My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 312 Look straight at yourself.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Looking at "self" by oneself will only lead to two consequences, one is very satisfied with one's appearance, and the second is instinctive fear.

People are afraid of themselves.

Among the widespread horror experiments, there are those who look into the mirror and keep asking "Who are you".

The person in the mirror is just the effect of light and shadow, but when you face it, ask it, look at its face exactly like yourself, fear will breed...

"who are you?"

This question is destined to have no answer.

No matter from a scientific or philosophical point of view, there is no way to get a convincing and appropriate answer.

But Wen Rou had a whole new understanding of this problem.

Seeing myself being cut open and sewn back again, this feeling is very subtle...


She, oh, should call it it now.

It is also difficult to characterize its emotions, but it feels extremely depressed.

But its current state, even if the sky screamed, no one would care.

"my money!"

"I will have a better life in the future!"

"I just started preparing to be a good person!"

"By the way, I still have a child..."

"I can't die yet!!!"

"I do not!"

Life and accidents, there is always no way to determine which comes first.

Regarding the next second as the end of life, we won't have regrets like this.

Black qi came out of Wenrou's body, and a seam was slightly cracked on its forehead, and the flesh on it was squirming, splicing into organs similar to mouthparts, and sucking the black qi into it.

Wen Rou didn't even notice all this...

After the emotional outburst, once the momentum passes, you will feel extremely tired.

Wen Rou rubbed her temples, even if it didn't work at all, it brought some comfort to it.

It has now accepted its fate, and it does not feel that if it continues to suffer so much, the reality will change a little bit.

The idea of ​​wanting to survive is cut off, and the idea of ​​wanting to find the "murderer" becomes more and more intense, and it is almost filled with all its thoughts.

It still remembers that when it was alive, it felt that a person was tracking it. Although that person was tracking it secretly, it still discovered it!

What is the person tracking it like?

Wen Rou kept thinking, her eyes filled with blood.

In its memory, that person is like a shadow, but where is a person like a shadow in this world?

It kept thinking, wanting to find that person's appearance, it wants revenge!

The husband before his death is dead, he will obviously have a good life to live, as long as he gets the inheritance, he can live the life he yearns for-to be a good person!

Just like what I thought when I was a kid, like a diary I wrote in elementary school...

But, no matter how it resembles, the person is still vague in its memory, and if it hadn't seen the shadow on the ground, it would not have noticed it.

Scratching his head irritably, Wen Rou's figure paused. It saw a faint shadow on the ground...

It didn't even think about it. It felt a little itchy on its left cheek, scratching it, but found that the "meat" in this place had disappeared...

"Don't put your finger in my mouth, it's very rude."

A clear voice sounded, and Wen Rou shuddered with fright.

This is not its voice, who is this?

"Introduce yourself, my name is Zhuang Keke, and now it's yours...death inviter."

"Death Attractor?"

Wen Rou said repeatedly, eagerly: "Do you know how I died?!"

When this question was asked, Wenrou's eyes were slightly red, and her body began to breathe black air again. As usual, the black air was sucked away by the mouthparts on her forehead, without any spillage, no... ..waste.

"I know." Lingdu e-book

"who is it!"

The black energy on Wen Rou's body grew stronger, making it impossible to absorb all the mouthparts on her forehead.

"it's me."

Upon hearing this, Wen Rou felt a pain in her chest.

Looking down, there was a gap in his chest, as if it had been split by something, and it was filled with muddy gray gas and chaos.

Wen Rou, who doesn't know what the situation is, instinctively felt the fear, she pressed her chest, clutching...

The gray air came out of its fingertips like a life, and began to cover her body slowly.

From time to time, it bubbled, like boiling muddy water.

"What's the matter?! What's the matter?!"

Wen Rou, who was completely unprepared, felt more fearful!

"It's it! It's it!"

Wen Rou suddenly opened her eyes and patted her left cheek, trying to buckle the mouth.

However, the mouth there is gone.

But it doesn't care, it still pulls and picks frantically...

After a while, the gray gas had completely covered its body, and it struggled, trying to pull the gray gas from its body, but it was completely useless.

The gray air made its thinking a little stagnant. The place where the memory finally stagnated was a diary written by himself in elementary school——

How is it possible to be a good person?

The gray gas slowly dissipated, and Zhuang Keke stood there, belching contentedly:

"Sure enough, grabbing is always fast."

When feeling that the tyranny in his heart could not be suppressed, Zhuang Keke imagined the appearance of Jiang Shouzheng and Jiang Shouqin, and kept talking:

"I'm not going to give away heads, I am not going to give away heads..."

The mood was a little calmer, Zhuang Keke closed his eyes and felt his body, before sighing for a long time:

"It's actually a strong one. My relative Zhuang Gao Shang is not a good person."

"Don't worry, I will take good care of it then. You can go with confidence."

There was an opening between Zhuang Keke's eyebrows, and it disappeared with a slap in the face.

"Go without worry, then let me slowly digest you."



"What's up? Are you angry again?"

"Didn't I have read the regulations on anatomy management? This is all for it!!!"

"This is to support justice and uphold fairness!!! How can it be angry?"

Through the transparent glass, a faint shadow can be clearly seen on the side of the morgue bed...

"No matter what, eat supper first."

Shaking his head and straightening up, the forensic doctor cheered himself up while whistling, and took a ginseng tonic capsule from his pocket.

This is a small pill developed by him after years of research and a number of veteran Chinese doctors, which can effectively increase...Yang Qi.

When he finished eating the instant noodles and looked at the door glass again, the phantom had disappeared.



In the past few days, environmental protection has been strictly checked, and the stars in the sky have become much brighter.

They fell on the water, and they were broken apart by the water waves one after another.

Gu Yu strolled on the reservoir and carefully looked at the blueprints of the relocation of the river course. During this time, he patronized and studied this...

Although he doesn't understand water conservancy at all, it is his body to be relocated, and he still knows where he "lying" would be a little more comfortable!


"A ghost who can restrain his emotions?"

Gu Yu raised his head and swiped his hand in the air, and Linjiang's map appeared in the air: "Here...this place should be under the control of the god of skewers..."

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