My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 298 Sorry, I hurt you.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The nature of the world is rules, and so is life.

A life without taboos and rules will cause a lot of trouble...

Wen Rou curled up in the corner of the ward, trembling slightly, and the sound of sobbing came out dullly.

"Ms. Wen..."

Sun Lihai raised his hand and wanted to comfort him, but after all he sighed and got up from the ground.

He did not have the right to let others mourn, and the difficulties of life weighed on this woman, especially when Sun Lihai knew that their couple still had children, he was very sympathetic.

But there are more sympathetic things in this world, beautiful, but only a small part of it.

Kindness does not lead soldiers, goodness does not follow police.

Putting aside his pity, he didn't have much time to spend on suicide cases. As long as the forensic medical examination results came out, the case would be closed.

He still has a lot of cases at hand that have not been settled, and these cases make him a little breathless. Many of the parties involved are worse than Wen Rou, and his personal sympathy is ultimately limited.

He took out the money from his pocket, didn't look at it, didn't count it, and put it in the bag on the bedside table.

Kang Li shook his head insignificantly, and pulled Sun Lihai out of the ward.

"Li Hai..."

"Call me Officer Sun."

"Well, Officer Sun, don't you think something is wrong with the woman just now?"

Sun Lihai looked at the materials at hand, and recalled the monitoring data obtained by his colleagues, and said in doubt:

"I feel everything is normal, what's wrong?"

Kang Li snapped his fingers: "First, don't you think Ms. Wen Rouwen's dress is incompatible with the hospital? It's too delicate! Second, don't you think the ward just now was weird? The mirror on the bedside table is The glass in the covered and independent bathroom was cracked, and even the portable mirror was snapped off. Third, don’t you think her tone of crying is weird? Think about it carefully, that kind of cry seems to be ——Laughing."

Sun Lihai looked at Kang Li with a serious face, put the pen and notebook in his hand into his bag, then squeezed Kang Li's face and tugged:

"My sister-in-law, do you want to say this must be strange again?"

"Ah~" Kang Li wanted to get away from Sun Lihai's hand, but the strength on his face increased by a point, so he was confused, "Anyway, I think this matter is strange, do we have to contact the special office? Office, or contact Jiang Shouzheng?"

"No, there are not so many weird things in this world! Don't experience it a few times, just talk about it, we still have to believe in science!"

Sun Lihai released Kang Li's hand, and Kang Li immediately pressed his cheek with his hand, pouting:

"But I feel that the special office is more generous! I really want to be one of them too. It's always good to communicate more!"

"Come on, when you watched the police station's promotional video this year a few days ago, you said that choosing the police is the most correct choice you did. We need to have our own stand for less contact with strange people, and we can handle the case on our own. Knot."


Kang Li deliberately fell behind Sun Lihai and threw a copy of the "Special Office Invitation" in his pocket into the trash can in the aisle...

"Comrade police officer, the garbage has to be thrown into the recyclable trash can. You throw it wrong!"

Regardless of how embarrassing Kang Li was when he was stopped by the sweeping aunt, Wen Rou, who had just been questioned, calmed down and raised her head.

Eyeshadow, eyeliner and false eyelashes...Because the tears have melted away, she now looks like an actor on the midnight set.

Squatting for a long time, my legs are a bit numb.

Wen Rou stood up while leaning on the wall, and when the numbness diminished slightly, she took a bottle of makeup remover from her bag and walked to the bathroom.

The bathroom illuminated by the incandescent lamp is particularly translucent. If the mirror is intact, the environment is not bad.

Wen Rou glanced at her glasses nervously, her appearance was broken in the mirror.

Carefully touched her body, she finally let out a long sigh of relief...

"Maybe I was dreaming just now, I should still love him in my heart." Tianlai Novel

Wen Rou unscrewed the faucet and leaned in front of the mirror. The next moment, she froze and took a breath, but she opened her mouth without making any sound.

In the mirror, it was him, Zhuang Gaoshang, and he was smiling at her.

The sense of fear hadn't reached the peak, I saw Zhuang Gaoshang's shoulder was put on a hand, and he was "pulled" to the back. An able-looking woman appeared in the mirror, and blood-like handwriting appeared on the mirror. , Because of the shattering of the mirror, giving these writing a strange color...

"I'm talking in the mirror. If you can't hear me, I'll just write."

"The living soul in you, our boss intends to requisition, if you agree, nod your head."

Wen Rou didn't understand the meaning of the writing on the mirror at all, she still stood stiff, her pupils gradually enlarged...

After a few seconds, the handwriting changed.

"If you don't say it, it's your default."

When the full stop was finished, Wen Rou felt a needle-pricking pain in her mind. The dizziness caused by fear disappeared all at once. Before she was awake for a second, she fainted because of the pain... .

"Excuse me, I pulled it out a bit harder. Although you can't see it anymore, I still have the politeness that I should have."


"Living souls are actually similar to living corpses. Living corpses are the corpses that carry the identity of the living person. The living souls, that is, the souls after death, have the characteristics of being alive."

I have to say that Ye Cuilian's explanation of such terms can be quickly understood.

"So, you are not sure what it is? You made this word?" Jiang Shouzheng asked tentatively.

"Of course I made it myself." Ye Cuilian nodded, "To look at creatures like us from a foreign perspective belongs to the category of mysticism and is the part to be studied, but such research is done by humans. We use human eyes to understand, and we never study ourselves, we always use instinct. This is like an athlete who wants to improve his exercise level and will only refer to the advice provided by scientists, doctors, and nutritionists, but the training belongs to himself. "

Ye Cuilian poked herself: "I am an athlete."

When he pointed his index finger at Jiang Shouzheng, he paused and turned to Jiang Shouqin, who was holding his cheeks to join in the fun. After a second pause, he turned to Jiang Shouji who was licking her hair...


Ye Cuilian's figure passed away like the wind, and the fragments of her soul body continued to combine in the air, and once again pieced together his appearance.

"Master Jiang Shouzheng, can you understand?"

Ye Cuilian said, and by the way, she arched her hands at Jiang Shouji, her expression a little embarrassing.

His behavior just now was a bit offensive.

"...Yes." Jiang Shouzheng beckoned to Jiang Shouji, its eyes lit up, jumped into its arms and helped it to smooth the hair, "but does this living soul have anything to do with me? Did it hurt the old class?"

This question does not need Ye Cuilian's answer, Jiang Shouzheng can also know the answer.

If the old class is hurt, Ye Cuilian will not chat happily with him in Qingfengguan now...

"No!" Ye Cuilian shook her head. He hesitated and said, "But this living soul's parasitic body has something to do with you. Her body has your power and breath, and is now being used by this living soul. Up..."

Speaking of this, Ye Cuilian's figure changed for a while, and she quickly became "Wen Rou" appearance.

"This..." This look is very strange, Jiang Shouzheng thought for a while before remembering that he had helped her to get rid of the spirit one night, and there was no charge.

"I have met this person once, and only met once. I am not very familiar with her." Jiang Shouzheng thought about it and understood why Ye Cuilian went around and talked about it. It was because he cared about him. The attitude of the matter, so he continued, "How do you want to deal with, then how to deal with it, I don't have much opinion."

Ye Cuilian let out a sigh of relief, then bowed and said, "I will definitely handle this matter in place!"

"You don't have to be so polite to me."

"I'm just being polite."

"You don't need to be so polite, you are now a god..."

The next dialogue seemed to be like a doll. Jiang Shouji lay in Jiang Shouzheng's arms, squinted and yawned, her little head kept counting "verb noun verb noun"...


ps. Thanks to readers [Wang Linze] for the rewards

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