My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 295 Wang Qiang: Go! I'm not going!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!When the rules are conditionally broken...

The police car ran through a few red lights arbitrarily, and when it rushed into the hospital, there was no need to look for the scene of the crime.

Where there are the most people, where they need to go.

And the target is extremely significant. Falling from a high altitude and plugging in a street lamp, there is no possibility of surviving, and there is no need for rescue, even if the vitality of the person is tenacious.

From an animal point of view, seeing the same kind of experience encounters this, the whole body will still be cold.The police officer present raised his head, swallowed, and squeezed his fists, giving himself a boost.

This is true courage. Even if you are afraid, you must accomplish what you should do.

"Horror movies or something, really weak! Such a picture is worthy of the term horror... If the makeup artist and prop artist can visit the current scene, they will definitely be able to produce such an effect , But there is absolutely no way to pass the trial."

Try to let your thoughts diverge, as long as you keep your eyes on it, it will be a little better. "Left, left, right, up and down" movement of the perspective can effectively relieve your tension.

"Can anyone tell me what happened here? Make a note."

Under the sign of Sun Lihai's eyes, Kang Ligan finally got rid of the blank state of his brain and devoted himself to work.

All the people present, seeing that there was no excitement to watch, after storing the corresponding material in their mobile phones, they dispersed.

Kang Li was able to turn his pen a bit, so that the effect of "seeking help" to disperse people is far more powerful than words like "let us give in, don't take pictures, don't cross the warning line".

The scene quickly made room, the footprints on the ground looked very messy, and the blood spattered on the ground by the deceased was also trampled a lot.

In other scenes, this is definitely a taboo, but this time it doesn’t matter much, the dead are still hanging...

"Lihai, oh, police officer Sun, the identity of the deceased has been confirmed. It is Zhuang Gaoshang, a male... Now it is preliminarily inferred that the deceased committed suicide. The cause should be that his foot was necrotic due to unknown reasons and was amputated. The wife and the attending doctor learned that this person's mental state was not that good during this period..."

While listening to Kang Li's report, Sun Lihai was silently paying tribute to the forensic doctor who had to work overtime later... But this was still a humanoid, and it was always much better than the one with only a few pieces of meat left.

"You just mentioned this man's wife. Arrange to meet."

Sun Lihai did not remember Zhuang Gaoshang's name, and it was useless to remember. When the case was closed, he basically replaced the dead.

The name is nothing but a code name, especially for the dead.

When you are used to the withering of your life, you will be more or less indifferent, just like a bank counter staff, who counts a lot of money and often ignores the amount of their salary...

Judging from the current scene and past case-handling experience, everything is normal, and it is likely to commit suicide by jumping off the building.

It is very sloppy to draw such a conjecture, but based on the fact that there are not too many crime plots like movies and TV series in this world, such an inference based on experience is reasonable and reliable.

Sun Lihai requested an appointment with Zhuang Gaoshang's wife, only to fulfill the procedural requirements.

Grasping procedural justice has the effect of assisting entity justice.

"Li Hai?"


"What happened downstairs?"

Kong Li watched Wang Qiang push the door and asked quickly.

The scene on the windowsill just now was terrible!

"It's nothing, someone just jumped off the building."

No matter how Wang Qiang rubbed his face, the upper and lower rows of his teeth collided like a grudge.

"It's okay, it's okay, I shouldn't let you go down and watch." Kong Li took Wang Qiang sitting beside him into his arms and patted him on the head to show comfort.

No matter how old a man is, he needs to be comforted.

And as long as a man is comforted, he can recover his energy and spirit very quickly.

After the facial muscles no longer felt cramps, Wang Qiang sat up.

Strangely speaking, as soon as I sat up, the baby who called "wow" in the crib immediately became quiet.

Kong Li chuckled and nodded Wang Qiang's head: "Your little lover, I must think you were grabbing dinner with her!"

Wang Qiang smiled, his character still tends to be conservative, and he is not particularly able to accept such bad jokes.After Kong Li has been acquainted with those expectant mothers and new mothers these few days, she always doesn't open a door...

Seeing Kong Li's smirk as he continued to drive, Wang Qiang quickly turned off the topic:

"I just went down and watched it. I ran into Sun Lihai. I haven't seen him for a long time. I just had a few conversations."

Sun Lihai and Wang Qiang have some relatives, he called Wang Qiang "Uncle"...

"Speaking of, the last time I called him last time, I still asked him for a favor to deal with a matter of playing pen fairy with several classmates in our class..."

Halfway through the conversation, Wang Qiang felt like his head was fragmented. There seemed to be many inconsistencies in the things in his head...At that time, why did you go to Jiang Shouzheng?Why go to Qingfeng Temple?What seems to be missing in the middle?

But things that can be forgotten by oneself shouldn't be important.

"Pen fairy?"

"Well, Pen Immortal." Wang Qiang nodded, "The children are really lacking in awe now. This kind of thriller games, regardless of whether there are some gods and shinto things behind them, but they themselves have been given too much. When playing these games, there will definitely be a lot of psychological pressure! The college entrance examination is almost at that time, and their psychological pressure is already very high!"

"But...for this kind of psychological pressure problem, shouldn't you go to your school's psychology teacher? Why go back to Sun Lihai? Isn't he a policeman?"

Kong Li seized the loopholes, then looked around, leaned forward, and whispered: "Did they actually taste the forbidden fruit? Go ask how many years they will be sentenced?"


What and what?!

Obviously, he was turning aside the subject seriously, why did he drive again?!

Wang Qiang looked distressed, Kong Li covered her mouth and chuckled. After the baby in the crib became tired, she fell asleep again.

When children are calling, do not give them feedback as soon as they hear the sound, or they will habitually cry and cry.

The couple started chatting again, and Wang Qiang used a paring knife to peel the apple.

"I want to eat."

"Golden apples in the morning, silver apples at noon, poisonous apples in the evening, it is already night, it is poisonous apples, I eat them, you can't eat them."

After taking a nice bite, Kong Li turned her head and didn't look at it. When she got better, she would also eat it for Wang Qiang!

"By the way, did you see that person just now, is it a man or a woman?" Wang Qiang, somehow, brought the topic to the matter of jumping off the building just now.

Without giving too many prefixes and additional conditions, Kong Li knew what that person represented, and responded: "Man, what's wrong, is there any problem?"

"no problem."

Wang Qiang speeded up his chewing subconsciously, and threw the remaining fruit cores into the trash can.

"I'll go out and wash my face."

With splashing water in the palm of his hand, he slapped it on his face, looking at himself in the mirror, Wang Qiang said in confusion:

"Why did I see a woman? It should be a mistake."

Wang Qiang took a few sheets of toilet paper, soaked up the water on his face, and walked a few steps towards the ward, feeling a little hungry.

"Why don't you go upstairs and buy a tea egg?"

With the thought of eating, he turned around and went to the direction of the elevator.

As soon as the elevator door opened, his stepped foot was retracted.

"Come in?" the man in the elevator asked.

"No, no, no." Wang Qiang swallowed, glanced at the flashing pattern of "" in a panic, and said, "I, I'm going downstairs."

The elevator door closed, and Wang Qiang felt his legs were a bit soft.


He saw that woman!!!


ps. I fell asleep until almost four o'clock, and felt that I was almost dead (laughing and crying); thank you readers [Ji Xun 1.5 meters] for the reward.

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