My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 287 Credit Consumption.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!This year, the entertainment industry is profitable.

After being able to eat, there is never a word in social life-play.

People are either playing or preparing to play, even if they go to work and study, they also pay attention to gamification!

Every time you learn a word, a sentence, a conversation... a part of the reward will be given, even if the reward itself does not have any substantive meaning, such as the specific points, experience, etc. of that APP.

But it's fun!

It's fun, just like learning, just learn it!

Play is undeniably an inevitable theme of this era.

And "plaything" in people's hearts, especially among the younger generation, is no longer equated with the traditional "mourning".

Play, you can also play many tricks.

Rock climbing, skating, skiing, tightrope walking, bungee jumping and other extreme sports are not only playing, but also the release of physical and mental potential, the courage to challenge yourself, the collision and release in the process of integrating with nature and society.

Play has been given the core, and similarly, it has a more elegant name-entertainment.

Among entertainment, the most inevitable, unavoidable, low-cost, and low-threshold is playing games. With the inclusion of the Internet and the struggle of generations of gamers, playing games also has a gentle nickname— -E-sports, referred to as e-sports.

These years, the entertainment industry is profitable. Everyone wants to play, anyone can play, and anyone can play.

But the same is that if there is no professional team to support, and no choice in line with the market is made, you will also be shot to death under the huge waves of the times, and you will lose money in the slightest and go bankrupt in the worst.

How many benchmarks are up, it means that countless nutrients have fallen down.

Of course, being able to be seen is always the benchmarks that have been erected, and those benchmarks allow people to continue to advance in that direction.

Linjiang's Pingling Mozi Internet Cafe is a living example.

Its predecessor was PuLingMoZi Internet Cafe. Ten years ago, Internet cafes were simply a profitable and money-grabbing business. As long as a piece of ground, a few square computers, and a few network cables, the money would be like He jumped into the Internet cafe with his feet, and couldn't stop it!

Internet cafe owners are not woken up by alarm clocks or biological clocks every day, but are woken up by knocking on the door.

"Boss! Open the door boss! I will smash the door if I don't open the door again!"

This sentence is really painful and happy.

Internet cafes are basically spinning around the clock. When there are activities in the game or online battles of large groups, the Internet cafes are simply overcrowded. If there is no way to queue up the machine, then you can only stand by and shout and yell. If it succeeds "Oh oh oh!", it fails "Eh eh eh!".

At that time, people were still simple, occupying a space in the store, always trying to find a way to give the boss a sum of money, or a glass bottle of drink, or a pack of cigarettes.

At that time, Internet cafes with more smoke and thicker smoke represented popularity!

However, with the passage of time, there are more and more Internet cafes, social travel changes, and more people and companies enter this field. The income of Internet cafes has begun to weaken. First, computers have begun to decline, and then network cables have begun to move toward ordinary families... .... In the end, it collapsed like an avalanche.

On the telephone poles, in addition to "Cure all diseases", "Help to have children", "Unlocking and matching locks" and so on, there is also a small advertisement-resale second-hand desktop computers, 90% new, and large quantities are available ( XXX Internet cafes).

Up to now, the traditional Internet cafes have basically no way to survive and have to be transformed and upgraded. They have a new unified name-Internet cafes.

Larger, cleaner, and more spacious environment, more comfortable configuration, faster internet speed, better service attitude, "I love to play, don’t have fun", etc., will never get from the boss again "Customer is God" appeared in his mouth, the sentence has been regarded as a classic.

It was the night, and Puling Mozi Internet Cafe welcomed today's first guest, hoping not to come in to borrow the toilet.

A handsome young man in a neat little suit opened his wallet, rummaged in it for a while, took out a credit card and an ID card from it, and patted it directly on the table.Ranwen Novel

"Boss, I'll cover the round for three hours. How much do you want?"


"I said, I want to book the venue now for three hours, how much do you want for the boarding fee!"

"This gentleman, are you taking me... for fun?"

Never encountered such a situation, never!

Seeing the boss's dumbfounded appearance, the young man pushed his credit card and ID card forward slightly, and tentatively said:

"I'm on the plane with you for three hours. I play by myself. You can brush me 20,000 yuan, can you?"

After getting a clear number, the boss quickly calculated it in his mind. Yesterday he earned less than a thousand... count it as a fart!

"If the drinks are calculated separately, there is no problem."

The boss put his hand on the credit card and ID card, trying to drag in his direction, but found that he was crushed to death.


"I hope that in the next three hours, no one here will bother me. Whether it's the boss or the waiter here, I don't want anyone to be there."

"no problem."

After receiving a response, the youth let go, and the boss picked up his ID card and credit card:

"Mr. Lin Qingxian?"

"it is me."

After getting on the computer, backing up the identity information, the boss directly extinguishes the computer he is currently on, regardless of whether the game will be reported!

When the colleague who returned the credit card and ID card, the boss pretended to inadvertently click on "There is monitoring here" on the counter, then packed the POS machine, Shi Shiran left, and pulled the door curtain by the way.

"I'll be back on time in three hours. If you leave early, the infinite password on the wall is my mobile phone number. Please also trouble Mr. Lin to call me."

Pull the door curtain, and unplug the open lights outside the store.

"Lin, Qing, Xian, really a name with enough leisure. I just looked at his wallet. It seems that there are many bank cards. Most of them are credit cards. This kid seems to have a serious awareness of advanced consumption, but What does this have to do with me? Anyway, it’s fine if I have money, so what does he care about? It’s not my child."

In the empty Internet cafe, Lin Qingxian turned on the computer, logged into the web interface proficiently, and opened his own live broadcast channel.

"You are live streaming on a third-party device. Do you want to sync?"

After clicking to confirm, Lin Qingxian's live broadcast room displayed the main body of the live broadcast.

What kind of experience is #?#

On the live interface, the computer desktop was displayed, and Lin Qingxian turned off the miniature camera hanging on his left chest.

“Dear fans, please be online. As a live broadcast fan, an intern teacher at the admissions office of the Shangougou Wenwu School, and a late-stage patient with lazy cancer, I would like to offer you a message to everyone when he failed to recruit Jiang Shouzheng. I present this live broadcast for everyone to see what interesting things can be done by an Internet cafe..."


Ps1. The "Lin Qingxian" that appears in this article is a "Long Tao Lou" message left by the reader [Qing Xuan-Soul Yuan] at the "Starting Point" end.

Ps2. Seek qualified and convenient readers to come to the starting point...Subscribe to orz.

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