My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 268 I have a pot of meat to soothe my appetite. (For subscription)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Jiang Shouzheng could perceive the movement outside the small square clearly even in the kitchen.

Dissecting the whitewashing and confrontation in the communication, Big Eagle uses two chicken feathers that have been treated by it to "exchange" Jiang Shouji and Jiang Shouqin's fish oil capsule share.


Since Jiang Shouji and Jiang Shouqin didn't find out, then don't click on it. After all, no one is a loser in this transaction.

The core purpose of Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji did not say that they must get Ge Daying’s eagle feathers. They just wanted a feather that could be used to make quill pens. As for what kind of hair, Jiang Shouzheng, as their senior, can still know that they are not. I don't have much thought, but instinctively feel that the feathers of the Eagle Demon are a bit more advanced...

But in fact, Ge Daying's eagle feathers are nothing special except that they are lighter, harder, and more resilient than ordinary feathers, and can form a natural invisibility enchantment after injecting mana.

Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji used the "fish oil capsules" they didn't like to eat in exchange for two chicken feathers, which was nothing.

Jiang Shouzheng turned over his hand, and Ge Daying's "True Eagle Feather" lay quietly in the palm of his hand. These are the two eagle feathers on the center of his eyebrows, and the roots are glowing dark red...

"Perhaps you can use these two eagle feathers to make a straw hat for Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji, and use this eagle feather as decoration."

Since the separation of souls became the test of God and successfully entered the test of God’s body, the test of God has no secret for Jiang Shouzheng. Whether it is the use of the body itself or his own memory, it is transparent to Jiang Shouzheng. .

Among them, Jiang Shouzheng is most interested in the "Artifact Making Manual" compiled by Kaoshen in his mind, which records Kaoshen's artifacts from composition, modeling, searching for raw materials, proofing, etc., in all details... .... This kind of content gave Jiang Shouzheng a lot of inspiration. He wanted to make his own magical instruments early on, but he had no direction. Even if he read many of the cultivation novels, he did not get real inspiration. , Now that’s good, with this manual, a little deduction, "Manual for Making Artifacts·Jiang's Brand" was born in Jiang Shouzheng's mind.

Sacred tools are made with magical power, and magical tools are naturally made with magical power!

Although I don't know the difference between the craftsmanship of traditional magical instruments, Jiang Shouzheng decided to give it a try.

It's a good experiment to make a straw hat for juniors and younger sisters to enjoy the cool summer.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shouzheng put the eagle feather back in his pocket. At this moment, the younger sister trot to the kitchen, and the younger brother moved the long bench behind.

After they were placed, the two sat upright on the chairs, with their hands on their thighs, and stared at the stove.

There is a brand-new pot on the stove, which is being burned by flames, and it makes a "gurulu~" sound from time to time. It has been simmering for more than ten hours.

If it weren't for going out to learn to drive today, Jiang Shouzheng would probably boil the words with real fire. After all, with real fire, it would save money anyway than using gas.

If it weren’t for this jar of Buddha to jump over the wall, it needs to be simmered with a gentle fire, and it needs a stable firepower, and firewood is not out of consideration...

The Buddha jumped over the wall. According to Jiang Shouzheng’s understanding, it was to mix and mix good raw materials together. Abalone, sea cucumbers, fish lips, yak leather glue, pleurotus eryngii, tendons, etc., are all good ingredients, as long as they can be cooked. It is enough to combine the tastes of the food itself. In order to effectively combine the tastes between them, Jiang Shou spent 1,000 to buy a small jar of rice wine in the supermarket.

This jar of rice wine was at the expense of Jiang Shouzheng himself, and the rest of the ingredients were made by the God of Test and the God of Agriculture for him.

"Lao Ban has always wanted to eat Buddha and jump over the wall. I went to hug his daughter and made one for him by the way."

After a while, Jiang Shouzheng is about to fulfill his appointment to hug Wang Qiang's daughter, saying that whether he has gained a bit of culture or luck, it is a good sign after all.

Since the main body in a moment is a good sign, Jiang Shouzheng won't let his jar of Buddha jump into a cliché.

The Buddha jumped over the wall package borrowed from Linjiang Menting No.1 Hotel, specially written with the word "authentic" in gold powder.

"It’s nonsense whether it’s authentic or not. You say your authenticity, I say mine. Anyway, I say this Buddha Jumping the Wall is authentic. Who can say that I am not authentic? After all, I made it according to the tutorial of the genuine Buddha Jumping the Wall. !" Tomb Raider Novel Network

"If the old class must ask one more question, then I will only add that this is'the current master of the authentic Internet science · Qingfeng view, Jiang Shouzheng personally simmered the plate-making Buddha jumped over the wall'."

In the Internet age, as long as people are willing to delve into it, they can extract the knowledge they want from the Internet.

The acquisition of knowledge requires only one base station!


When the time is up, Jiang Shouzheng turned off the fire and opened the jar slightly...

"What smells so good?"

"I really want to eat it!"

"Jiang Shouzheng must be in the Qingfeng View, let's go over the wall and enter!"

The discussion outside Qingfengguan was a bit louder, and to Jiang Shouzheng, who was keen on five senses, it was no less than talking in his ears.

Jiang Shouzheng hurriedly built the jar. This is the first time the Buddha jumped over the wall to make it. It would be terrible to let people outside jump in!

But this kind of reaction can also prove that the taste of this thing should be good.

Nian Yu jar, let it fall steadily in the box that Jiang Shouzheng had prepared long ago, and incidentally wrapped a layer of mana film on the outside, which can effectively prevent the loss of heat and ensure that the jar of Buddha jumps over the wall to Wang Qiang. At that time, it still smelled just out of the pot.

Jiang Shouji, who was sitting upright in rows, opened her mouth slightly in surprise, and said:

"Brother, isn't this altar Buddha jumping the wall without my part?"

Jiang Shouqin also nodded, pointed his eyes, and pulled his eyelids along the way:

"Brother, you went out to learn to drive today. It was me... and Sister Xiaobai stared at the fire intently, and did not dare to relax for a moment! Look, my eyes are red! They are bloodshot! "

Jiang Shouji swallowed and nodded in agreement, madly saying that the production of this jar of Buddha jumping over the wall has the fruits of their hard work and needs to be shared!

Jiang Shouzheng didn't want to let Qingfeng View become his own words. He looked closer and found that Jiang Shouqin's eyes were indeed red. Looking at Jiang Shouji, they were also red.

"You have worked hard."

Jiang Shouzheng patted Jiang Shouqin on the shoulder and exhorted him. Before Jiang Shouqin grinned, he took advantage of his precautions and seized Jiang Shouqin's mobile phone.

Although Jiang Shouqin's phone was already full of cracks, the touch screen function was still easy to use. Jiang Shouzheng clicked on the phone log and showed it in front of Jiang Shouqin.

"Anything else to say?"

Jiang Shouqin's cheek twitched slightly, and he tentatively said:

"Moderate game benefit the brain, indulge game beverages?"

Jiang Shouzheng glanced at Jiang Shouji again, Jiang Shouji stood up immediately, and said:

"Arrange time reasonably and enjoy a healthy life!"

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