My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 275 I'm Here!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!When I personally drove the car at a speed of nearly one hundred, everything was going backwards, including the depression in my heart.

"It would be great if I could run so fast any time."

When the driving position was changed, Jiang Shouzheng adjusted his mentality a little, and started playing with his mobile phone by the car window.

In the next time, there should be no chance of his turn, so he will continue to learn how to raise chickens...

In Jiang Shouzheng’s arrangement, the three of them, the senior brother, sister, and younger brother, will soon go to Kyoto collectively. Although Ge Zhu sends the chickens, they will have to snorkel in the broth, but they must be respected and let them In the last days, live happily and improve your meat quality by the way.


"So annoying, why haven't they left yet?"

Leaving Qingfeng Temple like a thief, Jiang Shouqin felt very upset, he obviously lived in his own place!

"Okay, okay, they will also leave after today. Today is the last day for the college entrance examination to fill in their volunteers. When the volunteers are completed, no one will come back to bother the brothers. They will all leave, and we will stay through it."

Jiang Shouji sat on Jiang Shouqin's shoulders, patted his head, and signaled him to stay calm and walk well and don't fall her.

After going around and leaving the crowd, Jiang Shouqin held Jiang Shouji and walked in the direction of Fu Village.

The people around Qingfengguan are leaving, and they have to discuss with Ge Zhu in advance about the handover of the flock.

It’s my own thing, and I always have to set the tone early, in case something goes wrong and troublesome because I didn’t communicate in advance.

"Sister Xiaobai, can you come down and walk?"

"No, little soul, you know, what is the purpose of me sitting on you now? It’s not to exercise your body! It’s like I’m sitting on you, looking relaxed, but it’s not like I'm very...hear of heights, very scared, did I say anything? No! So, as a junior, as a man, you also need to clenched your teeth and hold on! Don't give up! As your senior sister, Just sit on your shoulders and encourage you."

Jiang Shouqin rolled his eyes. When Jiang Shouji transformed into a body, he jumped up and was higher than the current height...

Fear of heights?Ah.

Since I can't let the senior sister get off her body and walk well, Jiang Shouqin thinks about herself in the future...

"Then...Sister Xiaobai, can you reduce weight a little during this time?"



Jiang Shouqin's head was tapped at the same time by Jiang Shouji's index knuckle.

Jiang Shouqin released the hand holding Jiang Shouji's knee and covered his head. Jiang Shouji didn't check it, and dropped his head to the ground.

Fortunately, she immediately turned into a body, wrapped her whole body with two thick tails, and landed safely.

"Sister Xiaobai, why are you knocking on my head! It hurts!" Jiang Shouqin rubbed his head. He felt that his head was so hot and painful that he was about to grow horns like a bull monster in a cartoon. .

The white fox swayed on the ground, and the dust and mud on its tail were quickly shaken off by it.

Jumped, transformed into a human form in the air, and sat back on Jiang Shouqin's body. In order to stabilize her body, she firmly grasped Jiang Shouqin's head and rubbed it incidentally:

"Come on, I will rub it for you. It doesn't hurt or it hurts. I'm a girl too! You said I'm fat. I definitely don't follow it. Come, I'll give you a chance to reorganize your language."

"...Heavy?" Baixiao Novels



For Ge Zhu, who is half-footed into the ranks of strange people, the only window to understand the strange people is the real-name registration, which needs to be checked in every day to receive benefits, and benefits are received.

According to the current practice world, he should now belong to the kind of person who has half-footed into the mortal state. After all, he already has the ability beyond ordinary people-to have oral communication with chickens.

There are no bad abilities, only bad users.

Although Ge Zhu hasn't discovered what is particularly good about his abilities yet... he has already opened a help post in the Xuanfan area about his abilities-#JeJing!The ability to shed is to communicate with chickens. How to develop this ability to the maximum?#

I believe that netizens can help develop his abilities. After all, many "predecessors" have successfully changed jobs with the help of netizens, becoming rich and handsome, marrying Bai Fumei!

Those who have the ability to "possess an adult mosquito" enter the detective circle and get mixed up;

Those who have the ability to "judge how long an item has not been used at a glance" enter the housekeeping industry, and offer high-end paid courses for renunciation;

Those who have the ability to "every joint of the body will not be silent" enter the original music industry and create movements that belong to the human body...

After finishing today's Great Eagle's training, Ge Zhu clicked on the comments on his post and filtered out some of the irrigation messages that were not available. He picked out three messages that seemed to be more reliable and clicked "Accept".

On the seventeenth floor, praise chickens in chicken language. People will become beautiful after being praised, and chickens may also be like this;

On the 28th floor, cultivate chickens, let chickens become pets, and open up the pet market;

On the 93rd floor, the chicken fighting skills are taught to make the chickens fight more organized and become fighting chickens. The chickens cultivated in this way are not only worth watching and shooting videos, but the meat quality of the chickens that are regularly exercised must be more delicious. Really cultivated, please chat with me privately, let me try.

All abilities must serve life. This is the original intention of the Cultivation World APP and the concept for all strange people.

Every time I click on it during this period, the advertisement on the interface is-let the ability to create a better life, Ollie gives it!

After a while, the Great Eagle urged him to continue practicing. There is no way. For a better life in the future, in order to further improve and solidify his abilities, Ge Zhu just endures his "discomfort" and puts down his phone. , And the mandatory screen lock is turned on to ensure that when you are practicing, you will not want to play with your mobile phone.

The screen is locked, and I can’t play if I want to.

"Today's training is to feel the wind!"

"If you want to understand the eagle, if you want to have a closer relationship with me, and if you want to borrow my power, you need to know the eagle better!"

Turning on the high-powered electric fan in the home, the hula hula wind kept hitting his face, and Ge Zhu felt all whirring sounds in his ears.

He can't open his eyes at all now...When the training is over today, he will buy a goggles.

"Boom boom boom."

There was a knock on the door!

This is really a savior!

Ge Zhu turned, turned his back to the electric fan, and looked at the Great Eagle.

Ge Daying swayed behind the door, Ge Zhu happily ran away from the place where the electric fan was ravaged, and walked slowly towards the door, how slow and slow he could be:

"Come, here, don't knock."

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