My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 284 Believe in Science!

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It was the first time that the traffic police had dealt with a traffic accident for so long, and both cars were undamaged in a "crash".

No legal damage!No legal responsibility!No one was injured!No property damage!

How to deal with it?

The truck driver said that he was driving ahead and felt that the butt of the car was hit by someone!

But what about the evidence?

The driving recorder in the coach car that was rear-end collision has been adjusted and taken out. From the perspective of the recorder and the exclamation of the people in the car, it should have been hit.

But then again, what about the damage after the collision?

If there is an emergency brake, there should be drag ruts on the ground, but there is no such thing.

"I must have been hit by this kid!"

"Who are you Lao Tzu?!"

"Sorry, Uncle Police."

Yan Ge looked down at the citizenship code registered by the truck driver... it was taken advantage of again!!!

"From the current evidence, it is very likely that both of you did not collide, and now neither of you has lost. What should you do?"

After Yan Ge reported the incident to the leader, he came to this conclusion. The truck driver kicked the bumper behind his car's buttocks, a little depressed:

"It shouldn't, I obviously heard a loud noise!"

However, now that there is no loss, he has no profit. The truck driver signed the traffic policeman's police slip and drove away after confirming that there was no objection to the handling result.

"You will drive a little more quietly from now on." Yan Ge glanced at Jiang Shouzheng and said in a low voice. He then glared at the coach Hu Congcong, who was standing beside him. "Cars are for transportation, not for finding passion. I really want to Drive fast, go to racing competitions, and don’t treat highway intersections as your own racing track. This is not only not responsible for your own life, but also a disregard for the lives of others..."

Jiang Shouzheng was earnestly accepting the instruction. Although he could guarantee that he would not hurt people or the car while driving, the kindness of others could not always be rejected, and the traffic police comrade also made sense.

What if something goes wrong?

I have always been cautious, how could I increase the speed so high under Hu Congcong's bewilderment?Is it because of the self-confidence that the over-filling of mana brings to you...or is it conceited?In other words, in the bottom of my heart, I subconsciously want to have such a "car accident" to see what level of my own strength, but this subconscious has already reached the level of automatically abandoning the safety of others?

The more Jiang Shouzheng thinks about it, the more painful his expression becomes. Yan Ge thinks that his education warning work has been achieved, and said softly:

"You don't have to blame yourself too much. I looked at your ID card. You should be our college entrance examination champion this year, right?"


Yan Ge received a positive reply and patted Jiang Shouzheng on the shoulder: "Since you have a smart brain, you must be responsible to yourself. Actually, I haven't been in work for a few years. At the end of the college entrance examination, a member of our class Classmates did quite well in the test. Also my good friend, although his family’s financial conditions are a bit difficult, he is still very confident because he must be high every time he takes the test. He is also careless and careless. Cows are going to cross the river, and people will also follow them. The cattle have come ashore, but people have not come up... I want to tell you that our lives are very fragile. Don’t abuse your own lives at will. You may be a man in the exam room, but you have to follow the rules when you leave the exam room..."

Jiang Shouzheng nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Do you understand what I said just now? Do you remember?"


"Really remembered?"

"Since you have a clever brain, you have to treat yourself..." Read the novel

"..., since you remember it, it's fine."

Yan Ge returned to the police car in a daze. The matter was over, so he turned off the siren.

The colleague who was on duty with him closed the door heavily, looked at the coach car going away, and said with emotion:

"Brother Yan, is this the top pick in the college entrance examination? What you just said, I sounded like he had memorized it word by word."

"Don't tell me about this. When I heard it, my brain hurts." Thinking of Jiang Shouzheng's repetition just now, Yan Ge himself was a little confused. What made him even worse... Jiang Shouzheng's child, It seems to be a voice actor, not only the content is repeated, but the tone, intonation, and timbre are exactly the same.

Being "admonished" by my own voice, the feeling was very...wonderful.


The police car vibrated slightly, and the colleague beside Yan Ge tilted his head and asked:

"Brother Yan, I have been partnering with you for so long, so why haven't you heard about the bullying classmate?"

In gear.


Yan Ge's body leaned back in the chair a little: "No friend in the middle."


After getting off the expressway, Hu Congcong first found an auto repair shop and asked them to do an expedited overhaul of the car.

As a veteran driver, he still has the basic maintenance ability, but he checked it again and found that except for the battery point may not be enough, other places are good and can meet the standard of use.

But as the person who was sitting in the passenger seat when the "car accident" happened, he was able to slap his chest to ensure that at that time, he was definitely hit!

He is still very familiar with the feeling of an accident. After all, after taking so many students, someone will always give him a ride on the road.

However, it was okay this time...

Obviously such a violent impact, suddenly came so suddenly, the brain and body did not react at all, and it passed.

But when I got off the car, the airbag did not open, and the front cover of the car was not scratched or worn...

My coaching qualifications were kept, and the traffic police did not give any punishment...

After thanking Taishang Laojun, Jade Emperor, Tathagata Buddha, Land Father, Kitchen God, Guan Gong and the like with gratitude, he couldn't help but pop out the note in his mind——

"Coach Hu Congcong: Hello, your daughter Hu Min has fallen victim to evil..."

Is there an expert in my car?

As soon as this thought arose in his mind, Hu Congcong couldn't help but glance at the four students who were playing mobile phones outside the auto repair shop...

If there is an expert, then the most likely one is Jiang Shouzheng!

If the memory did not deviate, at the moment the car slammed into it, all but Jiang Shouzheng inside the car was screaming, including him naturally.

The college entrance examination champion has supernatural ability?

As soon as this thought came to mind, the coach shook his head and scolded himself:

"What age is it, believe in science!"

"I should feel wrong!"

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