My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 267 An Eagle Resisting Lies? ? ?

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"It's weird, why are so many people looking for me?"

"No matter what, it is not good to refuse directly. I still can't answer the phone, so I won't be embarrassed. If I insist, I should be able to win the exclusive interview with Jiang Shouzheng."

"I don't believe that there are people in this world who can resist the charm of the lens!"

Long press the power button on the phone, and then turn it off. After instructing the photographers, photographers, and presenters to perform the same operation, Fang Bin urged several times not to relax, and then trot away.

Even if he didn't drink a sip of water for today's interview, he still has the physiological problems that he should have.

Hiding farther, Fang Bin found a thick-looking poplar tree, patted the trunk, and said:

"It is your luck to meet me today! You will be watered with the best nutrition!"

As he said, he whistled and relaxed.

A minute later, he felt something wrong, fastened his pants, raised his leg and stepped back two steps. There were two shoe prints on the place where he was just standing, and a little mud was stained on both sides of the leather shoes.

He squeezed his stomach, it was still as thick as two thumbs, and the fat on his stomach did not increase significantly.

"It's strange, I'm not fat, how can this place sink me?"

Since it's not my own problem, there is a problem with this place.

Media people are good at observing and spotting problems, and they are curious about the answers to the questions.

Fang Bin squatted down, digging a little bit of the mud around his feet.

"It looks a little fresh, it shouldn't be attached to the outside."

"These soil seems to have been turned over, but why are they turned over?"

With this question, Fang Bin found that the soil around the roots of poplar trees had been turned over.

"This place is next to Qingfeng Temple, and it's still a bit away from the place where the villagers in Fu village live."

"The villagers in the Fu rural area shouldn't have enough to eat and go to such remote places, so it is likely that Jiang Shouzheng is the one who digs up these trees!"

"Hey! Jiang Shouzheng has one more news spot that can be tapped."

Fang Bin got up happily, looked at the soil around the shoes, stomped his feet habitually, trying to shake the soil around the shoes.


The shoes sank into the soil, and then a stench came.


"Hahahaha! Let you watch the breeze around us!"

Jiang Shouqin looked at the screen on Jiang Shouji's phone, clutching his belly and laughing.

Although the picture of the lens is shaking and freezing, after all, it is the picture only when the lazy bracket is clamped to the leg of the big eagle, and then his mobile phone is fixed on the stand and the video is played...

"Sister Xiaobai, your current Ecstasy ability is really silent, and it's all at once! It seems natural! Your method of punishing him like this is so creative!"

These days, Jiang Shouqin in the Taoist temple is really not happy!

Although normally speaking, even if no one is waiting outside, he will not go out, but when the results of "want to go out" and "can you go out" are the same, Jiang Shouqin needs to choose the former.

Jiang Shouqin's praise Jiang Shouji did not accept:

"Before I had time to punish him, he was already hit."

"Uh..." Unexpectedly, the scenes in the video were not caused by the senior sister. Jiang Shouqin scratched his head in embarrassment, pointed to the sky, and said, "This is probably because many acts of injustice will kill you." Follow the novel

When talking, Jiang Shouqin's eyes were still on the screen of Jiang Shouji's phone. The next second, the picture began to flip, and the scene of the sky and the face of the earth kept cutting on the phone screen, turning faster and faster.

"My phone!!!" Jiang Shouqin reached out to Jiang Shouji's phone.

In Qingfengguan, two screams were heard, one sound was from the mobile phone, and the other was in the sky.

Then, a slight "click" sounded from Jiang Shouji's mobile phone. After a while, a strong wind blew on the small square in Qingfengguan, and Ge Daying's figure was on the small square.

Jiang Shouqinfei also ran towards it, to be precise, towards the mobile phone held by it.

"Eh yeah! My phone screen is cracked!!!"

Jiang Shouqin took the phone from Ge Daying's mouth in his hand, and looked at the chapped marks on it. He was sad, and Ge Daying's eagle face tried to put on an "embarrassed" appearance.

Compared with Jiang Shouqin's recklessness, Jiang Shouji looked more decent, unloaded the lazy support frame from Ge Daying's leg, then poured out two fish oil capsules from the new fish oil capsule jar and threw them to Ge Daying.

Ge Daying pecked his head forward and immediately pecked two fish oil capsules into his mouth.

"This is a little bit of my brother and me, I hope you like it!"

"Clamping the lazy clip on your leg will definitely cause a little obstacle to your blood circulation, which is regarded as a blood moisturizing fee."

Ge Daying closed her mouth and held those two fish oil capsules...This kind of spiritual thing that helps the development of spiritual intelligence, she is old, and it is useless to eat it, so she keeps it for Ge Zhu... .

With such a thought, Ge Daying was inconvenient to speak, but he kept nodding his head and glanced at Jiang Shouqin who was still howling in embarrassment.

“It’s okay. My junior’s mobile phone has been purchased with accidental split screen insurance. It can be repaired once for free in the official store of the mobile phone. Since he himself offered to watch the video to see what Qingfengguan looks like, Then all the losses will be borne by him. Our Qingfeng View will not embarrass you."

"If you feel embarrassed, then leave one of your tail feathers as compensation."

Ge Daying lay down on the ground twice and fluttered away, leaving two feathers on the small square.

"Hey! You can make a quill."

Jiang Shouqin's sad expression suddenly turned into a joyful look. Before he could pick up the two feathers, Jiang Shouji jumped up and knocked Jiang Shouqin on the head.

"Oh, sister Xiaobai, what are you doing!"

"Ge Daying hasn't flew far yet. I'm happy after a while. The eagle has good eyesight. If it finds out that everything is our routine, it will definitely be angry. In my inherited memory, the eagle is extremely Haughty, they will not accept any deception!"

"All right..." Jiang Shouqin was holding his mobile phone again, his expression was distressed, but his mouth was muttering, "Sister Bai, when can we make a quill pen? It's an old film, and the quill thief has feelings."


~~Close your eyes.~~

~~Open your mouth.~~

Ge Zhu obeyed Ge Daying's voice transmission and closed his eyes.


There seemed to be something in the throat, Ge Zhu subconsciously swallowed, the thoughts in his mind suddenly became clear, subconsciously opened his eyes, and cleared his throat:


The chickens eating grass seeds all raised their heads and tilted their heads, seeming to look at him in doubt.

Then a rooster with a red crown and no feathers on its tail came around behind him, seeming to be looking for something.

"Hey! I made it! My pronunciation is correct!"

Ge Zhu clapped his hands, looked at Ge Daying and asked, "Master Eagle, can I learn Eagle language?"

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