My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 289 Wen Quxing.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Seeing that his back-end orders have increased again, Lin Qingxian feels very happy.

"As long as it is an order, then the minimum credit card repayment limit this month will be available."

For the former Lin Qingxian, the money was only a number, but for him now, it was hard-won.

It is easy to change from frugality to luxury, but difficult to change from luxury to frugality.

The most noble truth is always expressed in the simplest way.

For example, F=GMmr2...

Of course, if Lin Qingxian is willing to nod his arrogant head, then money will immediately turn into a series of numbers for him.

"Life is alive, I am willing to have money hard to buy."

After chatting with the audience in the live broadcast room for a while, after accepting their flattery and doubts, the live broadcast room was closed.

He counted the amount of rewards and clicked on the donation channel directly, and the money would not enter his bank account.

"No one can give me a reward, no one. I will take what I want, reward, hehe."

Lin Qingxian seemed to have thought of something, snorted disdainfully, then knelt down and sniffed beside the trash can full of cigarette butts.

"Today is the 52nd day I quit smoking because of poverty. Come on, Ollie will give it!"

To encourage himself, Lin Qingxian got up and went downstairs.

The way to not accept temptation is to stay away from temptation. This is the truth given to him by his father since he was young.

Even if his father is dead now, the truth is the truth after all.

Adhering to the spirit of not wasting money, Lin Qingxian lay down on the massage chair and started playing games. He wanted to be a sparring partner, but no one placed an order...

"How can God get mixed up with ghosts?"

Lin Qingxian just thought about the cry of the ghost before it was "dead" swallowed, and then left the matter behind.

It is impossible to think about something, and now it is enough for him to make money.

If you can really meet some "god of skewers" in the future, then you should look into it carefully. If you can't, then it consumes brain cells now, isn't it a waste of your own energy?

Look, when I was distracted, I died again.

Fortunately, I bought a hanger, hey, little thief, I didn't expect me to be a hanger in front of you!


Ye Cuilian looked to the southeast, and felt that the connection that had just been set up suddenly broke.


Ye Cuilian's eyes were slightly jealous, but when he glanced at the plaque of Qingfeng View, he stood up again...

The new official has three fires, and as a deity with a system is no exception.

During this period of time, Ye Cuilian was pursuing the system of "with inner ghosts", and with the help of god friends, he has collected many ghosts in his bag, but there are always very few ghosts who don't know how to work like a stinky stone. His command.

He can understand, after all, he has become a ghost, and his temperament will basically have some paranoia.

As long as there is no blood stain and the power can be restrained, he will not interfere excessively.

The guy who just connected to him is a coward hiding in an internet cafe called "Pingling Mozi", who specializes in scaring people and eating fear.

I don't know how it seems to offend a capable person, now he is belching.

But now he has God Gu Deng above him, backed by Qingfeng View, he doesn't think there will be any big problems in his life.

If he can have a partner, he believes that he will live happily and happily.

"Why didn't I get married in the first place?"

Ye Cuilian thought for a long time, but found that she couldn't remember the reason at all. She took off her head and shook it a few times, but still didn't think of the answer.

"Forget it, I don't want to, let's clean up these people well." A person ran out of the tent and crawled away. Ye Cuilian nodded in satisfaction.

Now there are only 7 "nail households" left. There are still 30 minutes before the boss Jiang Shouqin and Master Jiang Shouji get up and go out. Ye Cuilian decisively shed some of her supernatural power and provided necessary help.

She wants to make sure that Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji can go out to catch the birds later, and then take the opportunity to show her credit and ask them to say something for themselves.


People are made of flesh and blood and need rest, but as long as the money is sufficient, flesh and blood will be cast into steel by money.

At 3:30 in the morning, outside the Kyoto University of Chemical Materials School, a cleaner already started cleaning once a day.

The cleanliness of the city is closely related to them, but the fruit of the city's glory is basically not for them.

Old Tantou leaned his broom against the school wall and pulled out the thermos cup in his pants pocket.

This is a good thermos cup, but it was thrown away by the previous owner because of the paint peeling off.

When Old Tantou picked it up, he hesitated for a while before he chose to sell it as scrap.

Since it works, wait until it is used up before throwing it away.

After unscrewing the bottle cap, white mist appeared from the warm water, and the old Tantou breathed out and started to pour it out.


After drinking enough, the old Tantou carefully screwed the cap on the bottle and continued to put the cup back in his pocket. Then he picked up his broom and started cleaning.

The quality of people is much higher now. When we used to sweep the streets, there was rubbish on the ground. Now, except for dead branches, fallen leaves and dust, the rest of the rubbish is much less. Everyone consciously throws rubbish into the trash can because of the sorting of rubbish. Because of this, Lao Tantou’s efficiency in picking up garbage bottles is much higher than it was a few years ago.

"Master, please let me."

Old Tantou subconsciously leaned to the side of the road, and then an electric car crookedly passed in front of him, with a hint of wine remaining in the air.

"If this is my doll, I will beat him."

See what time is it now?

If you don't sleep in the bed, and don't prepare for tomorrow's schoolwork, it seems that you must come back from the beginning!

Even if this is the case, Lao Tantou will meet several times a day, but he still feels distressed.

There are problems with my children's high school entrance examinations this year. It was too late for education. In the first year of middle school, the children could not do anything except their own names.

When the elementary school teacher is happy, he compares the textbook to a lesson, and when he is unhappy, he plays cartoons to the children. Can such a teacher teach students well?

It is a pity that by the time their parents discover the problem, it is already too late!!!

The child will be in the third year of the next semester. In their place, a class with a hundred or so students will have the opportunity to go to high school only in the top 20 of the class.

The child was striving for a year, from the bottom to fifty, but there is still a long way to go to high school.

The old Tantou has promised him that if he can get to the top forty in the class next semester, he will take him to Kyoto for a stroll.

"Damn! Jiang Shouzheng chose our school!"

A lingering sound came from the school...

Jiang Shouzheng, the name Lao Tantou is very familiar during this time. I heard that it is the top pick in the college entrance examination, or the national one. In their hometown, this is the reincarnation of Wenquxing!

"It would be great if the child could shake hands with Wen Quxing."

Old Tantou muttered a few times in his heart, but he also knew that this was impractical.

What is the actual one?

It is the broom to be picked up in the hand.

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