My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 307 Willpower? !

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"so tired!"

"Yes, I'm so tired too!"

If you are tired from shopping in the mall, you have to eat something to replenish your energy.

Yao Qian led Jiang Shouji to a fried chicken shop, but Jiang Shouji refused.

"Sister, I don't eat, I have to control my weight during this time."

"You don't look fat."

"No, I'm fat! It's just that I am like this, you can't tell."

Give Yao Qian a meaningful look, Yao Qian understands in seconds.

Jiang Shouji's appearance has changed. Her body is a white fox, and the weight of a woman itself is not an objective problem.

"That's right, let's listen to you, we girls, love is presumptuous, love is restraint." Yao Qian patted Jiang Shouji's head and led her to walk forward, seeming to be for her own behavior An explanation said, "We need to cherish our bodies, but we can't be too fat!"

At the end of hearing, the strength Jiang Shouji had just mentioned was dissipated by her again.

Up to now, Yao Qian has never directly talked to her about the "school error", which makes Jiang Shouji always feel that he can't get better...

Compared with Jiang Shouji's erratic mood, Li Bo, who followed them behind, was very practical.

The things they bought were all carried in Li Bo's hands!

Whether it’s weight control or weight loss, I have to eat more or less when I walk around now. Even if the two of them don’t need to eat, Li Bo feels that he should find a place to sit and rest. If he is in the mall again When he went shopping, he estimated that he should, possibly, maybe, probably will cramp.

A big man, accompanied by two little girls shopping for cramps, then you can lose face!

Turning the wrist, the number of steps displayed on the bracelet has reached 15 thousand...

"It seems that you can't drive as soon as you go out in normal times. It takes too much energy and energy after the day, especially when the two elders are going to try on clothes, this feeling is especially obvious!"

When at work, Li Bo never felt that time would go so slowly.

In the office area, there will always be endless things to deal with, in the car, there will always be endless tasks, and at home, there will always be a longer and longer to-do list.

Fortunately, the Pomodoro Technique during this period of time brought a little respite to his work.

It also made the thought hidden in his heart begin to come alive...

"Brother Li, hurry up."


Yao Qian's yelling increased the frequency with the clatter of the leather shoes making intimate contact with the ground.


"Didn't the two of them say that they are tired? How can they walk so fast again? Do they have any misunderstandings about being tired?"

As the two walked into the dessert shop, they watched Yao Qian order three large mango smoothies, and Li Bo, who put his hand down, quietly put his phone under the table and searched for "fried chicken and mango." Smoothie, which one is higher in calories?".

There is no quantitative comparison, and Li Bo is a hooligan, and Li Bo, who has not got the answer, gave up his plan to continue studying.What if you get the answer?Do you have to tell them that it won't happen... This is a useless answer.

"Brother Li, you eat first, it's hard for you."

The first bowl of smoothie was pushed in front of Li Bo. He is already familiar with Yao Qian, and there is no need to be polite, not to mention his needs are more urgent than both of them.Wanshulou

Even if the central air conditioner in the mall is turned on, it is at most two blocks below the ground level. Now they are visiting the fourth floor and walking quickly with things, it is still hot.

When the ice like fine sand melted in his mouth, Li Bo felt that the air he inhaled from his nasal cavity was sweet and cold.

Sweet, can bring happiness to people, this is the result of human body evolution so far...Ah, this is another useless answer and knowledge, but it was told by his ex-girlfriend. It is probably impossible to forget That's...

After taking a few more sips, Li Bo pressed out the irritation in his chest due to the heat, and exhaled, it seemed that there was a white mist in the air, and he looked quite dreamy.

The cause of depression is to help Yao Qian and Jiang Shouji carry their bags.

Li Bo, he has his own arrogance. It's enough to help Mr. Yao drive a car or to send Yao Qian to the hospital... Now shopping with Yao Qian and her god-sister Jiang Shouji, what do you mean?Is this looking down on his ability to work?

But without @’s group chat, Li Bo also deeply understood a reality-the company still runs without him, even when he is active in the company, it seems to be an indispensable existence, but when When President Yao informed the group that he did not need to contact him for business today, all the sources of information that voluntarily jumped into his line of sight were all cut off.

This makes him very uncomfortable. Behind the unsuitability, there is a sense of crisis that makes his back cool, which makes him even more uncontrollable.

Leave, start a business.

This kind of thinking is not once or twice.

In the era of mass entrepreneurship, who doesn't have the idea of ​​being a boss?Even if you know that there is an abyss after business failure, but if the temptation to succeed, it will always attract batch after batch of people to jump into it.

Wan flew together!

Compared with the hot-headed entrepreneurs, Li Bo is relatively more stable. He is more willing to observe a successful boss before embarking on his own entrepreneurial path.

But staying in the company for a long time will form your own comfort zone.When it breaks, it breaks, mostly staying in the oral presentation.

"It's time to find an agent for business and industry."

"I will perfect my plan again."

"Reminder to your own risk points should also be added... a good life and a strong will!"

Li Bo sees more people who call to quit smoking and drinking all day, but "have a drink" or "a drink" the next day.

But I don’t know when, President Yao actually quit smoking and drinking, and also pushed a lot of entertainment. I thought that after the lack of these entertainments, the company’s business volume would decline. I didn’t expect that last month, it actually made a single month New high, the list of negotiations is much more than before!

A healthy body and a good mental outlook may be able to devote more energy to the operation of the enterprise.

Perhaps it was after Mr. Yao found out that many of his social interactions were ineffective, and made this choice...

Entrepreneurs really have great perseverance!

He believed that with his hard work, he could one day reach the height of Yao Genmin.

The premise is, how to talk to Mr. Yao and let him make an angel investment after he resigns...

At this moment, Yao Genmin, who was praised as an angel in Li Bo’s heart, was squatting on the ground, fiddle with the lockbox under his desk——

"Password, how many passwords come."

He is a little anxious, but there are... good cigarettes and alcohol, his addiction has come.


The password is correct.

The password box is opened... Inside is a smaller password box.

The addiction to smoking and alcohol is slowly consumed in the non-disconnecting box.

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