My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 260 Good Shot!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Being pitted is actually an active choice to a certain extent.

Jiang Shouzheng did blatantly, did not conceal it at all, and with a bit of restraint, he was a maniac, of course Chen Yuan could see it at a glance.

However, Chen Yuan still accepted this arrangement.

Regarding this, Jiang Shouzheng had long expected that what Chen Yuan accepted was not his arrangement, but a tutoring opportunity provided by Jiang Shouzheng.

During the transition period from the third year of high school to university, it is quite boring for the average student, and there are not many choices.

Either live at home, learn to drive, or work part-time as a waiter, or go for an internship in a unit that has a relationship with your family...

And the most choice is to be a tutor.

Before getting the university admission notice, before becoming a member of a large group of college students, the students in the third year did not endorse too much; and at this stage, they do not have too much desire to go out to find a tutor on their own initiative. Do, this kind of work is often come by oneself, usually children of relatives.

If Chen Yuan’s parents were not divorced, many relatives would come to his home based on his college entrance examination scores, which could maintain the kinship and find a relatively reliable teacher for his children. How happy this kind of thing Instead of?And it can be expected that the price paid will not be too great. It is nothing more than a few compliments and a few hundred dollars. If you search for some, you promise to say "If you have time, please eat", and the payment will be passed on. What is paid is the invisible and intangible friendship...

"There is an'active' tutor who comes to the door. Although he himself keeps complaining, he is still very honest."

Jiang Shouzheng glanced at the photo of Chen Yuan and Fei Xiaochuan in his circle of friends, and shook his head as he spoke.

To a certain extent, Jiang Shouzheng and Chen Yuan are actually the same kind of people. They understand their own thoughts, and naturally they also understand the same kind of thoughts.

If you are not willing, how can you be pitted?

"Bang bang bang."

"Is anyone here?"

But the people who keep knocking on the door of Taoism nowadays are not so willing to take care of them.

Jiang Shouzheng looked through the eyes of the sky. "Long guns" and "short cannons" were prepared outside. Even without the eyes of the sky, he believed that with the face of the admissions office teacher, he would not do things that would disturb people and quiet at night.

Teachers from the admissions office can get their own address from the school. This is normal. After all, teachers from the admissions office take the initiative to find students. This is a good thing for students.

School, likes good things, and will not refuse good things. If the target is not Jiang Shouzheng, who has had his own ideas since entering school, they don't mind pushing it.

But the school will not take the initiative to directly tell the media the address of the student.

If the media wants to interview, yes, then teachers from the school have to accompany them. After all, students have been "holding" in the school for three years. If they say a "joke", they may be magnified.

In case of harm, it is unpredictable.

This possibility cannot exist, so your own address cannot be directly exposed to the media.

Now they are almost "hitting" at the door, which means that their address is still "published" after all.

Regarding this, Jiang Shouzheng still had expectations in mind.

By looking at the power of faith that almost blows up the test, you can understand how excessive the spread of information is.

With more information, the caring people can always find what they want by pulling the cocoon.

Those who are interested, the "Internet" never fails.

"Brother, they are so annoying." Jiang Shouji looked at the door of the Taoist temple with some anger.

She used to read well in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, but the humans outside were too annoying.

This made her impatient for those who wanted to read books, prepare to participate in the senior high school entrance exam with junior high school students, and prove to her brother Jiang Shouzheng that she can complete compulsory education without going to school.

"But we can't do anything right now. People are just knocking on the door and didn't kick our door open." Jiang Shouzheng rubbed Jiang Shouji's head and said helplessly, "They still maintain the superficial politeness. It's not easy to do something."

Seeing Jiang Shouji rolling her eyes round and round, as if he had some bad idea in her heart, Jiang Shouzheng squatted down and said: Xuanshu Literature Network

"You must not use your abilities at will. I don't care about what those human writing pens write down. I'm afraid of what they take or record. In this society, there are basically no strangers on the bright side. Information, then no matter what, our Qingfeng View can't be the rafters in the early days."

Seeing Jiang Shouji still looking upset, Jiang Shouzheng took her hand and walked towards the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

"Now we should not have a head-on conflict with these uncrowned kings. The business license of this Taoist temple is fake, and my Taoist certificate is fake. Before Wang Fei has done this for us, none of us can come up. Under the light, all problems will be magnified. Once magnified, there will be trouble."

"If they are really annoying, I will naturally imitate the power of the'vampire' and let them be confused and leave on their own initiative. Don't do it directly."

With the promise of senior brother Jiang Shouzheng, Jiang Shouji let go of her mind about handling this matter.

Brothers seldom ask so many things at once, so just give the brothers a face. The love of the brothers cannot be unlimited. If they can accumulate to the next time without being punished, why not do it?

Thinking of this, Jiang Shouji's eyes wandered and her eyes were smiling.

There was a sudden shout outside the door--

"I like you! I like you for a long time!"

This seemed to be someone's confession, and this confession stopped the knocking outside the Taoist temple, and then there was a loud noise.

Jiang Shouzheng knocked a chestnut on Jiang Shouji's head, not heavy.

"Brother, I just affected indirectly, it's not a shot!"

Jiang Shouji was very dissatisfied with being punished.

"Don't cheat on my words."

"Don't you want to study law? I read it on the Internet, and the law is all literal."

"Don't quibble!"

"I have no sophistry. Besides, sophistry is a girl's right, especially for a cute girl like me!"

Jiang Shouji covered her mouth and chuckled softly, freeing Jiang Shouzheng's hand, and trotting to push the door of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion open.

"Brother, do you feel any difference?"

After Chen Yuan’s questioning, Jiang Shouzheng quickly grasped the details: "Why is the sound of opening the door so small?"

"Of course, your lovely junior girl put oil on the door shaft."

Speaking of this, Jiang Shouji raised his head with pride.

"All right, you are doing a good job."

Jiang Shouzheng gave Jiang Shouji the expected compliment and walked in the door.

In the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, Jiang Shouqin sat upright, his gaze was a horizontal mobile phone.

There was no external sound, but there were fine and broken sounds resounding in the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion. It should be Jiang Shouqin listening to the online class with headphones.

The "information" instilled by studying well is still very effective at present.

As a demon, if you want to integrate into human life, it is not enough to have a human appearance without showing abnormality.

As a mortal, it is impossible to protect Jiang Shouji and Jiang Shouqin for a lifetime. If you want them to live well, you should let them study hard and behave well.

Jiang Shouqin seems to be very good at the moment. Although the instillation of information is a psychological suggestion to some extent, the result is good, so that's it.

But Jiang Shouzheng's happiness did not last long, and he saw Jiang Shouqin slap his thigh fiercely and shouted:

"nice shot!"

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