My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 304 Past and Interception.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Two people are interested in chatting with each other, three people are interested in chatting with the other two people, and four people are chatting...

When there are more people chatting, the demand points will increase. Unless there is a constitution, otherwise there is no way to meet the needs of everyone in the limited time. Then there will naturally be a difference of priority and some people will become the focus at the dinner table. Some people just sullen their heads to eat. To put it bluntly, some people will always be left out because they can't integrate into a certain topic.

The students who haven't seen each other for a while are still chatting enthusiastically, but they can clearly feel a little bit of life.

In high school, everyone's life revolved around a theme, the college entrance examination, all life trajectories and behaviors, all served the college entrance examination, but after the college entrance examination, everyone's thinking began to change, and this change There are still changes in it, not static.

Once people's minds are different, then the relationship between people with different minds will naturally become weaker.

On this point, Wang Qiang, as the head teacher, has the most say. He believes that there will be a large number of fewer people here at the party next year, and a large number of people will still be there the next year...

Class groups that are still active now, when they arrive at university, their chat records will range from 99+ per day to less than one sentence per day. They will re-enter a relatively busy life state and have no time to chat with old friends.

It is instinct to like the new and dislike the old.

The difference in values ​​is the essence.

I can’t say goodbye too much. This is a trend that no one can defy. I hope that after four years of university, everyone will have the opportunity to sit together and don’t just brag about sharing jobs and salaries..... .

This time, Wang Qiang thought a lot, and he felt a little drunk when he didn't drink.

Heart, drunk.

We were full of wine and food, and there were dedicated service staff who cleaned up the plates and the like, and everyone sat in their seats and watched the movie.

This was the movie he let off before the college entrance examination, but everyone still watched it with gusto.

After all, what I saw was not the movie itself, but the past that once accompanied me, but can't go back.

It seems that some girls sobbed faintly, but when they looked around, they didn’t notice the source of the sound. Everyone watched the movie seriously, and the pictures were reflected in their eyes and engraved on them. In the heart.

If you want to remember, then this movie will evoke all their good memories.

There is no doubt about this, so Jiang Shouzheng can remember all the things that happened in high school, and when he saw this movie, he still felt a lot of emotion.

Memory and feelings are separated, and feelings and environment are closely connected.

When watching this movie with Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji, Jiang Shouzheng didn't feel that way. There is no special meaning of the memory, but it seems precious at this moment.

The nature of the wine, half-delivery and half-confiscation was deducted by Wang Qiang, and the remaining students could only drink carbonated drinks and coconut juice.

The coconut juice is poured into the cup after the coconut is pried on the spot. Although the sweetness of the packaged drink is missing, the aftertaste is long.

If someone has special needs, the kitchen worker on the side will knock the egg into it and stir evenly.

The light and shadow of the movie are not only shining on the people in the small square, but also on the poplar tree.

The birds eating and drinking in the Qingfeng View have already regarded themselves as half their masters. Outside of the Qingfeng View, they are still alert and cautious, but in the Qingfeng View, apart from being unable to urinate and urinate anywhere, they hold their heads high. There is absolutely no problem walking around. If they shed their feathers occasionally, under Jiang Shouqin's education, they have also learned to throw the fallen feathers into the trash can.Love to read

Now they are flapping their wings, standing on the dining table waiting to be fed, with swollen belly and head up, not afraid of eating too much.

As I raised my head for a long time, my head started to start little by little.

Anyway, it's time for them to sleep, but it's too noisy to fall asleep.

But you can't let them eat anymore, or you'll die one by one.

Jiang Shouzheng rubbed his fingertips, and the bird who was present to arouse the joy of the students raised their heads simultaneously and looked around, showing some doubts.

After a while, they fluttered their wings one after another back to their own nest.

Using force to cut off their hearing, the biological clocks of these little guys will naturally remind them of what they should do now.

The biological clock is accurate, and it can only resist through willpower. Where does the willpower come from these birds?

Pulling his gaze out of the screen of the phone, Jiang Shouji turned into a body and lay on the top of the hall, pulling the book with his paw from time to time.

It is indeed easier to read a book lying on your stomach than sitting down. If you do not need to hold a book while reading while lying down, then Jiang Shouji feels that it will be easier.

She is very sleepy now, but the approaching senior high school entrance exam reminded her to keep working hard, as long as she survived this period of time, everything will come to an end.

Jiang Shouqin didn't have Jiang Shouji's worries. For the exam, he had already said hello to the test god, and he was well prepared. Isn't this just being full?

Senior brother study hard, that's the problem of senior brother, and it has a half-cent relationship with him.

Isn’t it just to make money after studying for so many years?I have already made a fortune. If the speed of making money cannot keep up with the speed of spending money, I don't mind doing more research on the ontology.

Know yourself more, you can control yourself more.

Summer is here, and there are already many desserts related to entries such as "Lotus Leaf" and "Lotus" on the Internet. He has already favorited the content pushed on the Xiaochuwang APP. When needed, he can download it from the favorites. Find out inside.

If you have the time to learn to read, you might as well watch movies a few times.

With a life span of several thousand years, Jiang Shouqin didn't cherish his time very much. He didn't know how long he could live. If the time was not used to pass it, it would be a real waste for him.

When the movie ended, Jiang Shouqin's mobile phone system had been upgraded. He swiped the screen at will, and he didn't feel that there were too many changes after the update. The only advantage was that the "red dot" that needed to be updated in the system disappeared.

Seeing that the people of His Highness were about to start singing, Jiang Shouqin had no desire to look down.

This kind of pure singing is meaningless. It is not a software for singing. Not only can you sing, but you can also score points and get results!

Virtual points are not useful, but Jiang Shouqin likes this one.

In this life, he likes more and more things about himself. This may be because he has lived for so many years and so many lives, and he hasn't left anything!

Hoard things, whether useful or not!

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