My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 313 Self-examination and self-correction.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The scorching sun is a stage for the living. Distress, discord, and darkness hide in the corners. When the time is right, he will come out to make trouble. After all, Jiang Shouzheng of Qingfengguan has already gone out to learn the car. , Then it’s worse than hitting the gun.

"This guy, why haven't he gone to college to study, come out and wander around every day!"

This is the heartfelt voice of most unincorporated evil spirits in Linjiang, but no one cares.

Of course, Jiang Shouzheng himself is not clear. For people who only live in Qingfeng Temple, even if they have not lived in hotels, hotels, KTVs, or saunas, the filth caused by darkness does not exist. The only thing that makes him feel a little headache. It is the shadow of the corner, where moss grows crazy every day!

"Moss marks are green upstairs, and the color of the grass enters the curtains." It's almost as long as they fall on the paper. If there are really moss on the steps and corners, then walking in order to avoid slipping, you will have to work, trouble!

Fortunately, the trouble has been passed on to Jiang Shouqin...

"She, she, she..."

This is the sound of metal and brick rubbing and colliding, harsh and sharp, and it sounds particularly uncomfortable.

Jiang Shouqin hated this kind of sound, so he squatted on the ground and fiddled with it with a knife. A little fluffy moss had just emerged from the cracks in the walls, and he would not let it go, otherwise it would be tomorrow morning. It will become a thick slice, and then I will be staring at the eyes of the brother...

Of course, he didn't dare to use too much force when he was pulling, because he was afraid of scratching the ground and walls. He had his scruples.

Jiang Shouji, who had a backache while studying in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, took out the chair and sat in front of the main hall with a book in her hands. She flicked her calf and read. Jiang Shouqin naturally "goodbye" her ears...

"If you don't listen or listen, Wang Ba chants."

Isn’t studying for exam scores and scholarships?

Regarding test scores, Jiang Shouqin had already had a good relationship with the test god, and he didn't panic at all.

Scholarships or something, are they more profitable than distributing Qingfengshui?

Don't look at him as the youngest in the Qingfeng View, but he is rich!

Take a look at the way Xiaobai is working hard now. She is so rigid and inflexible at all. This must be the impression that her inherited memory has created on her. When she reads her book, she feels calm, which can easily arouse Jiang Shouqin. The unpleasant memory of being locked up in the temple...

When Jiang Shouqin scooped up the moss with a small knife, it was time to let the broom against the wall move.

As usual, you need to stare at the broom with your eyes for a minute to see if you can exercise the magical powers of "remembering all things"...

When the time is up, it's a pity that I haven't obtained the corresponding magical powers. It's okay. Don't give up. As long as you are focused enough and have a good idea, you will master this good cleaning skill sooner or later.This kind of thing, in fact, can be solved by the brother with a single thought. Sooner or later, I will become an excellent cleaner like the brother.

Of course, mastering the core supernatural powers is not accomplished overnight, the Lifetime series!

I bought a cordless hand-held vacuum cleaner, four sweeping robots, and an industrial multi-functional floor scrubber that arrived a little earlier, which can really help. Four sweeping robots, one for the Buddhist scripture hall, and one for the quiet room. , One in the main hall, one in the kitchen, holding a vacuum cleaner and letting him pick up points behind the sweeping robot. Industrial multifunctional floor scrubbers are used to clean small squares and other places that need to be cleaned...

As the currently richest disciple in the Qingfeng View, Jiang Shouqin believes that it is necessary for him to give full play to his ability to raise money in the view.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shouqin glanced at Jiang Shouji who was reading, and said in his heart: "It would be great if I could become the second brother." 600 Novels

If you become the second senior brother, then you can shout to Jiang Shouji, let her go east, she won't go to heaven!Let her sweep the floor and she won't mop the floor!Let her talk to her ears every day!Let her not chase and bite his thigh...

The more I thought about it, the more intense Jiang Shouqin's heart became. He glanced at the more than 30,000 yuan on the online bank. Jiang Shouqin carried the broom, imitating the appearance of the gang on the TV, and walked out of the steps that the six relatives did not recognize... Pass the shoulder and enter the hall.

"Fortunately, remembering that I didn't hold a toothpick just now! Otherwise it would be incomplete!"

When I walked to the kitchen, I found a toothpick from a place to prevent debris, shook one out of the small jar, held it in my mouth, and deliberately turned on the front camera of the mobile phone. Stepped out of the hall and came behind Jiang Shouji...


To be vigorous, make your voice loud when you spit out a toothpick, raise your head slightly, and look stubborn...

Jiang Shouqin imitated very well. Jiang Shouji stopped reading, touched his head, picked out the toothpick from her hair, twisted it on her fingertips and placed it on the front of her face for a while, and put the book in her arms severely. She hit the ground and jumped off the chair. When she turned and looked up at Jiang Shouqin, she was expressionless:

"Ginger! Shou! Diligence! If you can't give me a reasonable explanation, we will have an extra meal tonight."

Supper, naturally refers to lotus seed soup, or steamed lotus chicken, or lotus leaf steamed meat...

Jiang Shouqin trembled, but he touched the phone in his trouser pocket, thinking of the balance on his online banking, and found his courage again.

"I have money!"

Following Jiang Shouji's flipping the book, Jiang Shouqin threw the broom to the ground. The dust left at the end fell from the thin bamboo branches.

Looking at Jiang Shouji looking up at her seemingly strenuous appearance, Jiang Shouqin took two steps back and squatted down.

Only by looking up can you communicate effectively and show that your savings can compete for the right to speak...

Unfortunately, all this was in vain. When Jiang Shouji saw Jiang Shouqin's balance of deposits, she squeezed her fist and slammed it hard. The fist swept to the ground and the bricks cracked.

"...Sister Xiaobai, how much do you want?"

Jiang Shouji looked at Jiang Shouqin silently.

"...Sister Xiaobai, how much do you think I should keep?"

Jiang Shouji thought about it seriously and compared it with a "one". When the deposit became "1", Jiang Shouqin felt very heartbroken and left with her chest.

Jiang Shouji curled up the corners of her mouth with satisfaction and murmured, "I meant to leave him a thousand..."

Since I received the money, I have to help more or less, cleaning up the small things, Jiang Shouji decided to take care of it by the way, but before she took two steps, her feet could not walk as if they had taken root. When it was too late to call for help, a strange wind blew in the Qingfengguan. All the dust, moss, centipedes under the tiles and the like in the Qingfengguan gathered into a ball and fell into the trash can.

~~ I will shave normally!~~

~~ Don't do anything at all, I hurt.~~

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