My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 306 Want to know my secret? (Please subscribe~)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Whether it is a human or an animal, there is inertia in behavior.Based on this understanding, it is also possible to understand why people subconsciously wear colored glasses for people with criminal records.

I suffered a thief in the Qingfeng Temple last time. The lost things are not too big to be converted into money. They have not reached the point where they need to cry and cry, but their own money will always be taken without notice. Unhappy.

The only way to get rid of this displeasure is to catch the thief!This is the common perception of the only three permanent residents in the Qingfeng View.

"I finally waited for you, but fortunately I didn't give up~"

The tribute had all been swallowed by the black hole, and the soul-devouring lotus popped out of the urn and revolved in the air 720 degrees to the ground. The lotus turned towards the quiet room and said:

~~ Brother, hurry, hurry, the thief is coming!Inside the hall!~~

In the Qingfeng view, the senior brother is the biggest. Regardless of whether it is out of instinct or based on respect for the senior, Jiang Shouqin will not act without authorization...What if he is swallowed?

After being imprisoned by the Jinmu Buddhist Temple, he did not intend to be trapped for a hundred years.

Jiang Shouzheng, who had entered the concentration, came to his senses. He didn't come to remember to put on his shoes. He trot to the front of the hall, only to find that a strange black hole was "spitting" fruit out...

"Brother, these fruits are our own. They were all swallowed in just now." Jiang Shouqin said in a bit annoyed manner, "Now it's spit out again. Does this look down on us?!"

When he was stolen, he was angry, but after he was stolen, he was looked down upon by the other party and returned the things, which made people feel more aggrieved!

Jiang Shouzheng put his hand on Jiang Shouqin's shoulder, letting him be quiet for a while.

He took the apple that had just fallen from the black hole into his hand, and felt a little—the apple is still the same, but the mana contained in it for anti-corrosion has disappeared.

'Judging from the current spiritual response, this black hole is not a threat to my life for the time being, but how can people decide their behavior based on their own feelings... But the mystery in the process of cultivation, It is also difficult to complete the evaluation through experiments or quantitative methods. It is always a false proposition to measure the risk, and there is no 100% safety...'

There were many concerns in my mind, but it was impossible to give up completely.

Always have to observe and record something first-

"Jiang Shouqin, turn on the video recording function of your mobile phone and go around behind the main hall..."


"Why are they all fruits? What's so delicious about fruits?!"

The inner disciple considered it for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, opening the channel again with the retained power of faith...

Seeing the fruit blow out from the channel, the inner disciple was very disappointed.

Earned last time, but lost this time.

Fortunately, his expectations are not high. Opening the channel itself is a kind of gambling. If you have something you like to eat, you will earn it. If you don’t have what you like to eat, you will not lose. If you drop it, you will use it, but if you want to make a plan to beat the whip, you can only temporarily run aground...

"Come out to play games?"

The disciple of the gatekeeper greeted the door again. The disciple of the inner gate thought for a while and decided to use this open channel as waste...


Under the black hole, there is now a large green trash can. The snacks that were thrown away last time...the packaging bags are all back.

The way the guy on the other side of the black hole did it was really weird.

"Brother, I think the other party is insulting us!!!"

"Well, I also think that the more the other party is like this, the more stable we must be, and we can't mess with ourselves."

Jiang Shouzheng, who wanted to try to get his hands deep into it, gave up this plan.

On the opposite side, can it be a meat grinder?There is no need to expose yourself to danger before you have a relatively sufficient grasp...

When the last pair of chopsticks fell into the trash can, the black hole disappeared silently, as if it had never appeared before.

After waiting for a while and making sure that the black hole would not come out again, Jiang Shouqin pressed the head of the statue of Laojun with both hands and jumped from under the statue.Yiyun Chinese

The exercise effect during this period of time is still there, I saw him turning in the air like a gymnast...


With a crisp sound, since Jiang Shouqin's ankle rang...

Sure enough, there is always a price to pay for making some handsome moves without professional training.

Even if I made some attempts when turning into the ontology, the facts now prove that there is a difference between the human body and the lotus body.

Jiang Shouzheng stepped forward quickly, wanting to help Jiang Shouqin, Jiang Shouqin worked hard to make his expression relaxed, raised his hand and said seriously: "It's okay, I can, I can..."

Slowly standing upright, Jiang Shouqin pulled a big smile: "Brother, did my actions just now look cool?"


"Doesn't it look natural?"


Jiang Shouqin was very satisfied with the affirmation of Jiang Shouzheng. The action he just performed is a trick often used by the protagonist in martial arts movies. This should be regarded as one of the links in acting!

If you can interpret it by yourself, then the study in watching movies and TV shows during this time will not be wasted!

Although it hurts a bit, this is a sign of progress. As long as you practice hard by yourself, your acting skills will definitely be able to reach a higher level!

When the time comes, the brother needs it, and he will be able to help!

But... it really hurts...

Throwing the phone to Jiang Shouzheng, Jiang Shouqin turned into the main body and walked towards the gate of Qingfeng Temple swayingly.

Based on my own understanding of the body, this level of damage can almost be recovered after one hour of resting, which is not a major event.

Looking at the lotus in full bloom, it was obvious that Jiang Shouqin was in a good mood.

"The bones should be cracked, why are you so happy?"

If you can't figure it out, don't want to.

According to Jiang Shouzheng's understanding of Jiang Shouqin, when he wants to speak, he will naturally tell him this senior, he just needs to wait patiently...

~~ Brother, do you want to know why I am so happy?~~

"I don't want to."

Jiang Shouzheng transfers the video in Jiang Shouqin's mobile phone.

~~ Brother, do you really want to know?Just say "you want" and I will tell you reluctantly.~~

"No, I don't want to."

Jiang Shouzheng successfully received the video that Jiang Shouqin had just passed through the perspective of the "Old Monarch Image". He placed Jiang Shouqin's mobile phone under the Old Monarch Statue, waved his hand, and the trash can returned to its original place.

~~ Brother, do you really want to?~~

"I don't want to."

Even after receiving Jiang Shouqin's transmission for the third time, Jiang Shouzheng's answer was still firm.

The Soul Eater Jinglian, who hadn't squatted back into the urn, circled an arc, walked to Chen Yuan's side and slapped it with the lotus leaf.

~~Hey, Chen Yuan, do you want to know why I am so happy?~~

~~If you don’t speak, I will take it as your default...~~

~~Chen Yuan, I said it, listen, brother, you can also listen selectively, I don't mind if you know my secret!~~

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