My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 288 Weight loss is a topic that cannot be bypassed in life.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!People are social animals, but because of the existence of the Internet, people will occasionally forget their own nature and seek solitude from time to time. Listening to the inner voice is reflection, and indulging in external desires is home.

However, this kind of solitude is mostly exercise and unintentional. If it is done occasionally and deliberately, it will cause people to be very anxious.

Lin Qingxian, who lives in the Internet Cafe, is now in such an inexplicable state of anxiety.

One person has booked a field, spent money, and don't know what to do.

Playing games, I don’t feel it; watching a drama, I’m not in the mood; I pull a package of melon seeds from the cargo rack and tear them apart, but I don’t have the energy. I will pay the boss more money later...

"Suddenly I feel so boring. How about taking you around in this internet cafe? I won't charge the internet cafe owner's advertising fees."

"Fans who have spare money give me the rocket or something. As usual, I will donate the money you rewarded, and I will make financial information public. I like the fun, and I have only two advantages, handsome and rich."

"Don't'bah', when you look at my beautiful face, do you seem to have not violated a little bit? That's right, it means that I have a good foundation."

Lin Qingxian chatted with netizens while adjusting the port of his live broadcast. After switching to the mobile phone, he asked:

"Can everyone see me?"

After getting the affirmative reply from everyone, he put his phone on the selfie stick and started to visit this internet cafe with netizens...

This internet cafe actually has nothing to visit. It is not a place of interest, nor is it built with huge amounts of money. But after Lin Qingxian started to stroll around, the audience on the other side of the live broadcast room became excited. The direct manifestation is the enthusiasm. Increase in rewards.

Strangely enough, the taste of netizens this year is getting lighter and lighter.

When Zeng Wang's live broadcast was first popular, everyone liked to be lively, singing, dancing, how to stimulate it.

But with the passage of time, everyone began to pursue plainness, cooking, making pastries, chatting, walking the dog,..., what's more, many people would go to see it while sleeping.

"Let’s visit the first floor. Let’s go to the second floor to take a look. Oh, the smell on the second floor is very big now. It seems that the second floor is a smoking area. Let me smell the smoke inside... ..."

While talking, Lin Qingxian squatted down, picked up the trash can and turned it upside down, and then began to tell the brand of cigarettes solemnly.

This kind of reversal and interaction made the audience in the live broadcast room amused.

But this happiness didn't last long, and it was interrupted when the light above Li Qingxian burst.

"What a pure flesh and blood! What a full spirit!"

"I have stayed here for so long, and I finally waited for the opportunity. After eating you, I will be perfect!"

The faint voice began to swell on this level, and every time I said a sentence, it seemed to oscillate with an echo.

This sudden change made the audience shouted for excitement.

"Boy, come forward by yourself, I can still leave you a whole body."

Lin Qingxian pushed the glasses he used to decorate, and said to the live broadcast room: "When you encounter this situation, you must be calm. If you can't calm your mind, then you need to take out the "Life and Death Book". "!"

With that said, Lin Qingxian took out a booklet with a size of 105*148mm from his pocket.

"This "Book of Life and Death" is related to yin and yang. It records life and death. I believe that the profound people who grew up listening to myths and stories will certainly not need me to introduce too much. The book I have is the initial edition and is invaluable! Now you all want to ask, this is in my hand, what should you do if you encounter the current situation in the future?" 137 novel network

Lin Qingxian walked toward the group of purple awns in front of him like a stroll, and the pitch black surroundings slowly climbed into the bleak green.

[My God, can you do special effects on live broadcast now?Is the effect so powerful?]

[I know, I know, this person must have a team, can one person do this?]

[Awesome, blow!]

The popularity of the live broadcast room continues to rise, and the label has been replaced from "life" by the content of the message captured by the system to "suspense" and "deduction".

"If you want to have a "Book of Life and Death" like me, you are welcome to click on my main business. There is a reset version of "Book of Life and Death" in my product column. It takes ninety-nine to bring home the reset version 3.0 of "Book of Life and Death"! Buyers can still choose the version of Cornell's Notes or the version of Dongda's Notes. , Then you can send me the electronic version and let the factory print it directly!..."

Lin Qingxian became more and more enthusiastic as he spoke, his face flushed slightly, and his saliva accidentally splashed on the front camera. He pressed "Life and Death Book" on his palm with three fingers, and wiped a hand with the index finger of his right hand in front of the front camera From the perspective that the audience couldn't see, the index finger of the right hand, moistened with saliva, pressed on the cover of The Book of Life and Death.

[Fingerprint authentication is successful, Lin Qingxian, the first level permission "Life and Death Book" is launched.]

The dark red text appeared on the cover of the kraft paper, and Lin Qingxian secretly vomited: "The fingerprint authentication of "The Book of Life and Death" is really a bit awkward. When you have time, you should keep it warm. If you have dry fingers like mine, It’s too much trouble to breathe or get a little water on every use."

And when Lin Qingxian vomited secretly, the audience in the live broadcast room was even more intense.

[Green!Green!How can I do it.]

[Fuck!This is a word of praise.]

[If the reset version of "The Book of Life and Death" also has such a gorgeous effect, I will buy it.]

From the viewer's perspective, the color of the cover of "The Book of Life and Death" has approached dark green, which is more eerie and scary than the surrounding environment.

"Um... Um, don't come here!"

In this scene, the gloomy horror bass suddenly stuttered, adding a comedy effect inexplicably.

"If you let me come over, I'll come over, if you don't let me come over, I won't come over, then I'm very shameless?"

Lin Qingxian continued to walk forward with a smile, and along with the "Book of Life and Death" in his hand toss forward. At the highest point, "Book of Life and Death" overcame the gravitational force, hovering directly in the air, and flipped to the middle.

A big blood-red letter rushed out of the book page, twisted and drilled--



"God of skewers! I take it! I take it! You take me quickly..."

The shout stopped abruptly, and the red "death" character seemed to be a little stronger. After the "death" character returned to "Life and Death Book", the surrounding environment returned to normal.

Picking up the "Book of Life and Death" from the ground, trembling, Lin Qingxian turned to the side that was just spread out——

[Guizi, I have eaten too much during this period, and I need to lose weight. If I continue to eat, I may be so fat that I can’t get back into the Book of Life and Death.--dead.]


Ps. Thank you readers [Qingxuan-Hunyuan] for the thousand rewards.Thank you readers [Haifenghao] for your 200 rewards.Thank you reader [HUNTER Zhao Ge] for the seven hundred rewards.

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