You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Don't offend smart people, especially when you still ask each other.

The other party can do two birds, help you solve the problem, and give you a "baggage".

With a smile, Chen Yuan gave the money he earned from "hard work" and promised to help Fei Xiaochuan make up lessons when he was free during the winter and summer vacations of the university.

What made him even more depressed was that he had clearly gotten the money and the time in the future, and he had to be called by their family's dog fierce.

The dog didn't know what was going crazy, just kept barking at Chen Yuan.

What is the reason for this?!

Leaving Fei Chuan's house, Jiang Shouzheng looked up and down Chen Yuan, with a strange expression:

"Did you make any deal with Kaoshen? How could he put his divine power on you?"

Regarding Jiang Shouzheng who could see his contact with Kaoshen at a glance, and he was free to have no respect in his mouth, Chen Yuan looked strangely at Jiang Shouzheng:

"Can't you let me tell this secret myself? If you say it so directly, I have so much less fun, but because of this, I have gained super powers."

With that said, Chen Yuan took Jiang Shouzheng to the place where there was a full-length mirror, pointed to his nose, and asked: "Look at me, have I changed anything."

"Nothing has changed."

"Look again."

"Still nothing has changed."

Jiang Shouzheng looked very carefully, but Chen Yuan's nose did not change.

It's not that the bridge of the nose propped up the two holes, and I opened the sky to see that the internal skull structure did not differ much from the others.

"Do you see that there are fewer blackheads on my nose?"


Jiang Shouzheng froze for a moment, recalled the appearance of Chen Yuan once, and compared it again...It was really, but who would pay attention to this?!

"So, you got the ability to beautify your skin?"

It shouldn’t be. The experience summed up after many times of using the body to test the soul has clearly become a systematic "method of using the body of the soul", and there is no "beauty skin" ability... ..

Since none of the gods in the test had such ability, why could he give Chen Yuan?

Jiang Shouzheng didn't doubt for too long, so Chen Yuan told him the answer:

"My superpower is about the same as yours, but a little weaker."

Chen Yuan pointed to his arm. Jiang Shouzheng took a closer look this time. He clearly felt that the power planted by God Test was mobilized by Chen Yuan. On Chen Yuan's arm... Pull it up.

"Well, I can also have the power of mind, but your power of mind can move heavy objects. My mind is not good, and I can only focus on the subtleties, such as removing blackheads, removing dead skin, and removing hair... .."

Jiang Shouzheng always believed that he had used his abilities to achieve the ultimate in life, but he did not expect Chen Yuan to acquire extraordinary abilities on the first day. Not only could he adapt quickly, but he could also figure out how to use his abilities...

"How about it, amazing? I have already thought about it. In the future, I will open a small beauty shop, focusing on two items, one slimming. This is the test god will cooperate with me. I will talk about the second one later. , Is to get rid of blackheads."

"Use that kind of thin cotton pad to take up the water and stick it on the client's nose like this. I will use my ability to pull out the blackhead little by little..."

Listening to Chen Yuan drawing his vision of the future in front of him, listening to him talk about the growing body of parents who are sending children to school, and their physical conditions are deteriorating. In order to make the family environment of Kaoshen more harmonious, he will help with liposuction. Far cooperation is to open up the market...

"Sure enough, I'm used to it, so I don't think anymore? I didn't even think that the power of mind...Nianyu can still be used like this. But this is also my blind spot, and I don't have blackheads... .."

Jiang Shouzheng reflected on himself in his mind. With Chen Yuan's demonstration, this is from zero to one...

Nianyu all things can not only move things, organize housework, clean up, plan to remove blackheads, hairs, and dead skins "invented" by Chen Yuan, comb the hairs of dogs and cats, and clean the equipment with the eyes of the sky.. .... These should all be possible.

The core of Nian Yu Wanwu should be "shift", as long as it can be solved with "shift", in theory, it can be handled with Nian Yu Wanwu.

When thinking of moving, Jiang Shouzheng thought of a word——Qinfeng Literature

The hearts of the people are united, and the mountains move.

After slightly simulating the scene of moving Taishan in his mind, Jiang Shouzheng felt that he was thinking too much.

"Cooperate with Kaoshen."

Jiang Shouzheng patted Chen Yuan on the shoulder, and then trot away.

Today, when he was not in his turn during training, he flipped through a book called "How to Master the Correct Running Posture". Now that he has nothing to do with him, he tried to combine theory with practice.

"Why the expression is so strange, you are the first to enter...the world of superpowers, give me a little bit of advice." Chen Yuan scratched the place where he just "drawn", a little bit painful and a little bit Itchy, "The posture is really awkward when running. Is this the posture that a superpower should run?"

Chen Yuan learned a bit and almost fell.


"It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!"


Yao Genmin was pressed on the desk, and Yao Qian clasped his hands with a smug expression: "How about it, my dear Comrade Yao Genmin, is your daughter's hand free?"

"No no, you let me go first!"

After Yao Qian let go, Yao Genmin straightened up and shook his hand: "You kid, I don't want to think about how old your dad and I are. Can you be like this?"

Even so, Yao Genmin didn't have a tone of blame.

After all, he asked for the situation just now.

His daughter is about to study abroad. As a father, she is always worried, especially since this guy doesn't want to live on campus, but wants to live off campus, which amplifies his worry.

So these days, Yao Genmin not only arranged for someone to teach Yao Qian to drive, but also asked bodyguards to teach Yao Qian how to defend herself.

"This is good!" Yao Genmin handed Yao Qian a sachet-like cloth bag from his pocket.

Yao Qian took it and opened it to see that there was a stone inside.

"Dad, what is this?"

"Amulet, I asked for it from a master."

If Yao Qian had changed hands to this kind of thing before, she would throw it away, and she would even scold her father a few words--

Aren’t all the masters who come from lie?

However, since I saw Jiang Shouzheng's ability...

What if this amulet was made by a master?

"Thank you dad~"


"Please also ask my father to buy a car and a house for me early."


"Then I won't disturb my dad at work?"

"Go ahead."

The office returned to quiet, Yao Genmin folded his hands together, thinking that his actions might be wrong, he changed his hands...

"Mr. Gu, please protect me."

Quietly muttering a few words, a text message came from his mobile phone——

"Mr. Yao, a media looking for relatives came to the provincial capital, and the target of their seeking relatives is Jiang Shouzheng."

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