Without raising his head, he asked, "Jiang Shouzheng?"

"Yes, Jiang Shouzheng." Secretly said "hypocritically", Chen Yuan tore off the orange in his hand and stuffed it into Chen Guang's mouth, then covered his mouth, "Jiang Shouzheng was still very poor at the time, alone. ....."

Speaking of this, Chen Yuan frowned.

After Chen Guang ate the orange, don't open Chen Yuan's hand: "What's wrong with one person?"

"Oh, nothing, I just had an illusion, it seems that Jiang Shouzheng had the illusion of a master before." Chen Yuan stretched his brows, and then said, "He is guarding a dilapidated Taoist temple alone, and his parents want to donate to him. , He doesn't want it, I think about it, if it were me, I would not want it either."

"and so?"

"So we have to think of a way to be accepted by the'children', around junior high school, and the self-esteem at that time was much greater than in high school."

"This is your business, it has nothing to do with me."

Seeing that there were too many white silks in the oranges, Chen Guang threw half of the orange into his mouth and chewed, and said with some vagueness: "Anyway, I'm going back to school tonight. I want to eat grandma cooked for me now. A good meal, I don't want to use my brain."

"I don't want to use my brain. Let Jiang Shouzheng deal with this kind of thing, and he will definitely handle it well. I just want to cooperate." Chen Yuan said dissatisfied with responsibility.

Time passed quickly, and the sun sank. After sending Chen Guang to the station, Chen Yuan received a call from Jiang Shouzheng.

"Hey, Xueba, how is it?"

"It's all processed, I have already sent you the address, you bring the money to the parents, and then...become a tutor."

"Huh? Why do I need to be a tutor when I donate money?" Chen Yuan stopped doing it when he heard Jiang Shouzheng's words.

"This is the only solution I thought of."

"No, I think you are taking revenge on me for laughing at you as a tutor."

Jiang Shouzheng snorted softly, "Am I such a person?"

Chen Yuan stepped on the Coke can on the ground, picked it up and threw it into the trash can, and responded:

"Isn't it?"

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