My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 308: Who Scared Who? (2 more, please subscribe!)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!It's normal to have a little head pain after sleeping for a long time.

But when Chen Yuan woke up, he felt that his head... very hurt, as if he had been beaten.

"Maybe, you slept too long, right?"

Chen Yuan was holding his head slightly in pain, rolling his eyes in confusion to look around——

Jiang Shouqin is doing push-ups, Jiang Shou is punching, the big eagle is fanning in the air, and a group of sloppy birds are also supporting them. It looks like a biological electric fan...

~~Little ones, move me up~~

~~More wings to reduce fatty liver~~

~~ Eat more and exercise less, it will become food~~

The voice of the great eagle, these spiritual birds, can understand more or less, it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, there is a lazy person, then just peck it and catch it...

Chen Yuan shook his head in admiration after living a life of fantasy.

He got up, patted the dust that did not exist on his body, walked to the front of the hall and sat on the steps.

Watching Jiang Shouzheng punching and Jiang Shouqin doing push-ups was new at first, but after watching it for a long time, it is also boring.Since he has nothing to do, he took out a small mirror from his pocket, looked at his face, and used the magical powers given to him to remove blackheads. The picture looked very decompressed.

My face still needs maintenance. I had a good night yesterday and now it is full of stains.

After being cleaned up, Jiang Shouzheng also recovered.

"Are you going to go back?"

"Don't you leave me for dinner?"

"Do not stay."

Regarding Jiang Shouzheng's ruthless refusal, Chen Yuan could only say "okay" to show that he could accept it. Anyway, he had to spend four years with him day and night when he arrived at the university.

"I'm going home first, my grandma must be waiting for me to eat."

"go Go."

Don't stay with Chen Yuan for too long, or you will be pitted if you are not sure.This is the experience that Jiang Shouzheng has summed up after being pitted many times.

Only a thousand days are a thief, how can a thousand days be a thief?

You have to keep a distance from the "thief", but you can't be too far apart. You need to keep the "thief" under your nose in order to protect your "safety" to the utmost extent. This is why Jiang Shouzheng is willing to let Chen Yuan One of the reasons for being my roommate...

After leaving Qingfeng Temple, Chen Yuan casually found a snack bar for dinner.

Just said that grandma is waiting for him to eat, that's bullshit...

After his college entrance examination was over, his parents divorced and separated, and his grandmother asked for money back, his grandmother became obsessed with the square dance. Within a week, she went from being a bystander to the lead dancer.

According to her statement, the old man in the city has a bad body, she only needs to take a look at it, and it will be...

Because of this sentence, every night I hear the soundtrack of the square dance in the next room, and I hear grandma's "one da da, two da da"...

This made Chen Yuan both happy and upset.

Fortunately, food is the best preparation, which relieves the stomach and naturally saves the mood.

Fried rice noodles, black-bone chicken soup, the simpler the dishes, the more they are honed by the chef. According to the game, the proficiency of this skill is full.228 Literature Network

Only when you become proficient can you become better, or the chance of becoming better will be great.

Zhuang Keke was already very skilled in contract review. After carefully reviewing Jiang Shouzheng's contract, he raised three core legal risks and asked Ye Cuilian to transfer it to Jiang Shouzheng.

Go directly to Qingfeng View, relying on its current form of existence, it is absolutely dare not.

It was just Jiang Shouqin's level, it couldn't get through it. It was just a poor ghost, who had stayed in front of its natural enemies for a long time, and it was its only and final destination.

It also wants to live well. It is not practical enough before death, and it is always easier to live after death.

Especially after discovering more fun things now, it is more interested in living-

"Hello, smoking is not allowed in this place, smoking will also damage your body..."

"Hello, if you want to register as an expert, please go to the queue... yes, that team..."

"Children, you can't press all the elevator buttons..."

Looking at Wen Rou, who is warm and generous and wearing a red vest, Zhuang Keke feels fun while also thinking about a question——

Is temperament related to the brain or the soul?

Wen Rou's soul is missing. This is a fact. Separating her from her dead ghost husband's soul is Zhuang Keke's hands. At present, it seems that selfishness in this aspect has been completely stripped away. .....

In this way, temperament seems to be related to soul. can I confirm that the soul is complete?

Zhuang Keke felt his spirit body a little bit, and there was no sense of regret. He believed that Wen Rou would not feel that his current behavior is inconsistent with his previous temperament at this moment...

"Can't think about it anymore!"

According to the words and deeds of Ye Cuilian, the god of skewers, ghosts without physical support, if they think too much, then the possibility of becoming a ghost will increase exponentially.

When he had not become a god before, he just screamed, but after he became a god, in the initial process of clearing out the ghosts in Linjiang, his argument was supported by data.

As a new generation, words such as big data and systemization can still be understood.

"Huh? What is she doing?"

While not letting myself think too much, he followed Wen Rou.

At this moment, Wen Rou was curled up in the shadow of the corridor, shaking uncontrollably, and his eyes dull.

After a while, she got up, took out the flashlight from the backpack, and walked to the parking lot step by step. Then, she raised the flashlight and looked at the car one by one, when she saw that one of the cars had a backpack in it. At the time, there was a light of excitement in her eyes, and she found a stone around and held it up high. Before falling, she hesitated, looked around again, and caught a glimpse of a monitor with a red dot.

She stiffened, took off her high heels, held the stone high, and started to leap up in the parking lot.

The parking lot was full of rough stones. After a while, her feet leaked blood, but she didn't seem to know tiredness and pain, so she continued to jump and jump...

The eyes are clear, the corner of the left mouth rises, and the corner of the right mouth sinks.

Zhuang Keke, who was carefully observing the record, saw such a scene, couldn't help but float backwards, a little farther away, and the discomfort a little bit.

Damn, there is a feeling of being scared?!

After Wen Rou jumped out of the parking lot, Zhuang Keke floated forward following the bloody footprints...

"Hey... I thought you wouldn't keep up."

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