My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 294 Cracked.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Painful groans are always the main theme of the hospital. Even in the ward, no matter how good the soundproofing is, the wailing will not stop. When the door is pushed open, they can't wait to squeeze out of the sick room...

It is night now, and the white coats working in the hospital rely on the clock to distinguish between morning and night, rather than sunrise and sunset.

They have been working for a day, either leaning behind the door, or squatting at the root of the wall, trying to find a place where they can be less noticed.

The time to rest is always good. When you can fall asleep by squatting on the wall, you will discover how pleasant sleep is.Staying up late to explode acne on the face and inflammation of the gums, that is what it should be. People with varicose veins are no longer a minority.

Their depressed groaning and chirping, mixed in with the whine, looked so inconspicuous, and would not be noticed.

They are human beings, but after putting on a white coat, they are given a fearless heart and a physique of steel plates. Where they are needed, they can never show a trace of weakness.Even if the body is tired, when the wrist-bound paging reminds the ward to ask for help, the mental head immediately comes again.

Wang Qiang leaned against the wall and gave a way to the doctor who had just fallen asleep and is now running wildly. Oh, to be honest, he doesn’t know whether the one just now is a doctor or a nurse. They are all wearing white lab coats, and they don’t know much about it. come out.

In the past, doctors and nurses were still very easy to distinguish between male doctors and female nurses, but now there are more female doctors and male nurses. Without a little understanding of this aspect, it is still difficult to distinguish between them, just like military ranks. If you understand, you can understand, and if you don’t understand, you can’t understand.

Fill the hot water bottle in the boiling water room, and overflow the cork after the cork is inserted to ensure that the cork will not fall off.

However, it is hot.

The original thermos bottle was made of plastic with a lid and a stopper attached to it. It had excellent airtightness. Even if you put boiling water in it for a day and put it in the cup the next day, it will burn your mouth.

However, the pregnant woman has an inexplicable fear of plastics and the like. When "this is not good for the child" is said, the thermos bottle should be eliminated.

When buying steamed buns and steamed buns, there is no need for the other party to provide free plastic bags. Bringing a glass insulation box is the right way...

Holding the handle in one hand and the bottom of the bottle in the other, he returned to the ward.

Kong Li was already asleep, and his plump daughter felt that someone was flicking her face, her eyes opened and closed again.

"How do children feel like they are sleeping all day long, isn't it said that it will be very noisy?"

Wang Qiang wiped the saliva from the corner of the baby's mouth with a baby wipe and straightened her head. Under the pillow, there was Jiang Shouzheng's notebook.

——The shape of a child’s head comes out of sleep.

After tidying up the messy ward a little bit, Wang Qiang sat on the chair by the window, raised his head, and leaned back a little. The moment his head was on the glass, his neck was slightly cramped.

The sound of "kaka" between the bones made him unable to hold his fist and beat it a few times.

"The baby is just born. I have to treat my body well."

Thinking of this, Wang Qiang showed a happy smile on his tired face, moved his shoulders and neck a little, and did a set of eye exercises by the way.

I wanted to do some low-noise exercises in the ward, such as quietly squatting against the wall, push-ups, etc., but he was a little sleepy and unable to open his eyes.

"Sleep, sleep."

Lying on the small sofa with a blanket on his stomach, Wang Qiang slept sideways and clothed himself. In fact, he prefers to sleep on his back, but the snoring sound will be loud...

I don't know how long I have been lying down, or whether I have fallen asleep, the phone in Wang Qiang's pocket kept shaking, splitting the chaos like Pangu, making Wang Qiang courage to open his eyes.


I sat up suddenly, took a few rough breaths, suddenly remembered his environment, and immediately covered his mouth and held his breath.

It should have been squinted for a while, and now the spirit is up.

The phone in his pocket was still shaking constantly, reminding Wang Qiang to open it.

There was a hint of irritation in my heart, but this did not blame the other party. Who did not mute the phone?

I turned on the phone and swiped the screen. Several publishing houses found...

Then have a good chat with them, it's time to help Jiang Shouzheng to finalize this matter.

This kid is going to college soon. In college, the expenses will always be a lot... In case this kid finds a girlfriend in school... Chinese

Thinking of this, Wang Qiang thought of Yao Qian's appearance and the goldware he was given away.

"Well, if Yao Qian can take Jiang Shouzheng down, then there is no need to worry about preparing the money for him."

"But, it's impossible! If it can be won, these two guys should not show up when they were in school, but they didn't."

Every teacher is a person who came over, and they were also students themselves. How could they not understand that little thing between students?It's just that most of the time, the teacher really closes one eye and blocks it, which often arouses the students' rebellious mentality.

As long as the grades don't go downhill, then let him go.

From the perspective of a non-class teacher, a puppy love... is better than being single for a lifetime!

Anyway, a group has been sent away, Wang Qiang's mentality is very relaxed, he can completely examine his original behavior as a bystander, but his ass decides his head. This sentence is still very correct... .

My thoughts are flying, my thumb is also very busy, and the phone interface keeps cutting screen...

After half an hour, the publication of Jiang Shouzheng's notebook will basically be finalized.

Maximize benefits and minimize life impact!

As long as Jiang Shouzheng can get the money, then there is no problem. When he brought these notebooks last time, he also made it clear that these notebooks are tasteless to him.

Food is tasteless, but it is a pity to discard it.

At any rate, he spent a lot of money on pen and notebook.

As soon as they are sold, they are all back!

"I hope this money can be received as soon as possible."

Given his attitude, Wang Qiang sent Jiang Shouzheng's bank card number to the other party.

"This matter is finally over. When the money arrives, talk to Jiang Shouzheng. I have to ask this kid to get me another piece of Buddha Jumping the Wall. I didn't have it last time. Let him earn so much, so please give me a meal. Dunfo jumped over the wall, it shouldn't be too much!" Wang Qiang glanced at Kong Li, he thought for a while, "Well, I'm going to watch the breeze! Can't let this child jump over the wall to the hospital with Buddha."

Wang Qiang lay back on the sofa and deleted the record of this matter in the memo.

Swiping through Moments and watching short videos, Wang Qiang swiped the phone screen unconsciously and fell asleep again unconsciously.


A muffled noise sounded in the ward.


Kong Li's scream made Wang Qiang wake up again, a little confused: "Huh? My phone dropped?"

The mobile phone was still held in Wang Qiang's hand, so naturally it didn't drop.

What is the wife's name?

Following Kong Li's finger, Wang Qiang looked out of the glass...

A woman stands upside down, sticking to the glass.

Before looking carefully, he clicked on the ground, as if something had fallen off, and the whole person fell in front of Wang Qiang.

Wang Qiang stretched out his hand instinctively, trying to hold the opponent.

The phone dropped to the ground and the screen cracked.


Yesterday was my birthday. Happy birthday to myself.

I still owe the change from yesterday. I will continue after waking up. Come on, I will always write better.

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