My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 285 Professional Team!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!On the return journey, the sun sets.

Maintenance was delayed too much time, but no problems were found.

On the way back, Jiang Shouzheng drove again. According to the principle of fairness, other students should have driven it. But now, apart from Jiang Shouzheng, no one dared to drive.

The feeling of the truck's ass suddenly enlarged in front of him, not everyone can alleviate it.

"At least one or two days, there is no way to go outdoors."

Hu Congcong looked at the rearview mirror, and the disappointed expression of the students in the back seat reflected clearly.

"It's okay, be happy, relax, we just almost had a car accident, not yet..."

Before Hu Congcong's words were finished, one of the students was astonished:

"Coach, please perform your duties as a coach. You just almost had a car accident. You are absolutely responsible for the main responsibility!"

"Why is it my responsibility?"

"If it wasn't for you to babble around, why would Jiang Shouzheng set the car speed to 150+?"

Seeing that a small-scale quarrel was about to break out in the car, Jiang Shouzheng slammed the car horn, which attracted everyone's attention.

"Coach, I really need you to help me look at it. Am I right? Should I put the file up again..."


"Sister Xiaobai, are we doing this right?"

Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji sat in the main hall, wearing the bath towels that Jiang Shouzheng blessed the "invisibility enchantment", and looked out of the view of Qingfeng.

"What's wrong? It must be right! No matter what method is used, as long as they can leave, it is right." Jiang Shouji looked out Qingfeng, "Look at this group of people, it's really fine now. Come to our Taoist temple to play the autumn breeze! Although I also want to be an anchor, I have never thought of eating as ugly as they are."

As Jiang Shouji said, there were a few very gentle men outside Qingfengguan, bending down, clutching their stomachs and walking out.

"Well, Sister Xiaobai, what you said makes sense." Jiang Shouqin nodded and glanced at the scattered bird droppings on the quiet room. He felt a little uneasy. "These guys make it impossible for us to go out to walk the birds in the morning That's it! Some birds are stupid and can't help but don't know how to fly out. Now the area we need to clean has expanded again!"

Speaking of this juncture, Jiang Shouqin is more and more angry...

"Because of these guys, I have to break a small leaf of my own to Luo Shi, let him use it to soak in water! It hurts!"

Covered in a bath towel, Jiang Shouqin gritted his teeth bitterly, thinking of what he would spend to upgrade members, advance on-demand, increase internet speed, purchase skins, expand cloud storage resources, buy online courses for actors' self-cultivation, upgrade accessories, etc. If the cost of going out was not for these people at the door, he could easily provide Qingfeng Shui with no obstacles and punctuality. However, the current status quo and the ban on foot restrictions given by the seniors make him uncomfortable. Don't make such a sacrifice!

Pulling a leaf from my body to soak in water, it hurts too much!

"Didn't you study what you have for? Why didn't you hear your complaints while studying?"

"A little sacrifice for research is completely acceptable to me, but I am unwilling to make sacrifices to make money and soak in water. The pain will naturally be infinitely magnified!" Jiang Shouqin fiddled with it. I glanced at the tiles under my body and saw that it was refreshing and clean, without any ants or watermelon bugs to tease me, and covered the tiles again.

"You are also hypocritical."

After Jiang Shouji made a judgment for Jiang Shouqin, she continued to release her "beautiful power" to those outside Qingfeng!

Point shot.61 Wenku

Some people leave, but there are also newcomers.

Jiang Shouji didn't dare to make a large-scale influence, so she had to speed up her burst.

Jiang Shouqin continued to squat in the hall, swiping his mobile phone, and controlled the people outside to not have the idea of ​​overturning the wall.

"If this goes on, it's not a single thing."

Compared with Jiang Shouji's habit of doing things personally, Jiang Shouqin is the kind of lazy temperament.

Many videos on the Internet can find pirated HD resources, but because he is lazy, he did not look for them; a lot of storage software, you can download the cracked version or add deciphering software, you can achieve the same effect as the original, because he is too lazy to go Find, get;...

"Can you find some outsourcing team to handle this matter?"

Jiang Shouqin began to ponder... Ye Cuilian and the team behind him suddenly jumped into his mind.

How about contact?

"Little ones, all assembled, come to live!"

Ye Cuilian raised her arms, and the shady mass grave was even more gloomy.

Under his greeting, ghosts that were willing to accept his dispatch and not contaminated with sins appeared in the soil.

"Boss Jiang Shouqin of Qingfeng View, I believe everyone is familiar with it!"

The hanged ghost's tongue stretched out, the car accident ghost squatted on the ground and began to fumble his own eyes, the coward kept adding flesh and blood to his guts, and the starved ghost was eating vinegar and garlic one bite after another...

Looking at the team that did not have much enthusiasm, Ye Cuilian continued:

"Boss Jiang Shouqin assigned us a task. The two ghosts are free to team up and complete in groups. Which group scares the most people, then that group can get a leaf that was pulled from Master Jiang Shouqin."

The atmosphere immediately became active.

Ye Cuilian was very satisfied with everyone's performance now. He clapped her hands and attracted the attention of the noisy ghost group:

"I now warn three points. First, the strong cannot swallow the weak with whom they cooperate to achieve the purpose of enhancing their own strength; second, the scary methods must not be repetitive. They must be innovative and novel, especially Different from film and television works, you can refer to applicable literary works; third, no matter which team wins, I hope to let me smell it and charge a little intermediary service fee."

Speaking of this, Ye Cuilian added intently: "Just now it was only three big points, now I will talk about nine small points..."

While talking about it, Ye Cuilian helped everyone adjust the appearance of the ghosts to the appearance of normal humans, using sound effects and disgusting faces to scare people. That was just a very superficial way of making fear.

As a professional contracting service team, it is always necessary to reach the level of "thinking and terrifying" in order to meet the requirements of Party A Jiang Shouqin.

And... if you fail to meet Party A's requirements, your life will be in danger if you are not guaranteed.

The sun has set again, and it's time to start showing real technology.

Jiang Shouzheng, who had returned from training, could clearly feel Qingfengguan's genitals before he heated the stove.


Jiang Shouzheng glanced at Jiang Shouqin who was swallowing frantically...

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