My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 299 Study hard!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Hi, hello, who?"

"Hello, is this Senior Tu? I am Wang Fei from Caihuamen"

Tu Sanya cleaned up the Coke smoothly, and slapped one with satisfaction, and replied: "Oh, I know you, junior at Caihuamen, what's wrong?"

"That's right, did you read the message I left for you today."

"No, you know, I don't like playing mobile phones very much."

"Oh, that's it. I have a senior I know. Two seniors of his teacher want to temporarily live in your house in Kyoto near the university town. They rent the house. Have you ever called you? "

Tu San turned on the phone for hands-free, opened the communication log, read the strange number dialed to him this afternoon, and asked: "Is this the number?"

"Yes Yes."

"I scolded and went back, you tell him, call me after five o'clock tomorrow afternoon, don't disturb me to rest."

After speaking, Tu San hung up the phone and took another can of Coke from the refrigerator.

"The little white rabbit is white and white, with his ears erected, he likes to eat carrots and vegetables..."

The cell phone rang again, and Tu San curled his lips. It was Wang Fei’s call again:

"Hey, is there anything else?"

"That Senior Tu is like this...that..."

"If you have something to say quickly, if you have a fart, I hate twitchy people, everyone on the road knows it, don’t you know? Time is money, and you hesitating like this will not only waste my phone and electricity bills, And I’m wasting my time, time is money, you know, money!"

Tu San said impatiently, and then twisted the cap of the Coke bottle. The chill made him feel a little more comfortable.

When summer comes, he will feel irritable, but he is a irritable person!

"Senior Tu, it's like this. The two seniors I mentioned just now are all Transforming Seniors."

"Cough cough cough!!!"

Tu San didn't pay attention to one, and Coke came out of his nose...

"Senior Tu, how are you!"

"Okay...what a shit! Kid, quickly tell me, what is this person's name, I want to call back and apologize! ... Jiang Shou is right, okay, you Wait a minute! I'll fight right away."


When watching anime, if a call comes in, it will be very distressing.

Jiang Shouqin hung up the phone without thinking about it.

The unfamiliar number must be for sale, so he won't be able to connect and delay his time.


This promotion number is not online and there is no end, right?!

Jiang Shouqin hung up the phone and blocked it directly.

If he called when he was bored, he would still have a little leisure time to chat with each other, and now... not free.

But not long after, Wang Fei's call came in.

This person, at any rate, helped him. Jiang Shouqin answered the phone with patience:

"Hey, Wang Fei, this is Jiang Shouqin, is there anything wrong?"

"Jian...Senior Shouqin, hello, hello, I'm calling, just to ask...How is your health during this time?" Book City

"My body is okay, I eat well and sleep well."

"Then...what about Lord Jiang Shouzheng?"

"My senior brother, too, eat well and sleep well. Do you want to ask my senior sister next? My senior sister also eats well and sleeps well. Is there anything else?"

"No, you are busy first."


Jiang Shouzheng hung up the phone and gave a thumbs-up for his ability to draw inferences about himself.

"Jiang Shouqin."

Senior brother’s shout came from outside the Tibetan scripture pavilion, and Jiang Shouqin responded quickly: "Brother, is there anything wrong?"

"I just remind you, you still have half an hour to play with your phone, and you will learn later!"


Continue to click on the video playback software, and double the original 1.5 times speed...

After watching more anime, you will find that the plot is more interesting than the pictures. Of course, if you encounter some more exquisite pictures, Jiang Shouqin will silently adjust to 0.5 times the speed after taking a glance at Jiang Shouji, who is earnestly endorsing the book, and then hold his nose. .....

Jiang Shouji looked at the serious and silly younger brother, shook his head, and continued to recite the Chinese textbook for the third year.

With the help of fish oil, as long as you add some oil today, she can finish this book by herself. She believes that she only needs to recite the textbook, and then give the exam papers that the brother left in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. Senior high school entrance examination should be very sure.

Like Jiang Shouqin, who has been fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, there will be no way to pass the high school entrance examination by then!It is very likely that the senior will be arranged to go to school to study. Isn’t that boring???

[Xiaohun, if you don't study hard, what should you do if you fail the exam?]

[Sister Xiaobai, it's okay, I have already greeted Kaoshen in advance, and let him take care of me.]

[However, it will be very busy on the day of the high school entrance examination, right? What if he forgets it?]

[Then...I'll beat him!]

Since the younger brother does not seek to make progress, then the older sister can't say much.

In her memory of inheritance, speaking up to the point, that is an art and life instinct, and...

She also needs to let her younger brother "accompany" her hard work in order to avoid being "invested" in school by the younger brother.

"I'm really not a good girl...Yes, I was originally a vixen. My ancestors told me to be kidnapped and kidnapped to have a way to survive... The big deal, the big deal, I copied Jiang Shouqin a bit during the exam. ......"

After some ideological struggle, when Jiang Shouji turned his attention to the textbook, she couldn't remember where she had memorized...

Such a problem would not be committed on Jiang Shouzheng.

Remembering everything is equivalent to not remembering anything, which is an exception for him.

When I went through the "One Book of Criminal Law: Everything You Want" borrowed from the library, Jiang Shouzheng closed his eyes, closed his eyes, and quickly went through his mind again, his heartbeat speeded up slightly, heavy. Exhaled:

"If I don’t drive anymore, I have to avoid the above content when I choose the industry, even if they seem... it is indeed very profitable. The words millions and tens of millions seem to be really good. It's heart-warming!"

He got up and broke the book carefully, but he had to pay 56 yuan to seven. This is the official price behind the book. Every time Jiang Shouzheng borrowed a book from the library, he would take the lead in reading it. price.

More than a hundred books, I would rather spend a little time in the library to read them than borrow them.

With more memories, my head swelled a little, and time was almost gone, so I went back to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

As soon as he opened the door, before he had time to ask Jiang Shouqin to return the phone, he heard a soft snoring—

"Brother, senior sister is asleep~"


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