You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Jiang Shouqin put down his cocked Erlang leg after deep reflection on his impatient tone.

"Alright, well, I don't mean to blame you."

Speaking of this, Jiang Shouqin cleared his throat, his face sank as water, and said thickly, "However, there can be no next time!"

As soon as he said, the joy on Ge Zhu's face was frozen before it bloomed. Jiang Shouji, who was sitting at the shuffle, put the cards aside, and slapped Jiang Shouqin's head with a slap.

"Senior brother said, don't learn TV, it will be inconsistent."

The slap is not heavy, which is meaningless, but it is enough to make Jiang Shouqin break his work.

"Hey! Sister! I'm not learning badly, but practicing my acting skills. You look at Ge Zhu and I was so scared by me, it shows that my performance during this period has been fruitful!"

Jiang Shouzheng now has no plans to let Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji undercover in the heavenly court, but what he once said has been remembered by Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji.

Since the brothers need to have performance needs, then as the brothers and sisters, they always need to work hard, even if the brother said "no need", they will not forget the tangled expression.

"You said it earlier."

Jiang Shouji retracted her hand and smiled apologetically, but "I'm sorry" and "I'm sorry", that is to say less.

Anyway, I have to maintain my face as a senior sister...Otherwise, I don’t have Jiang Shouqin, I don’t seem to be mature without Jiang Shouqin, and I will make money without Jiang Shouqin...It seems that I am getting started earlier than Jiang Shouqin and have more energy. There is no advantage other than being cute, good-sounding, and gender dominant.

She frequently grabs Jiang Shouqin to eat in Taoist temples. In addition to having fun, her core purpose is to eat more and grow up.

When I grow up, I will be useful.

My body is a fox, and I am sure to be a thief when he grows up!

As long as you become a beautiful and attractive woman, you will not be too involved in this society if you are not too involved in this society, more or less, can bring a little profit to Qingfeng View.

I heard that the faster money comes from the live broadcast. Jiang Shouji has already figured out the name of her live broadcast room-Hu Mei Niang, and the lines are ready, "Everyone, Rocket Go!", "I want to listen to the song 1 , I want me to dance button 2!",...

However, the prerequisite for all this is that you have to grow up yourself, to be able to transform into the appearance of an eighteen or nine-year-old adult, and to help the brothers share some of the burden of life when they grow up.

I haven’t grown up yet, so I can only--

"Three laps are three. Does anyone want it? I only have six cards."

After looking around, Ge Zhu, Ge Daying and Jiang Shouqin didn't want it. Jiang Shouji drew the cards one by one and spread them on the table:

"Sixty-seven-eighty-ninety tip, I'm finished, now everyone owes me a chicken!"

Jiang Shouji is earning her own snacks very seriously, while Chen Yuan is tutoring Xiaochuan's schoolwork.

When he first started teaching, Chen Yuan still felt a little fresh. After all, it was the first time he did paid tutoring.

When he was in high school, he thought about using his No. 1 high school grades as his endorsement to teach, but after learning about the market, he discovered that he hadn't made money by selling things in school yet.

Now, Chen Yuan dare to pat his chest to make sure that even if he makes money from teaching, he will never teach again.

What he didn't think he needed to talk about. After a few steps, Fei Xiaochuan couldn't keep up with the rhythm at all?!

Uncomfortable!How can this be?It's obviously a very simple content, and you can get the answer after a little thought?How could you not know?

But looking at Fei Xiaochuan's frown and a thoughtful look on his face, Chen Yuan couldn't say anything.

The process of earning back the money that I donated is really disgusting.

Seeing Jiang Shouzheng's face, Qian's face, and Fei Xiaochuan's family harmony, Chen Yuan gritted his teeth and insisted on

"Look at this step first, and then ask me if there is anything you don't understand."

Putting down the pen, Chen Yuan moved the exercise book in the direction of Fei Xiaochuan, then slightly bent down and lifted it up without losing it: "Don't lose it, don't lick my toes anymore! Lick again and I will throw you away !"

"You can't throw it away!"

Fei Zhixi, who was watching cartoons outside the living room, trot into the room.

When her parents are away, she doesn't need to hide her love for not losing.

"Then take care of your dog, don't let it lick my toes again!"

Fei Zhixi carefully hugged Don't throw into her arms, who was squeezing her paws and being snuck by Chen Yuan's neck, and whispered in a low voice: "It must be you who don't wash your feet! Stink! If you don't leave it at home, you won't lick me and brother."

Chen Yuan's complexion became stiff, but he still didn't care about the children.

Fei Zhixi left her brother's room, only to find that Chen Yuan also followed: "Aren't you going to tutor my brother in class? Is it because I said you were not happy to not give my brother the class?"

Speaking of this, Fei Zhixi narrowed her mouth with a slight cry in her voice: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I said that just now. If you want to blame it, blame me, uncle, oh no, brother, Don't you stop counseling my brother, okay? He is about to take the entrance examination."

Upon hearing this, Chen Yuan's unhappiness caused by Fei Zhixi just disappeared.

"Nothing, I just go to the toilet."

Seeing Fei Zhixi's smile on her face, Chen Yuan also twitched his mouth.

After closing the toilet door, Chen Yuan sat on the toilet lid, raised Erlang's legs, bent slightly, and sniffed carefully for a while:

"...Not smelly."

However, considering that a dog's sense of smell is much better than that of a human, and that he hasn't washed his feet for two days...Chen Yuan still washed his feet with a tap.

When Chen Yuan went out of the toilet, Budiu kept pulling the corner of the wall and looking up at him. Chen Yuan glanced back.

For such a malicious look, I did not lose sight of it for a moment, walked to Chen Yuan's side, first smelled Wen Chen Yuan's right foot and then Wen Chen Yuan's left foot.

After seeing Chen Yuan's left foot and smelling it, he was about to leave. He was very satisfied. It seemed that washing his feet was effective just now, but how could he feel a damp feeling.

"I'm coming together! Dead dog!"

Chen Yuan yelled at Buxiu, and went back to the toilet to flush his feet.

Outside the door, Fei Zhixi's surprise voice came: "Wow! Don't lose it, you will actually raise your leg!"

Don't lose: "Woo~"

Chen Yuan: "......"

Chen Yuan turned the faucet a bit bigger, and the sound of the water covered the noise outside.

After leaving the toilet for the second time, the urine stains left on the floor had disappeared, and it seemed that Fei Zhixi should have cleaned it up.

Chen Yuan stared without losing a glance, then quickly walked back to Fei Xiaochuan's room, and then closed the door...

After finishing Fei Xiaochuan's schoolwork, Chen Yuan stretched greatly, took out his phone, and unlocked the lock screen.

When counseling, upholding the attitude of being responsible to Fei Xiaochuan, he doesn't touch the phone, and now his hands are itchy, and he has to swipe the phone.

After the phone screen was on, the message in the pop-up window suddenly attracted his attention——

# Orphans counter-attack as champion, first exposure of residence#

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