My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 265 Tick Tick Tick Tick... (seeking subscription)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Lao Tian, ​​wherever, it would be great if you could help me say something...

"I dare not to be a big boss, how can I be called the big boss by you? I am a small businessman and I have to rely on you... You asked me to ask questions, because my daughter is in the same class as Jiang Shouzheng, Jiang Shou I am complaining about this in the class group, I just want to see if you can bring me a message...

"That's it, you must tell me when you come to Linjiang, it doesn't matter whether you drink or not. It is always necessary to sit down and chat, contact and connect with you!

At the end of the greeting, Yao Genmin put the phone back on the table.

Although he now has infinite Bluetooth headsets, he is still used to holding his mobile phone to make calls.

Leaning heavily on the back of his chair, Yao Genmin sighed lowly: "When you don't have money, it's hard work to ask people to do things. When you have money, it's hard work to ask people to do things."

"This guy, there is no time for hard work."

In the empty office where Yao Genmin was the only one, Yao Genmin was startled by a sudden female voice.

Sitting up and looking at Mr. Gu, who was sitting dignified on the sofa, Yao Genmin sighed in relief and quickly got up:

"Mr. Gu, you have to come and tell me in advance. I'll be ready for some."

"No need to prepare, isn't there a ready-made one here?"

With that said, God Gu Deng twisted a cherry from the fruit bowl on the table in front of the sofa on the table.

"Yes, very sweet!"

With that, God Gu Deng twisted another cherry and threw it into his mouth.

As the god Guden, on the basis of not having too many believers, no one would offer him this kind of fruit. There are still a few people who realize the freedom of cherries. As for believers who have no money, they don’t have enough food for themselves, and they will give him the spirit ?

After the two sides exchanged information about the diversion of the river, Gu Dengshen left with a pot of cherries.

The phone tapped, and Li Bo, who worked outside the door, quickly pushed in.

"Mr. Yao, look for me."

"Well, help me lose these cherries."

Li Boyiyan picked up the fruit bowl and asked, "Mr. Yao, is there anything else?"

"No, you go out first."

Li Bo left Yao Genmin's office and watched the cherries in the fruit bowl have a smooth skin, each fruit is extraordinarily full, and the washing water has not been completely drained, and it looks more crystal clear.

"I lost such a good cherry? Is there something wrong?"

Li Bo tried to eat one--

This is a tasteless cherry. There is no hint of sweetness, and it has a rusty feeling. The cherry pits that should have been hard took a little bit of strength, as if they were biting on a soft candy... ..

"This bad place is too outrageous!"

Li Bo hurried to the trash can, "Bah, baah" for a while, and tried to eat another one.

It has the same "wonderful" taste, which should be the same as chewing wax.

"How did the administrative guys buy them? How dare you buy such cherries for President Yao?"

Thinking of this, Li Bo took the fruit bowl and walked to the comprehensive administrative office area, but just halfway through, Li Bo stopped.

"Mr. Yao didn't say anything, I'm going directly over now, a bit arrogant, right?" Wonderful Novel Network

"After Mr. Yao gives me a clear request, I will talk to the executive again, so it's safer."

Thinking of this, Li Bo stopped, turned around and returned to his office card slot.

When Yao Genmin needs to discuss and give instructions to Li Bo, Li Bo will sit in Yao Genmin's office, and if Yao Genmin needs to be quiet like now, then this deck is his working area.

Pour the cherries into the bag that was given to buy bread in the morning. Li Bo decided to put these cherries for a few days first. If Mr. Yao wants to make a mistake in purchasing the fruit because of the administrative staff, he can still show the decisive “evidence”. evidence.

After the seal was sealed, Li Bo went to the pantry to wash the fruit plate. Before he returned to the booth, he heard a series of "Bah Bah Bah" sounds from a distance.

"Brother Li, the cherry you bought looks pretty good, but the taste is really not flattering!"

"Brother Li, you are so rich, you don't need to buy such rotten cherries, it tastes too strange."

"Brother Li, which store did you buy this fruit? Tell me, I will never go there to buy fruit in the future, even if the fruit looks good, it's useless!"

Without directly responding to everyone’s questions, I quickly stepped forward, put the fruit plate securely behind the table, picked up the bag and took a look, only 7 left...

"Obviously bad food, why did you eat all of it?" Li Bo carefully tied the bag this time. He was afraid that after a while, all the evidence in the bag would be gone...

"This cherry still looks pretty good, but the taste is not very complimentary. I vomited one. The big guy wants to try the next one if it can be a little more normal. Reality teaches to be a human being!

The crowd gathered for a while and then dispersed because of the work they were doing.

After everyone returned to their seats, Li Bo put the bag of cherries in his briefcase. There were only seven of them anyway, and he could still fit the bag.

When working in a public area, you have to put "important things" in a place where colleagues won't go along!

"Brother Li, I'm sorry, I just borrowed the timer on your counter to use it. If you are not there, I will take it away. I will return it to you now, is it okay?"

"It's ok."

After get off work, put the timer back in your briefcase, move all the objects on the table back to the cabinet behind you, and lock the door!

After driving Yao Genmin home, Li Bo drove home.

To say it was a home, it was nothing more than renting a room that was less than 30 square meters in a young bachelor's apartment.

There is no kitchen installed in this room deliberately, and it seems to be much more spacious. Anyway, living alone does not require too much.

Putting the briefcase on the table, taking off his suit, shirt, and vest, pushing his pants back on the bed, Li Bo went to the bathroom barefoot to prepare for a bath.

There are special slippers in the bathroom, and the floor has also been covered with anti-slip mats. After turning on the shower and adjusting the temperature, the shower begins.

I go home and take a shower every day, so I don’t have any troubles~

The sound of the shower in the bathroom overwhelmed the sound of the briefcase falling to the ground, and the timer rolling down from the mouth of the bag made a "tick", "tick", and "tick" sound.

Li Bo turned off the shower and wiped his face. Feeling nervous inexplicably, he opened the bathroom door and heard a noise.


Wrapped in a bath towel, Li Bo walked out in slippers and looked at the timer rolling down on the ground. He was making a "tick" and "tick" sound, and the briefcase was beside it.

"I didn't put it right just now."

Li Bo put the briefcase and the timer back on the desktop, and turned off the timer by the way.

After he went back to the bathroom to take a bath again, the display of the timer flickered to "25:00".

Then "tick", "tick", "tick"...

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