My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 309 I am dead here!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!With a few handfuls of melon seeds, peanuts, and pistachios in your pocket, there will be a rustling sound when you walk, and you lift a thermos cup in your hand. There is simmered rice wine in it, your hair is neatly combed, and your clothes are very clean. Don't worry about where your living expenses will come from tomorrow, or where you live tonight. When you don't have much demand for life, such a day is happy, especially for the elderly.

Uncle Yan is already in his sixties this year, and he doesn't know exactly how old he is.

After organizing the 50-year-old banquet in advance at the age of forty-nine, he no longer counted his birthday, and explicitly told his child Yan Ge not to celebrate his birthday.For another birthday, it felt like a reminder that he was about to hang up.Of course, when you reach the age of seventy, you can still lively and lively. People are scarce in the seventies...

Under the dim street light, Uncle Yan was spinning around with his hands behind his back. At this time, he was a little sleepy. Only by moving around can he be more energetic.

When I feel thirsty, I unscrew the thermos and take a sip. After the sip, I have to breathe heavily. That is perfect...

At a very early time, he bought a large piece of land in the village. It was very cheap at that time. It was three hundred yuan a year. A pack of him was 50 years old. On that piece of land, he planted a farmer and digged fish. Pond, raising centipedes, letting chickens and ducks, raising fat pigs in captivity...Anyway, what to make money for, anyway, such a large area!

After the first doctor moved nearby, he followed his son's suggestion and changed the whole area into a parking lot.

When he was about to do this at the time, everyone in the family opposed it. The parking lot was empty and did not meet the standards of making the best use of the things in the countryside, but it made money.

With the stricter traffic rules and the importance of city appearance, random parking not only deducts money, but also deducts points, so parking spaces are hard to find!

Especially near hospitals, although they have internal parking spaces for use, there is not enough!

Now every morning, Uncle Yan’s wife works in the parking lot. As for Uncle Yan, he is on a night shift at night. The parking fee he receives at work belongs to them. When the money is too much, he will suffer relatives. I'm worried, I have money in my pocket, and when someone comes to you to borrow money, do I borrow or not?

If you borrow it, you may not get it back!

In this way, it is better to transfer the money to Yan Ge, let him eat and drink well, and bring a girl back to the family as soon as possible. They have nothing to ask for, and they have nothing to ask for. Their ancestors have been peasants for generations and pay back to others. What can be requested?

There is only one key-good health.

Especially in the past few years, after opening the parking lot, the old couple have seen too many girls who are not good at giving birth, and finally heard that it takes a knife to make the mother and the child safe. What is this, when looking for a wife? A big butt, isn't it just a cut?But this kid Yan Ge is not at all upbeat, he is so old, and he has never brought a girl home!After I go home, I just eat, drink, play on the phone, and sleep, but I don’t even go to the arranged blind date, but I'm so worried...

Tell him that he doesn't listen, he is full of great truths, great truths can't give birth to children, there is a fart!

He also said that the police station is too busy and spends more time in the unit, but the unit does not assign a wife!They are all bachelors if they die!

Thinking of the depression, Uncle Yan took another sip of rice wine.

The last sip of Jiu Jin has come up, and there is some heat in his body, which makes him feel erratic, very comfortable...


Spitting on the ground, just about to use a shoehorn for a few strokes, his son's warning sounded in his ears again.

"Master, you can't spit anywhere."

With his feet hanging in the air, he considered for a moment, Uncle Yan took a piece of paper from his pocket, squatted down, wiped the sputum clean, paced to the trash can, and discarded.

"No one is by my side, I still take care of Lao Tzu!"

Uncle Yan muttered a few words, a little unhappy, but looking at the corners of his mouth, he was still in a good mood.

"Beep, beep, beep!"

The rapid honking of the horn caused Uncle Yan to close the lid and walk slowly towards the front entrance of the parking lot.

This must be following the car again, so that the intelligent recognition robot can't open the door automatically!

Hey, today's young people are not only bad-tempered, but also illiterate. There is a big notice at the door, telling them not to overtake or follow the car!

"Here comes, don't press the horn!"

Uncle Yan yelled a few times in native dialect, and the sound of the horn stopped.Shuhuangsw Bookstore

It seems to be a native of Linjiang.

Uncle Yan has a measurement in his mind, local people, if you make a few rounds, everyone will be more or less related, there is not much contradiction, so few words.

If you are a foreigner, talk about him!

When Uncle Yan came closer, he realized that things seemed to be beyond his imagination...

He blinked his eyes hard, put on the glasses hanging around his neck, and walked a few steps forward...

Uncle Yan felt that he was very uncomfortable now, and he squatted on the ground with his chest, panting roughly.

He is a little dizzy now, and he is too old to withstand fright.

Blood, all blood, must be blood!

This smell is as unpleasant as it was when killing pigs!

When the breath was over, Uncle Yan hurriedly took out his cell phone, trembling and trying to call the police, but he couldn't remember the number of the call...

"110, 111, 112, many are they?"

Uncle Yan, who couldn't remember the call, was anxious and kept shaking his cell phone, but there was no way to figure it out.

I have to find a way to relax.

Unscrew the thermos cup and pour himself yellow wine, even if the wine overflows from the corner of his mouth.On weekdays, he would not be like this. Wine is food. How can rural people waste food, that would be condemned by God!

Now, how can I care about this? The more I drink this wine, the more Uncle Yan’s mind becomes clearer, but he still can’t remember the alarm call. Normally, he doesn’t remember this number at all. He thinks his son is a policeman. , Remember what alarm...

Yeah!Lao Tzu's son is a policeman!

He called Strictly...

"Take it, pick it up!"

After a few beeps, the phone was hung up.

Uncle Yan didn't have time to get angry, so he called it.

As soon as I connected, before I could speak, I heard my son say: "Dad, I am on duty now and have a task. I will call you when I am free."

Yan Ge hung up the phone, continued to copy the license plate, and beckoned the drivers of the two cars to walk aside.

When a car accident occurs on a highway, people can't be in the lane, and serious problems will occur.


The old man's phone call came again. When he came to this point, he asked how the parking lot collects money. He had already drawn the flow chart for him and posted it. Why didn't he know to take a look?

The older you are, the more you drink as a child, you will become ignorant.

Having said that, he is busy!

However, you still have to pick it up.

After arranging the drivers of the two cars out of the lane, Yan Ge answered the phone and said patiently:

"Master, I'm really on duty, I have tasks, and I'm very busy."

"Fart, I'm dead here!"

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