My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 281 How to live without a showdown!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Although the summer night will come later than usual, but when the night falls, the day's irritability will disappear, but the sentence "It doesn't matter if you wait a while later, as long as it is good enough."

Jiang Shouzheng threw a handful of mana balls to Ye Cuilian, so that he couldn't get enough to ask him again.

"Senior, please worry about it a little bit more." Jiang Shouzheng arched his hand at Ye Cuilian in gratitude.

Ye Cuilian hurriedly hid aside. He believed that Master Jiang Shouzheng's posture was not a so-called temptation or something else. He must be thankful from the inside.

However, Ye Cuilian had already mixed into the god system in a muddle, so he had to act according to the rules in the god system.

And Linjiang's only standard rule system for gods comes from the mother god, who says it is what he says.

The mother god has said that Jiang Shouzheng is more noble than him in the Linjiang realm. When every god sees Jiang Shouzheng, he must be humble. In case he is known by the mother god after receiving this ceremony, he I will never spare myself lightly.

Not to be light-hearted is secondary. The most important thing is that his current "post" has been replaced. Then the goodwill of Jiang Shouzheng and Linjiang Gods is maintained at the source and the chance of getting Jiang Shouzheng's mana is less.

The real benefits can be obtained with a little humility. Why not?

"I won't open the door for you anymore."

"It's okay, I can go through walls and doors."

Ye Cuilian tried her best to make her expression calm, drifting to the gate of Qingfeng Temple, and walking forward and pasting it on the gate.......

"You can't get out of this door at all?"

Ye Cuilian tried repeatedly, but the door couldn't go, and the wall couldn't go, she could only float out of the wall like just now.

It’s this way to come in, no problem, but it’s not good to go out!

As soon as Ye Cuilian floated out of the "airspace" of Qingfeng View, a huge force appeared behind Ye Cuilian. Before he could reflect it, it directly stuck to the poplar tree beside the quiet room.

The mana balls that Jiang Shouzheng bestowed were all swallowed by this alien species!

"Master Jiang Shouzheng, what can I do?" Ye Cuilian was still a little confused when she was detained by Jiang Shouzheng.

"...Wait a moment, maybe this tree is not full today, I will feed it."

A basketball-sized mana ball ran directly to the roots of the poplar tree through the soil. After feeling that it was being sucked very seriously, Jiang Shouzheng quickly gave Ye Cuilian a mana as it was, and then urged: "Run, this guy is stingy, even if he can't eat, he won't vomit out."

This time, Ye Cuilian did not leave slowly, but drifted away quickly.

When she felt a suction coming from behind her, Ye Cuilian left faster.

He doesn't have anything to do now. The class for ghosts is not in a hurry, so let's go and see Lin Ruhao first.

Lin Ru should still be in the library at this time.

She is helping, but also literate!




Luo Shi gritted his teeth and wanted to get up, but struggled for a while, even if the phone was pressed on his knees, and he lost strength.

Luo Shi's weight is too large, so he loses weight quickly. Now he has lost 30 pounds.90dy look at

According to online guides, if a heavy weight person loses weight, some "skin" may need to be cut off...He is not very clear about the specific reason, but there is a metaphor he can understand——

If the rubber of a balloon is compared to the skin of the human body, and the air in the balloon is compared to fat; if the balloon is blown to a large extent and then deflated, the balloon will not return to its original appearance. The more...relaxed.

He is happy to lose weight, but after knowing the above news, he will more or less have concerns.

"Now I am white and fat, very good. If the image becomes worse after the reduction, then why should I spend this time and energy on this matter?"

With the mentality of trying to lose weight, Luo Shi has not experienced any sagging skin.

"Perhaps it's because of drinking...Qingfeng Shui?"

Coming to such a reasoning, Luo Shi has a definite target.

The people who eat in the store these days range from greedy men to beauty-loving women.

He obviously opened a snack bar, but he lined up abruptly to form a milk tea shop.

"Don't blame the sisters for not telling you the secret to becoming beautiful!"

"I have been studying in the library every day for the past few days, but there is no problem with my skin!"

"It must be this herbal tea!"

The effect of Qingfeng Shui has been discovered in attempts after repeated attempts.

However, because Luo Shi implements a bundling sales strategy, women who come to consume Qingfeng Shui will bring their male girlfriends, male classmates, boyfriends, husbands... and the like.

As soon as the number of people lined up outside the store, and the news spread, it was a fission-style propaganda. Many merchants smelled business opportunities in it. Many people patted their chests and promised Luo Shi:

"Brother, you provide the formula, I provide packaging, publicity, manpower, materials, workshops, etc., etc., as long as you can think of, I can arrange everything a company needs! And, we are five to five! Trial operation every month, look at the effect, make a brand, and join in...

Luo Shi smiled but didn't answer. These Jiang Shouqin bosses would occasionally talk about it.

But the core problem is that if you know the recipe and how to make Qingfeng Shui, then there is no problem, change your career!Go straight to the market!

But...Qing Feng Shui was sold here by the boss of Jiang Shouqin.

If one day the boss Jiang Shouqin no longer consigns Qingfeng Shui here, will the source of life be settled?

Therefore, Luo Shi is very serious about preparing and studying daily meals.

Occasionally when he has free time, Luo Shi will also try Qingfengshui soaked rice, Qingfengshui instant noodles, Qingfengshui steamed rice, Qingfengshui soup dumplings, Qingfengshui mung bean soup...

But no matter how he tries, the original flavor is the best.

"Boss, is it really gone?"

"There is not a drop left, you can come early." Luo Shi said sincerely.

Seeing Luo Shi's chubby face and honest appearance, the last customer who did not drink Qing Feng Shui sighed and left.

Closing the store door, Luo Ya took out a box of cotton pads from his drawer...

"Since it can be taken internally, I have to try it for external use, maybe it can make my skin better!"

"Since there is a chance to become handsome for free, why don't I give it a try?"

"I have passed so many years now, and I want to be wonderful, happy, and unrestrained in the coming days!"

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