My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 296 Professionals, you can't let go of death!

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Life can be vocal, especially in the case of unnatural death.

Jiang Shouzheng scrolled several videos in the class group, all showing that the content of the video has been removed from the shelves.

"@, Laoban, aren't you a doctor? What's the situation at the scene? Someone really died?"

"@, Laoban, you must not let Shi Niang see this kind of news, Shi Niang will be frightened."


"@, I watch the astronomical phenomenon at night. I am afraid of blood and light today. I need to send red envelopes to disperse money and accumulate blessings.

A lot of news has already been swiped in the class group, and Wang Qiang did not reply a word. Only when Chen Yuan's "for a red envelope" message came out, Wang Qiang sent a red envelope.

Should I grab the red envelope from the head teacher, or not?

Jiang Shouzheng hesitated for a while, but he was so hesitant. When he clicked in again, it showed that the red envelope had already been received——

quantity: 1.

Amount: 66.

Best Lucky King, Hand Speed ​​King-Yao Qian.

If you have a red envelope, grab it. This is not only for Yao Genmin, but also for Yao Qian.

The reason why she was able to grab this red envelope so quickly was not only because she had faster internet speeds and better hardware compared to her classmates, but the most important thing was that she had the idea that she would immediately grab the red envelope when she saw it. Family studies.

Yao Genmin is like this, and Yao Qian is certainly like this.

Even if the red envelope is robbed by mistake, it will be refunded!Why don't you have money for nothing?

"Awesome!" Yao Genmin gave Yao Qian a thumbs up, "As expected of my daughter."

But for such praise, Yao Qian's heavy expression showed no signs of easing.

"Isn't it just Jiang Shouzheng who signed up for the University of Chemical Materials! Your school is very close!"

"I have already inquired that the law campus of Huacai University and the law campus of the University of Grammar are separated by a wall, very close."

"Students are welcome to come to learn from each other between schools! There is an auditorium, you can go..."

Yao Genmin wanted to continue, but his wife pulled her sleeves: "Let Qianqian be quiet."

"...Alright." Yao Genmin said to his wife, and wanted to say something, so he was led away by his wife. Seeing her wink, there should still be something to say, Yao Genmin had to tell Yao Qian. "Don't forget about it!"

Yao Genmin, who is working hard in the mall, does not have much culture in his stomach and has a rashness in his actions, but his vision over the years has been tempered with the company's operations.

He can see it clearly. Now people's life span has increased, but the physical and psychological problems are particularly prominent.

There are also many news stories about suicide because of frustration in love. The problem of depression is as widespread as an infectious disease.

He doesn't want something wrong with his only daughter!

Yao Genmin, who was in a mess in his mind, was led by his wife to the master bedroom. He looked back at Yao Qian who was lying on the sofa holding the phone, carefully closed the door, and frowned in a low voice: "Aren't you worried about Qianqian's mental state? I see. She is so sad!"

"It's okay, you can grab the red envelope, then it doesn't matter."

Yao Genmin thought for a while, and felt like...somewhat reasonable.

"Then you stay with your daughter. If she doesn't even grab the red envelope, then you have to tell me in time."

Yao Genmin turned on his mobile phone and exploratoryly sent a red envelope in the deserted family group.

Yao Qian was still the first to grab the red envelope...

Jiang Shouzheng, who didn't grab a large red envelope, felt as if he was losing money, but he just fell to the bottom when he was aroused by another call from Wang Qiang.Miao Bi Ge Novel

"I have basically talked about the issue of your notebook publication. Now the company I am most interested in cooperating with has given two options, buyout and share, buy out the quote provided by the other party before tax 2 million, if you share, Based on sales deducting operating costs, it’s 50-50%."

Two million before tax?

Jiang Shouzheng thought for a while. Except for one evil spirit, the average fee is 5,000, so do you have to get rid of 4,000 evil spirits???

With so much money, what can you do?

Change a mobile phone, buy a more expensive cloth to cut clothes, buy a car for the full price and rent...

Save the extra money and eat interest should be able to solve three meals a day.

"In the past, when there was no national exam, every province had a college entrance examination champion in every place. There was a big crop every year, and the popularity was relatively low. Now the national exam, the popularity can still be maintained before the next college entrance examination champion comes out. The results you got in the test are too varied...Oh, too exaggerated! I think it’s better to buy out. You can’t know the other party’s accounts if you divide it. The money you get is your money, of course. This amount of money, if you continue to hold on and drag it for a while, it may be higher, but I don’t think it is necessary." Wang Qiang sat in the ward, wrapped in a blanket and continued, "You are still young now, take too much. Money doesn’t do you much good either, it will dampen your enthusiasm for struggle..."

Listening to Wang Qiang's chatter, Jiang Shouzheng interrupted:

"Old class, I agree to buy out, no more delays, mine... an elder I know told me that money is money when it goes to the pocket, and money that doesn't go to the pocket is other people's money. "

"Are you sure you agree?"

"Well, I agree to buy out, but I don't agree that too much money will affect my enthusiasm for struggle. With money, I can buy a better car and drive a special car! High fees!"


"Hello? Old class? Are you still there?"

"...Yes, Jiang Shouzheng."


"I used to think Chen Yuan was the one who irritated me the most, but I didn't expect that you would come from behind!"

Before Jiang Shouzheng had time to defend himself, the phone was hung up again.

Looking at the phone interface, Jiang Shouzheng shook his head with a wry smile, and said "goodbye" seriously and politely.

Not long after, the phone received a text message——

"The other party will send the contract to Qingfengguan. You will spend money to find a lawyer to have a look at it. If there is no problem, send it back to someone else. If there is a problem, contact the other party yourself. I will send you the number later!"

Find a lawyer?

Spend money?Pay for knowledge?

Jiang Shouzheng thought for a while, called Ye Cuilian a few times, and then there was a knock on the door outside Qingfeng.

"Master Jiang Shouzheng." This was Ye Cuilian's voice.

"Please come in."

Ye Cuilian, who walked in through the door, politely arched her hands at Jiang Shouzheng, "Is there anything your lord is asking for?"

"There is nothing special, I remember that the dead soul of Zhuang Keke is now working under your hand, right?"

"Yes, does it offend you?"

"No, it's just that I'm going to sign a contract in a few days, and I want to let a professional lawyer take a look and comment."

Such a task quickly reached Zhuang Keke's ears.

"What the hell? I have to review the contract if I die?!!!"

A mirror shattered, and the young man who was seeking excitement to play "Bloody Mary" fell to the ground:

"I didn't let you review the contract!"

"Not me! Not me!"

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