My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 286 People follow the crowd.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The red lantern, the ruined Taoist temple, fell on the ground like a shadow of a withered tree.

The bright moonlight cannot wash away the impetuousness in people's hearts...

#, the national college entrance examination champion.#

Such entries shouldn't appear in the hot search list again. There are many things happening every day in this world, and there are overwhelming events in production every day.

But because Jiang Shouzheng hasn't showed up for interviews since the exams, the enthusiasm has remained high for a long time.

Especially after Jiang Shouzheng's life experience was partially exposed, the heat of nowhere to vent began to rise again.

##, #twiddle brothers that did not appear in the college entrance examination#, ##, ##, #Jiang Shouzheng Learning methods and experience to break the monopoly in the absence of teaching resources#... ...

Even if someone wants to help suppress the popularity and remove the hot search, but objective browsing data, comment content, etc., can not be deleted if they want to delete...

Because the official media has not made a sound in this respect, and the popularity among them remains high, it has given many self-media people and Internet celebrities room to play.

Originally, there was not much room to play. Everyone just found places where Jiang Shouzheng used to work part-time and found Jiang Shouzheng’s classmates through various channels, clocked in and interviewed, because everyone’s tone was still relatively tight, and Jiang Shouzheng’s address was just It was exposed in Fang Bin's place, and the content of the report was originally intended to catch the wind, but after a few passes, it was conclusive.

Ever since, they came here all in one mind.

Although they did not see Jiang Shouzheng while squatting outside Qingfeng Temple, they had a chance!

"What others can't do, in case I can do it!"

With this idea, people came one after another.

In order to fulfill their own ideas, or beliefs, they always have to give something, such as setting up many tents outside the Qingfeng Temple.

These tents did not last long before they were "painted" with a lot of bird droppings, which made them smelly, but the hardship of the environment further stimulated their desire for "victory".

It was originally like an environment outside of the breeze, people can't stand it, but it can't stand the crowd.

If there are more people and lively, you will not be afraid.

How many people are there?

The takeaway boy can find this remote place directly without navigating...

Smelling the scent of the breeze that drifted in from outside, and feeling the denser yin outside, after listening to Jiang Shouqin's explanation.

Jiang Shouzheng rubbed his hands, looked out of the sky with his eyes open, and said lightly:

"Trouble everyone, don't frighten people."

"Your request, we will do our best to fulfill it."

Ye Cuilian arched her body towards Qingfengguan, then clapped her hands and said loudly:

"One of them counts as one, did you hear what Jiang Shouzheng said just now?"


"speak louder!"


"What about the three major exhortations I said? Repeat it again!"


"Then what about the nine small instructions I said? Repeat it neatly for me!"


"There is also a memo that I said to you, and repeat it to me."

"..." 27KK novel

Ye Cuilian's cheering seemed endless.

Anyway, she also has Zhuang Keke as an adviser, and what she says is very strict.

Can say more, say a lot!As tight as possible, there is so tight!

Ensure that everyone's code of conduct is regulated within the maximum limits, and taking advantage of these gaps, Ye Cuilian separated her own soul and began to do a comprehensive "physical examination" for people outside Qingfeng Temple.

These days, Ye Cuilian was entrusted by Jiang Shouzheng to take care of Kong Li in the hospital. At any rate, he also gave herself boring time to find something to do, and from time to time, she was attached to people for short periods of time to eat and taste.

Therefore, He has accumulated a lot of sickness.

Now to perform physical examinations for people outside Qingfeng View, that is, to see his personal feelings, the core purpose is to control risks.

In case there is a cardiovascular disease or something that scares a person, he doesn't think this is the result that Master Jiang Shouzheng would like to see...

"Old Ban, do you have anything to do?"

"I just saw a video outside your house on the Internet. It's a huge torrent of water. Would you like to find a place to hide for a while?"

"Don't hide for now."

"It doesn’t matter if you don’t hide, then promise me, no matter what, don’t show impatience when you meet the guy outside. Your emotions, under so many eyes outside, will be interpreted as different meanings. Under so many open-mouth publicity, there will be many entry-point publicity. In case you are labeled as arrogant by them, it will be very, very troublesome and bad for your future development."

"Will a bad image cause me to be unable to register as a car-hailing platform owner?"

"..., huh, huh...I don't want to talk to you now, as soon as I hear the word taxi, I feel my brain hurt!!!"

The phone was hung up by the boss again, and there was no time to say "goodbye".

Jiang Shouzheng put the phone back in his pocket and listened to Ye Cuilian, who was still shouting slogans in excitement.



Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji yelled each, but Jiang Shouzheng did not respond.

They glanced at each other and followed Jiang Shouzheng with their hands behind them, looking very honest.

In their opinion, Jiang Shouzheng has no inaudible problem, and he didn't reply. It must be something they did wrong!

Although I don't know what went wrong, the attitude of admitting mistakes must be set first!And you have to think about it, what happened to yourself just now!

I really can't think of it. When I walked on the threshold when I left the hall, I could also review it.

Feeling their approach, Jiang Shouzheng removed the mana membrane from his ear, and turned around strangely: "What are you doing behind me?"

"Brother, let's admit our mistakes, we shouldn't..."


After hearing the reason, Jiang Shouzheng was amused: "Okay, it's not that you are wrong, you are not wrong, but I just cut off my hearing."

After receiving Jiang Shouzheng's reply, Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way, what did you just call me for?"

Jiang Shouji pointed to the top of the main hall and said: "In the afternoon, my junior and I wrapped the'invisibility cloak' you left us. After we took it off, we threw it on the roof, and then we couldn't find it.. ...."


Continue until about two o'clock.

At this time, Jiang Shouzheng was already settled, and Jiang Shouji and Jiang Shouqin were not playing games anymore. The birds on the alien species only needed to sleep in their nests, and most of the people who watched the breeze gradually fell into their dreams.

"The Scary Plan, officially launched!"

"Our slogan is-let no one dare to stand outside Qingfeng!"

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