My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 280 Wisdom to get along with the younger sister.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Brother, don't grab my ear, it's falling out."

"It hurts, my ears are almost gone! Look, are my ears gone!!!"

Jiang Shouji stood on the bench, tiptoe, and tilted his head begging for mercy.

Jiang Shouzheng turned a blind eye to Jiang Shouji's pitiful appearance, and Jiang Shouzheng turned a deaf ear to Jiang Shouji's plea.

His sister, Jiang Shouzheng can still not know?

In these days, Jiang Shouzheng has a deeper understanding of the idiom "Snake and stick on the stick". This sentence applies not only to snakes, but also to foxes. As long as he has the slightest hesitation, then he is the stick. .

"How many times have you said it, don't play cards!" Jiang Shouzheng patted Jiang Shouji on the head with a vacant gesture.

"Brother! Don't shoot my head! I'm not tall!" Jiang Shouji pursed her mouth in anger and said loudly, "Brother, I don't play cards! I always keep in mind the instructions you gave me, what you gave me Exhort, if it is not impossible, I will definitely tattoo those exhorts on my arm and engrave them in my heart! Every word you say, I will firmly...Uhhhhh!!!"

Without giving Jiang Shouji another chance to speak, Jiang Shouzheng directly covered her mouth.

"Jiang Shouqin, you say."

At Jiang Shouzheng's instructions, Jiang Shouqin stood up "suddenly", the table in front of him was moved forward with his belly arched, and the chair behind him turned over.

He raised his head and chest, tucked his abdomen and hips, his body was taut, and his eyes were 160 degrees upward and looking at the ceiling.


Jiang Shouqin nodded slightly, looked straight into Jiang Shouzheng's eyes, swallowed slightly, rubbed his trouser legs with both hands unconsciously, and said in an orderly manner: "Brother, today's card game is my team's game. The three of us are playing landlords. The elder sister really wanted to play, but she kept thinking about your instructions, but I think she was too tired and too hard to work through, so I wanted to let her touch the cards, let her wash the photos, and let her watch us As an outsider, he also participated in our game to a certain extent. However, this is absolutely no card game."

The words are clear, without stumbling, as if they were memorized.

Jiang Shouzheng sent the hand holding Jiang Shouji's ears, and Jiang Shouji stood firmly on the stool, not struggling, but... rubbed the palm of Jiang Shouji's hand covering her mouth.


Jiang Shouzheng retracted his hand in disgust. If Jiang Shouji were the fox's body, it would still look a little cute, but she is now in human form. Is this... Want to spit in the palm of his hand?

His eyes circled around Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji.

When it fell on Jiang Shouqin, Jiang Shouqin stood out.

When it fell on Jiang Shouji, Jiang Shouji pouted and blinked.

When they saw Daying and Ge Zhu, they both raised their hands high and shouted: "We testify! We testify!"

It's okay for Ge Zhu to raise his hand. With a "hand", the big eagle directly lifted the table to the ground and fell apart.

There is no fish when the water is clear.

Jiang Shouzheng was silent for a while, his expression gradually softened, and he threw a mana ball toward Daying: "My junior sister, junior brother, I'm causing you trouble."

"No merit is not rewarded!" The big eagle looked at the mana ball with a strong desire, but still firmly determined.

"Let’s take it. If you really feel that there is no way to collect it, it will be regarded as the cost of selling chickens for you. I heard that Ge Zhu has successfully graduated in the first period, and is to give the chickens you raised Are we?"

"This is true, but..." E-bookstore

"No, but! It just so happens that I still have one thing that I might need to cooperate with you. Could you please give it to me."

Jiang Shouzheng didn't give Daying a chance to refuse. He picked up Jiang Shouji like a child, and then filled Jiang Shouqin's anger with his mouth: "Look back."

The big eagle swallowed the mana ball in one bite, and hid it in his body for a while.

Following Jiang Shouzheng out of the gate, after hearing Jiang Shouzheng's instructions, he nodded, fluttered his wings, and shot in the direction of Qingfengguan.

But after a while, there was a loud noise from far away...

"Brother, can it be done?"

"Of course it can. Those people who came to our Qingfeng view were originally watching the excitement. Now that the big eagle is so big, the appearance of an eagle that is not common in the city is not more eye-catching than the Qingfeng view where we live?"

Jiang Shouzheng was determined. When he returned to the view of Qingfeng, there were only a few pieces of Wuyang Wuyang that were originally large, but now there are only a few sporadic ones. Everyone absent-mindedly bowed their heads and nodded the screen of their mobile phones.

Covering the three of them with an invisible barrier, avoiding the imperfect "camera prevention and control net", Jiang Shouzheng carried Jiang Shouqin's collar and threw him into the Taoist temple. In order to make the fall less painful, Jiang Shouqin was in the air. It has changed back to the body when it is in the middle.

"Brother, I am a girl. And, I'm only a few months old! Junior brothers are thousands of years old!!!"

Jiang Shouzheng made sense to think about it. He hugged Jiang Shouji who had just been thrown into the Taoist Temple, and then jumped into the Qingfeng Temple.

"Brother! You can definitely jump in with me! Why did you throw me in!" Jiang Shouji asked with his waist just being put down.

"This is my teacher... This is what I met an old man who taught me before. If there is one point of strength left, there is only one point left."

Looking at the reminiscences in Jiang Shouzheng's eyes, Jiang Shouji gently tugged at Jiang Shouzheng's clothes...Senior brother looks so pitiful...

~~Help!Does anyone have pity on me!~~

Jiang Shouji moved her feet awkwardly from Soul Eater Clean Lotus...


"These people are really boring."

"But people always seem to be so boring."

"Tiedan obviously has offspring, and he and Widow Li..."

Flying at a low altitude, after leading a group of people behind Qingfeng Temple, the big eagle screamed, flapped its wings fiercely, and fell into the sea of ​​clouds.

The sigh behind him has nothing to do with it.

Now that Lord Jiang Shouzheng had successfully completed the task assigned to him, Da Ying circled back to the Fu countryside.

Now that you already have a mana ball in your body, you can make good use of it to see if you can advance your bloodline, extend your lifespan a bit, or let yourself speak like a human...

Too much demand, too little mana.

After landing on the roof of Ge Zhu's house, Daying followed his feathers and closed his eyes and began to digest the mana ball Jiang Shouzheng had traded to it.

As soon as he absorbed a little bit, Jiang Shouzheng's voice came in his ear:

"Helping my younger sister and younger brother to cover up, I hope I won't have another one."

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