My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 264 Stay polite.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Jiang Shouzhengda sent Wang Fei's "Letter for Help" at night to save Wang Fei from the pain of skin and flesh.

Although Xu Liang can't really fight, it will be very painful.

Taking off his vest, Wang Fei grinned while looking at the red palm print on his right shoulder.

"Uncle's, you obviously ate it yourself, and you blamed me!"

Although the tone was complaining, Wang Fei didn’t mean to blame. The friendship between men is so strange and there is no reason to say it, just like Wang Fei is in danger, Xu Liang will not stand up after talking about the truth. In front of him.

"Media, media... this matter, let the uncle go to the public relations to try, if it doesn't work, then let Jiang Shouzheng come to Kyoto."

In Kyoto, where dragons and phoenix gather, the news of the college entrance examination champion will only be a stone. After being hit, there will be ripples and no trace.

Wang Fei got dressed and called his uncle, but the line on the other side was busy.

"Really, how many people do you want to call after having a baby?"

"Won't he ask others to eat my cousin's or cousin's Full Moon Bar by the way?"

After making complaints for a while, Wang Fei did not continue to make calls.

"Uncle, I have encountered a problem for the predecessors of Qilin, you may be able to help."

Not long after the text message was sent, the uncle's call came back.

"Is there anything I can help the old man? I must...try my best."

"Uh...Uncle, they are not seniors, they are younger than me."

"Then you say it's senior?"

"That's based on strength."

"Is stronger than you? Didn't you say that you are a top ten? Did you say that the top ten you are talking about? Did you fail to study hard? Do not read well, say you want to be a strange person, then I'll just follow you, don't you think strange people are doing well now?..."

Listening to the uncle's chatter on the other end of the phone, Wang Fei raised his eyebrows and decided to himself:

The next time I play a gangster game, I will connect the microphone, let Xu Liang operate, and abuse you to death!

After Wang Xiaoping talked about "urging" Xu Liang, no matter what field he is in, it is very important to maintain his learning ability. After the two sides seriously discussed about Jiang Shouzheng, Wang Xiaoping said:

"You help me tell the old... Younger, I will try my best to deal with this matter, but Linjiang is a bit far away after all, and I can't guarantee that if there is no other way, I will invite the younger to Kyoto. As a guest, if you come to Kyoto, some things are easy to handle..."

After receiving feedback from Wang Fei, Jiang Shouzheng replied with a "handshake" expression.

Obviously in his Taoist temple, but had to hide a little, I really don't know what the truth is.

Jiang Shouzheng shook his head and sighed for a while, then settled cross-legged.

The matter of the mortal world can always be solved without arrogance or rashness, and the same is true for cultivation. Step by step, everything needs stability.


Early in the morning, Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji went out to catch birds and shit, Luo Shi came to pick up the goods, Jiang Shouzheng led the crowd to practice boxing, sprinkle rice to feed the birds, cook and cook...

Everything is orderly, peacefully and orderly.

After Jiang Shouzheng put on the invisibility enchantment and walked away from the wall, Jiang Shouji and Jiang Shouqin sat after eating and cleaning the Taoist temple with a book in their hands.

The sound of the book is loud, and the wind is blowing.Look at the novel

Jiang Shouji had already made an appointment with the test god. When the day of the high school entrance examination, he asked the test god to "transmit" the papers for her to make. After Jiang Shouqin learned about it, he naturally did not leave the fox queen.

However, their learning progress has been a bit slow these days. They used to be able to recite aloud, but now they cannot.

The Taoist temple needs to keep a relatively quiet, otherwise people outside will knock on the door as soon as the voice is high.

"Bang bang bang."

"anyone there?"

However, even if the sound is not high, the knocking outside the door is still lingering.

But it doesn't matter, Wang Fei took out a headset from his pocket and signaled the frowning and impatient senior sister to put it on:

"I asked Luo Shi to carry it to me last night. Although it is not very expensive, it should reduce harassment to a certain extent and allow us to concentrate on studying."

After taking the headphones that had not been opened, Jiang Shouji turned to the price tag on the shell-30.

Then Jiang Shouji looked at the earphones that Jiang Shouqin had just taken off and asked, "How much do you have for the earphones now?"

"Three...ten, the same price as your current earphones." Jiang Shouqin looked at the earphones in his hand, his tone was a bit disgusting, "During the advertising, he said that 95% of the noise is cut off, which is a lie! I wear it. When I got up, I could still hear outside noises, which seriously affected my study progress! It turned out to be cheap but not good."

Jiang Shouji nodded, put the unopened earphones on Jiang Shouqin's lap, then took Jiang Shouqin's earphones and took a few glances before putting them on.

"...Now we turn the camera to the AUG team. From their point of view, all members have been equipped with an eight-fold lens... Very good, they have already occupied the high ground, this whole map The best perspective..."

The sound quality sounds pretty good.

After Jiang Shouji took off the earphones, Jiang Shouqin arched his hands with a smile on his face:

"Sister Xiaobai, these three thousand headphones are for you."

"Didn't you just say it was thirty?"

"Thirty...three thousand, isn't it the same? I just missed two zeros by accident."

"Then why don't you miss a bit!"

"Yes, yes, I just missed it, I have to learn Chinese! The earphones are given to Sister Xiaobai, you must accept it! Otherwise I will be angry!"


"Stop talking, I'll get angry any more, no matter what, we all have the right to know the truth...

"We did this not only for ratings, exposure and traffic, but we also sincerely hope that Jiang Shouzheng can find his family back...

"How can a person not have a home? No matter how much money is given to me, I will not end this interview and family-searching activities...

"I don't deny that most of those who come to visit the camp are here, but there are also a small number of people who really hope to find their lost or...abandoned children through our platform... ..

"Director Tian, ​​you are also a first-line news person. You can't just see the bad side? Everything has two sides. Don't worry. Don't worry, we are not a black media. We may, maybe, probably bring it to Jiang Shouzheng. A little bit of trouble, but I promise, definitely not too much...

"Okay, don't worry, there will be no negative news, I will hang up first!"

Looking at the length of the call, Fang Bin curled his lips: "It's really troublesome to deal with these leaders. I came out to look for news, not to make news."

"Head, do you still knock on the door?"

"Knock, go on, be polite!"

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