My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 303 Crappy acting and lines.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"@All members, except those who go abroad and serve in the army, everyone must come, see or leave."

After the college entrance examination is over, every other day, the probability of gathering together is one point lower. I have not yet arrived at the university, so I have to add a qualifier to the word "all come".

The place that everyone chose this time was Qingfeng View. The most important consideration was to prevent people like Jiang Shouzheng who stayed at home without problems choosing not to participate.

This trick is the result of joint discussions between Chen Yuan and Wang Qiang.

"Don't worry, I will never drink today. You will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow!"

Wang Qiang patted himself on the chest, issued a military order, and got Kong Li's permission to greet Chen Yuan to leave.

"Old Ban, don't you really have a drink today?"

"Did you just be deaf? I won't drink."

Ever since Chen Yuan hit his newly-born daughter with his idea, Wang Qiang hasn't treated him much.

Naturally, Chen Yuan knew Wang Qiang's attitude towards him. If he had just given birth to a daughter in the future, someone said he would marry her, and then mixed with a dowry, and his legs broke!

But this does not affect Chen Yuan's next words: "Old Ban, we decided to stay overnight today. After twelve o'clock, it will be tomorrow. Do you drink?"

Wang Qiang's throat moved slightly, his expression straightened: "You can't pick words like that."

Ignoring Wang Qiang’s words, Chen Yuan said to himself:

"We originally wanted to buy wine, but Jiang Shouzheng said to save money that there are a few jars of daughter red under Qingfengguan, which were buried by one of his seniors. The taste is very authentic, and it looks like it has been buried for at least ten years."

Hearing this, Wang Qiang stopped in his footsteps, and Chen Yuan walked a few steps forward, and turned around in doubt when he saw that the old class was gone next to him.



Chen Yuan clutched his head in pain, and heard Wang Qiang say seriously:

"Children, what wine to drink! I think it is necessary to confiscate the wine you are going to drink today!"

Chen Yuan's complexion froze, and the tone and tone of his words were very similar to the tone of the comic book in his drawer when he was confiscated, which evoked some unpleasant memories.But he quickly came back to his senses, he had already graduated, and the kind of diploma and graduation photos he had already received!

"Being a teacher for a day and a teacher for life, I may not be able to care about what you will do in the future, but as long as I'm still by your side, I have the responsibility and obligation to let you go on the path of upward and good. ..." Wang Qiang said with a solemn expression, but under Chen Yuan's playful gaze, he coughed slightly, and then said, "Of course, I don't deny that I like drinking, but I'm married. ! single dog."

Sure enough, after the college entrance examination is over, the head teacher is no longer the original head teacher, or is this the original head teacher?

It doesn't really matter what the original appearance was like, what is important is now.

When Jiang Shouzheng opened the door of Qingfeng Temple, he felt that he had walked to a strange place——

Movie curtains, movie projectors, four mahogany round tables...The sound is being auditioned, the tribute of the statue of Lao Jun is all replaced with fresh watery fruits, and the students under the statue of Lao Jun are shaking in a decent way sign......

"In your Qingfeng view, there is nothing, not even a sign, it's too much!" Yao Qian backed her hand and paced to Jiang Shouzheng.

Jiang Shouzheng pointed to the direction of the hall in a daze, Yao Qian raised her head and said playfully:

"Of course I brought it, and I also brought the signed paper!"

Speaking of this, Yao Qian walked around and saw that no one was paying attention here. She leaned forward slightly and whispered towards Jiang Shouzheng:

"I'm telling you a secret. I changed the lottery to the lottery lottery and lottery lottery. You will definitely be very happy when you shake it." Soso Novel

Jiang Shouzheng nodded. He felt that Yao Qian was a little too close to him. The surrounding classmates inadvertently picked up their phones. He took a step back and turned the subject away:

"What's the smell on you, it smells so good, what brand of shower gel is it?"

When Yao Qian heard this question, her face turned red, not shy, but angry...

"I sprayed perfume today!"

Watching Yao Qian stomping away, Jiang Shouzheng glanced around. The students naturally put down their phones and started chatting "seriously".

Walking to the back of the main hall, Wang Qiang was spinning around the jar, his daughter Hong, with exclamations in his mouth from time to time.Seeing Jiang Shouzheng coming, he couldn't help but exclaimed:

"This kind of wine made by the local law is rare now!"


"This wine should be very valuable if you sell it."

"Wine can be used to drink, not sold."

The things buried by the old master should not be linked to money.

"Yes, the wine itself is a friendship. What's more, this kind of daughter red is a wine with good meaning and strong affection. If I didn't have a place to store the wine, I would also like to make a bottle." Wang Qiang said in a tone. , Not without a pity.

The market economy has led to a rapid increase in the output of commodities. The friendship that originally took time to brew, adding some chemical additives can also achieve similar effects and taste. Then, why do you have to wait so long?

The result is more important than the process. It has become a general knowledge, which is cruel for a teacher.

Jiang Shouzheng thought for a while and said, "This jar of wine is here for you. I can make wine for you where I dig this jar of wine."



"That's great! I have to check the Internet carefully to find out how the daughter red is brewed! Don't make the wine bad, it becomes vinegar!"

Wang Qiang patted his shoulder and laughed heartily. Chen Yuan, who was crouching on the side playing the game, yawned and asked:

"Old Ban, do you sell the wine you brewed?"


Seeing Wang Qiang running after Chen Yuan carrying his shoes, Jiang Shouzheng shook his head, picked up the ladder against the wall and put it next to the hall, and then climbed up.

At the top of the hall, Jiang Shouji, wrapped in the cloth of the invisibility barrier, yawned boredly. It was too dark here to read a book, only watch a movie to ease it.

Jiang Shouqin thinks so too. Although the love and love movies are nothing good, he thinks he has the appearance of a senior brother. If you look at the male lead more, you should be able to learn a little acting.

If the brother needs help, he will be able to exert his strength.

Feeling a little bored inexplicably, Jiang Shouqin opened the cloth slightly and looked out.

"What are you looking at?"

Jiang Shouzheng was frightened, and touched Jiang Shouji with his hand. Before the phone dropped, Jiang Shouzheng stood up, reducing the chance of using a broken screen risk.

"Senior brother, why are you walking silently? Look at what scared Sister Xiaobai, the phone dropped!"

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