My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 316 Rhubarb?

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!After making a copy of the fingerprint, Jiang Shouzheng said goodbye to the coach.

"Are you really not leaving me a signature?" Hu Congcong asked, using an electric wind to blow the fingerprints that were not fully cured.

"No, I'm not a celebrity." Jiang Shouzheng refused without even thinking. He noticed Hu Congcong's desire for his own signature, and he added with confidence, "Coach, don't you put me in the contract and registration. Deduct the signature on the form."

"Don't worry about this. Since I taught, I haven't done anything that violates professional ethics." Hu Congcong waved his hand impatiently, "When the time is up, I will call you. You can go home now. Up."

However, Jiang Shouzheng did not leave, still standing in place.

"Anything else?"

"Coach, you can see that I learned after only a few days of practice. Can my tuition be refunded in proportion? You don't need to calculate it very strictly. It's almost enough to erase the fraction, one thousand... Is it reasonable?"

After five minutes of grinding, Jiang Shouzheng, who had already got five hundred in his hand, wanted to fight for it.

"Don't talk about it, you were originally at a discounted price. It would be nice to be able to refund you five hundred."

Jiang Shouzheng put the money back in his pocket, rubbed his hands and continued: "But according to my understanding, Mr. Dong Wu helped me with some of the money."

Hu Congcong was contacted by Dong Wu. The so-called "preferential price" not only had the face of Dong Wu, but also the money he had already paid.

Dong Wu didn’t talk about it with Jiang Shouzheng, and Hu Congcong didn’t talk about it. He learned everything from his possession to the God of Test——

"God test, bless my children to study hard. I met Daoist Jiang Shouzheng and I helped him pay for the tuition. He is very good. If you also know Daoist Jiang Shouzheng, please give me a blessing. Bless you? If you don’t know Daoist Jiang Shouzheng, then go get to know each other?-Dong Wu."

There is no way to absorb the power of non-new faith, but the thoughts contained in the power of faith can still be viewed by Jiang Shouzheng who is in the body of the god test. Jiang Shouzheng, who is not strong in selfish desire, will occasionally turn over it. He is not very clear about whether such behavior infringes the right to privacy. After studying the laws on these dates, Jiang Shouzheng has not found any one clearly written...

Hearing Jiang Shouzheng's words, Hu Congcong's face stiffened.

This kind of non-accounting form of collecting money, is put on the surface, it will always be unsatisfactory.

He opened his mouth, turned on the phone a little bit unlucky, and showed his payment code in front of Jiang Shou...

All the cash has just been given to Jiang Shouzheng. This year, it is quite good to be able to bring five hundred cash. Everyone is using digital currency. Who is holding money in his pocket?

"Why did you bring so much cash?"

At the entrance of the Kyoto Airport, the airport security personnel opened a black suitcase, looked at the piles of cash inside, and calmly pressed their hands on the batons pinned to their waists.

"Hello, let me explain. This is the manuscript fee that our company wants to send. The other party clearly requires cash settlement in the contract. We can't do this. You may also know this student. This year's college entrance examination champion, called... .. Jiang Shouzheng."


Compared with electronic payment and online banking transactions, Jiang Shouzheng prefers the feeling of depositing cash in the bank, especially the sound of "screaming" when putting money into the money counter, which makes him feel very at ease. .

When the spirits were removed, most of the places were relatively desolate, and many of them were still in rural areas. It is popular to settle accounts in cash. The money is in the hands and in the pockets. This is the money.

Put them in a bank or other savings account, it is a number, and does not make people feel very sensitive.

If it weren’t for money that’s easy to mold, deteriorate, or break when simply stored, Jiang Shouzheng would still be happy to find a place to put them in Qingfeng Temple. It’s not that he didn’t have the idea of ​​replacing money with gold bricks to preserve its value, but Now you can’t buy gold bricks home, but after you buy them, the staff will take you to a place, imaginarily light up some of the gold bricks to tell you——Fanshu Novel Network

"No, that's your golden brick."

It feels like when he was removing spirits from the cemetery, the uncle of the doorman pointed at one of the tombstones.

"No, that's the person you are looking for."

But anyway, if the money can be taken, there is no need to be hypocritical. If you ask for more, Coach Hu Congcong will probably not give it. At that time, you will have to use the "deterrence" of the sky's eye or the "hypnosis" of the vampire. Is not so good.

Trot down the mountain, sweating slightly.

Jiang Shou was looking for a shared bicycle with an iron lock at the foot of the mountain. There was no one around, pinching the iron lock and twisting it slightly...

He is not a person who likes to take advantage of the small bargain. First buckle the lock of the shared bicycle, and then scan the code to open it. The money that should be paid is still to be paid. Anyway, he is... a member.

He just chuckled and rode for a while, and someone behind him chased him with an iron lock.

Inject mana to protect shared bicycles from being trampled on~

Speed ​​up~

Heading towards Qingfengguan, he had to go back and see what happened.

Jiang Shouqin can still call and send text messages, so the problem is not too big. Gu Dengshen also just spoke with him and shared his perspective——

Looking from a distance from a high altitude, I don't know why, Jiang Shouqin was hammering the ground with a hammer, looking like he was unlovable.

This hammer is not a hammer, but a balloon filled with hydrogen.

"What's up? Those who don't clean or read, just play?"

This observation did not last long. After Jiang Shouqin raised his head and raised his middle finger, the picture was broken.

Throwing a mana ball into the air, a small hand stretched out from the void and grabbed it, and the mana ball disappeared.

Jiang Shouzheng braked, looked around, and turned the bike's head one direction...

Now it seems that there is no problem. You can go to the vegetable market first, buy some food and then go back. This saves time and saves you from going out again... You can also drop by the library and borrow A little book...Last time I promised to go to the zoo occasionally to see that the tortoise has a longevity, it can be done just one time...

Time is always passing away in trivial things, and when Jiang Shouzheng returns to Qingfeng View, the sun has already set.

It's summer, and the sun is setting late, even if it is past six o'clock, the sky is still clear, there are boring chirping birds on the winding path back to Qingfengguan, they screamed happily when they saw Jiang Shouzheng , And fluttering wings soaring.

"Brother is back." Jiang Shouqin straightened up, punched, wiped the non-existent sweat, and caught a glimpse of the birds falling back into the nest of different species in an orderly manner. He forcibly resisted the urge to drop the "hammer" in his hand. , Hold back, wait until the brother comes back! I, Jiang Shouqin, can bear it! I have already beaten this guy back for an afternoon, and I don’t care about this for a few more minutes. You have to brew your feelings until the moment the brother opens the door. I cry, although my tears are hard to shed, but my voice must be hoarse, stern, helpless, painful, sad..."

It's time to test the real acting skills. The knowledge learned from watching TV series and movies for so many days is now put to a crucial use!

Under Jiang Shouqin’s expectation, Jiang Shouzheng carried spare ribs, fatty intestines, yam, tomatoes, ginger, green onions, and garlic to the door of Qingfengguan. Now there is no one around. When he was about to read Yukaimen, A familiar feeling came to his mind, and he subconsciously spoke:



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