My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 305 There is a persistent thief.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The joy of the night, in addition to pleasure and fatigue, more or less made some students feel depressed.

Even if his test scores are not better than Jiang Shouzheng, he didn't take any advantage in staying up late!

Especially after Jiang Shouzheng started to punch, he became even more depressed, his bones were already soft, did Jiang Shouzheng start exercising?

After learning a few tricks with Jiang Shouzheng with a playful nature, he couldn't stop yawning, and his tears flowed down.

I gave up.

After lying on the table for a while, everyone dispersed.

Lao Ban left the hospital last night because of his wife.

Jiang Shouzheng and Chen Yuan are the only ones who have the spirit now.

"It's a very good thing to have a relationship with the gods." Chen Yuan took a sip of fresh feng shui with a satisfied expression on his face. "I used to lie on the bed and stay up late to read novels. I didn't use my brain and didn't consume much energy. I feel tired, but now I don’t feel a little bit."

Jiang Shouzheng nodded, expressing approval.

In the examination of the authority of God, part of the content is in charge of the spirit. Without a good spiritual head, how can there be good results?

However, it is impossible for this kind of energy to be without heels. After the energy is consumed almost, it will immediately enter a state of deep sleep.

After Chen Yuan drank his last sip of clear feng shui, a sense of fatigue suddenly surged up. He pressed his eyelids hard, unable to stop their urge to close.

Instinctive things are difficult for people to organize.

When Chen Yuan swayed against the wall and slipped to the ground, the snoring sounded. He just ridiculed some of his classmates for lack of energy. He has become a member of the "No", and it seems even more unbearable from the moment.

Apart from Chen Yuan, Yao Qian was the last to leave.

She seemed to have something to say, but being dragged away by Jiang Shouji, she lost the opportunity to communicate with Jiang Shouzheng alone.

If there is no way to properly handle the requests made by others, then the best way is to make them unable to speak.

At this point, Jiang Shouji played a very helpful role.

"Sister Xiaobai will be resented by Sister Yao Qian if she does this?" Jiang Shouqin asked Qingfengguan's door bolts.

"No, if there is no way to solve Yao Qian's heart knot in principle, then your senior sister will definitely put the problem in place through metaphysics." Jiang Shouzheng took the rubbish thoughts in the Qingfeng view together and decisively invested it. In the trash can, "In this regard, your senior sister is still more professional than you."

"Of course, I am still lacking in demonstrating people's minds. Professional things need to be handed over to professional people. My specialty and specialty are... cooking and desserts! I will become an outstanding one in the future. Chef."

Such a professional positioning is of course playful. Which chef draws materials from himself every day?

Jiang Shouqin might also feel that what he said was too unrealistic, and hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Brother, don't we need to move Chen Yuan to the straw mat?"

"No need, now he lies in a clean place."

Wandering around Qingfengguan, cleaning up all the dust, living in a clean, tidy, and refreshing place is pleasant.Novel No. 6

Inject proper amount of mana into the heterogeneous poplar, keep the mana of the old man's tribute fresh, and ask the coach for a leave...

Your current situation is still spiritual, but staying up late is a fact and should not be measured by your subjective feelings. What if you are tired of driving?

"Brother, are you going to bed now?" Jiang Shouqin asked, watching Jiang Shouzheng put on his nightgown, "You don't look very sleepy now."

"Stay up late and all night will always cause certain loss of my body, even if I don't feel it now, but pay more attention to it, there is always nothing wrong."

Jiang Shouqin thought for a while and thought it made sense, just like he felt that photosynthesis had no effect on him, but his instinct as a plant still hugged the urn in the quiet room and said "I'll go to watch the door." Planning to leave.

"Give this pillow to Chen Yuan."

Jiang Shouzheng threw the pillow he hadn't used in recent years to Jiang Shouqin. Jiang Shouqin took it and caught it under his armpit.

There is no need to close the door. There is no air conditioner in the quiet room. It is always good to open the door for ventilation. Otherwise, the quiet room will be a little boring when the brother sits for a few hours until noon.

Pushing the big stone at the door to the door, Jiang Shouqin came to Chen Yuan with the urn.

At this moment, Chen Yuan was already curled up on the ground like a baby, snoring almost inaudible.

"Sure enough, just like Sister Xiaobai, as long as you curl up sideways, your snoring will be much lower."

Jiang Shouqin carefully observed it for a while, first put the urn on the ground, lifted Chen Yuan's head, and put the pillow.

In order to let him sleep more comfortably, Jiang Shouqin patted Chen Yuan on the head like a watermelon, so that the pillow was close to...

For such results, Chen Yuan clapped his hands with satisfaction, took his urn to the door of Qingfengguan, and planted himself inside.

If you are happy, it will bloom.

The soul-eaten lotus swaying in the wind in the urn, under the shining of the sun, emits a little dazzling light, looking noble and mysterious.

However, this state did not last for long, and Mao estimated that it was only twenty seconds.

Pinching time, Soul Devouring Pure Lotus crawled out of the urn, and after turning into Jiang Shouqin's appearance, he picked up the phone that had just been standing on the ground.

After replaying the video content, I felt that the lighting was a bit poor. I added a little effect that comes with the APP, and I chose to upload it.

For the classification of this video, Jiang Shouqin chose "life".

After the upload was successful, he looked at the data in the background from time to time, and there was no change in the amount of playback and caution.He originally thought that he could reach some netizens by sharing his life. He first tried to communicate with others online, and then “mixed” with the crowd.But from the current data point of view, it is wishful thinking.

He felt a little frustrated, so he deleted this video.

He also added a few people as friends in the game, but those guys always called him "local tyrant", "daddy" and so on, which made him very uncomfortable. In addition to occasionally replying to a few "get me out", I don't know what to say, the topics are around all day long, that is not close enough to "life"!

Jiang Shouqin quickly cleared up his mood, anyway, he can live a long time, try more and he will always find a way.

Turning off the phone, Jiang Shouqin yawned. This time, he planted himself honestly and looked at the door seriously.

After being serious for a while, it was quickly distracted, and when the instinctive heart palpitations came, it realized that all the tributes in the Laojun Palace were gone.

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