My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 300 The person you love and the person who loves you.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Sleeping in the hotel, you can hear a lot of weird sounds.

Quarreling, playing mahjong, playing cards, singing, news broadcast, fighting...

You will be used to these things, but when you always hear the unconscious laughter of "hehehe", "hahaha", "hahaha", you will get creepy and think about a question——

Damn, what are you doing next door?!

...In Sun Lihai, he took seven young people who were inhaling "laughing gas" in the hotel back to the police station. He had a preliminary understanding of the social relationship between the four men and three women and found that they were colleagues from the same unit because of the pressure of work. Big, low salary, leader picking, I haven’t laughed happily for a long time. The tallest man found a channel and bought a small bottle of perfume-sized laughing gas. Everyone paid the money equally, but when he inhaled laughing gas, The few people couldn't divide evenly, and they started fighting with a smile, and then one of them, who felt the most unhappy, called the police.He paranoidly believes that the others have robbed him of his happiness...

Completed the handover with colleagues in the police station, recorded today’s office ledger, glanced at his watch, 3:07, ah, if the regulations were made according to the 24-hour standard, Sun Lihai’s behavior should be said to record yesterday’s economics. Do things.

However, for work like them, morning is the time to wake up, and night represents the time to go to bed. Noon or something. Only when there is a nap is counted. If there is no nap, where is the noon?

"Dear Police Officer Sun Lihai, you have missed a day's account and have not been recorded. Please fill in the instructions and send it to the office in time."

Looking at the message in the pop-up window, Sun Lihai opened his mouth, and finally pressed on the urge to curse. According to colleagues, he is also a beast with a girlfriend. You should pay attention to your speech, especially after you curse. , The girlfriend will report in time!Then advertise!

A very serious matter, as soon as it expands, it becomes a joke, then you need to vent your emotions in another way-

"Where is the brain? Where is the brain?..."

Humming the "Song of Field Work", Sun Lihai filled in all the matters dealt with today in a timely manner, and confirmed the content of his colleagues' declaration.

Nowadays, we are doing big data and cloud data. You can get a glimpse of the whole picture by looking at a table or a picture. You can choose to visualize everything, and they are the most basic data input source...

Fill in the handling content, and scan and upload the existing paper materials one by one.

Of course, technological advancement is still beneficial, such as paperless office. The advantage is that they need to scan less materials, and the possibility of losing or forgetting materials is greatly reduced.

After finally typing the last word, Sun Lihai leaned heavily on the chair, relaxed in a sigh, and spread out, his mind was blank, and he yawned heavily.In a daze, it seems that he has slept, and it seems that he hasn't. He cheered up, raised his head and kneaded his neck, then looked at his watch again.


"It's so late."

Sun Lihai propped up and headed to Kangli's booth, but she was long gone there.

When I walked forward, I saw an inverted piece of paper pressing the door under the glass, saying "For Sun Lihai".

Sun Lihai looked around. There was no one in the office. Only the infrared monitor at the corner was still flashing, telling Sun Lihai that it was working seriously.

Carefully pulled the chair away, sat on it, held the edge of the table with both hands, attached the probe, and blinked his eyes severely, getting rid of a little tiredness:

"This is the paper inside the printer. It is usually torn apart after being folded in half. There are indentations on the rough edges. It should be buckled when folded in half. Kang Li likes origami. I went to her house that time and I saw a lot of paper cranes. , The arrangement is very neat, the colors are all white...all are wonder the amount of paper used in this office is so much higher than that of other offices, it turns out that there is a'thief'!"

After careful observation, I came up with a reasoning that would never verify the authenticity and accuracy.

Sit up straight, lift the cup slightly, and pull out the paper under it.

Turning over, Sun Lihai closed his eyes subconsciously.Shuhuangsw Bookstore

"Mother, dare not look at it!"

When he saw the invitation letter that Kang Li threw into the trash can, his mind felt confused for no reason. He was thinking of talking with Kang Li later, but he didn't expect to be busy until late.

Although he doesn't know what is written on this paper, he also has a little inference in his heart——

Kang Li didn't go to the special office because of him.

At this point, he still has a bit of spectrum in his heart.

But if this kind of words are put on paper, then the backlog of upset and anxiety in his heart will be transformed into guilt!

The Special Office, that is a new field, will master skills that ordinary people will not master. This is Kang Li's future and opportunity.If he changes because of him, the hope contained in this choice is something he cannot bear.

Although the two are in love and enjoying the sweetness of love, they avoid the marriage intentionally or unintentionally.

No house, no car, no savings, no time, no energy, endless materials, endless classes, deeper and deeper eye sockets, bigger and bigger eye bags, wider foreheads, and thinning of hair. .....

I shouldn't be a good match for Kang Li, but I really like her.

Sun Lihai's hand used force subconsciously, but after hearing the "chacha" sound of the paper, he slightly loosened his strength.

What we should face, we still have to face.

His high-load work during this period of time has not escaped the implication of facing Kang Li's expectations.

It may be subconscious to make a choice, but the logic behind it is the result of comprehensive consideration if it is deeply analyzed.

For example, if the knight does not save the princess and let her marry the prince, he will not only betray his inner loyalty, but also lead to the risk of... unemployment.

"Lihai, do you know what kind of experience hell is? That feeling is terrible! The place must be magical, but people can't do it! Where I don't go, most of them are my own reasons, It has nothing to do with you, don't think too much."

The person who knows you best is either your opponent or your lover.

Sun Lihai's tense string was loosened, stood up, and found the paper shredder in the corner of this office.

Turn it on, insert the paper in his hand, and when it's all cleaned up, he returns to Kang Li's seat.

Kang Li's seat is always clean and refreshing. Pushing the cup a bit aside, he lie down on the table and rest.

Later, there will be a forensic autopsy report to be obtained. In order to get timely feedback, he adjusted the phone's voice to the maximum.

The suppressed snoring sounded in the office, and soft footsteps came from the corridor.

The footsteps stopped at the door.

Outside the door, Kang Li was holding a blanket...


ps. The update in the past few days is likely to be unstable, let me adjust it slightly, otherwise the manuscript fee may not be enough for my medical expenses (laughing and crying).

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