My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 317: It's Me, It's Me, Bark~

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!A word has been circulating in the cute pet circle-

In the world of dogs, humans are immortal elves, who can protect their families from generation to generation.

This is a beautification for some humans, but it reflects the lifespan comparison between canines and primates, which is still very impressive.

When Jiang Shouzheng was nine years old, the watcher "limped" back to the watch center. It was not because of a fall, nor was it because of going out to fight with others and being injured, nor was it because of going out to subdue the demon and the demon suffered internal injuries, but his There is a gray puppy on the right trouser leg, and it closes its eyes and holds the master's trouser leg.

"Shouzheng, come, come and unload this stuff. We will eat dog meat hot pot tonight."

At this time, the little yellow dog had no strength. Jiang Shouzheng grabbed its back neck and gently lifted it. With his other hand, he pulled his mouth, and he let it go, just murmuring.

"Lord, it is such a small one, do we really want to eat it?"

"Natural selection, the survival of the fittest, the strong eat meat, the weak eat grass, this is also a piece of meat, how long have we not eaten meat? I have nothing to do with you, mainly you, you are still young and need to eat meat. Only nutrition can grow taller, otherwise it will become a short winter melon."

"Dwarf wax gourd? Is there anything wrong with being a short wax gourd?"

"Of course it's not good. If you are short, you will have to look up at others as you do now. Tell me, if you look up, do I get a sore neck after a long time?"

"No, except for a little bit of soreness after training, I won't be sour in any other movements."

"..., ah, short winter melon is not good anyway."

"Oh, okay, then watch the subject... why does it hold your trouser legs?"

"...Why are there so many children? The silence is Jin, you know, Jin, Gan! I said that I'm going to eat dog meat hot pot at night, so you don't want to clean this dog, no How to eat after washing?"


The watcher watched Jiang Shouzheng trot into the hall, he walked quickly back to the quiet room, carefully closed the door, and then took out a bag from the sleeves that had been closed, and inside it was a piece of biscuits that had only been eaten. ...


Guanzhu swallowed and spit, looking from the gap in the sesame seed, it was a half fat, not bad, and in line with his taste.

"Cut, a little dog still wants to see someone? Dreaming!"

The watcher tore the gap in the biscuits and nibbled the rest...

"Huh, what about the subject?"

Jiang Shouzheng murmured, and had no plan to call out. Just now, the master taught that the silence is golden, it is golden. Walking with short legs, holding the puppy’s neck, he went to the hall and found a bench to sit on the big tank. Next, step on it, lift the lid, and throw the puppy in...

Puff through.

There was a huge sound of falling water, and the viewer who was gnawing on the sesame cake almost choked in fright. He patted his chest before swallowing the last bite of the sesame cake, and subconsciously wanted to open the door to see what happened. He slid on the door, retracted again, and took out a box of chocolates and a "string" of popping candy from the other sleeves.

After putting these two things into Jiang Shouzheng's bed, he patted them, and opened the door only after seeing nothing inside.

"Shouzheng, what are you doing...what the hell?"

Seeing Jiang Shouzheng, who was not in the water tank with one hand on the edge of the water tank and the puppy in the other, he was blinded.

Jiang Shouzheng shook his head to remove the water stains on his face, and raised the puppy in his hand to indicate:

"I just threw the dog in..."

"Don't just get out of the tank, what should I do if I catch a cold?"

Watching the master took a healthy step, he appeared next to the water tank in the next second, putting one hand on Jiang Shouzheng's shoulder, and when he lifted it, Jiang Shouzheng was out of the tank.

"I just took the dog..."

Jiang Shouzheng still didn't finish his words this time. The master patted his head and interrupted: "Now put the dog on the ground, immediately, immediately change his clothes and dry his hair."


Jiang Shouzheng squatted down and put the puppy with his eyes open on the ground. The gray dog, after being soaked in water, began to flick his hair as soon as he hit the ground, splashing Jiang Shouzheng all over again.

"Huh, this is a yellow dog?"

"Even if it's a green dog, you can change my clothes now."

"The disciple obeys."

Listening to the audience's tone of voice rose, Jiang Shouzheng hurriedly got up and gave his hands, then trot back to the quiet room... Tianlai Novel

"This unlucky boy." The master shook his head, his eyes fell on the puppy, "What happened to the dog?"

He picked up the puppy who had just walked to the water tank to pee and threw it in the tank...

After a few flutters, the dog actually sank?!

"Hey?! This dog can't swim?!"

Before the puppy had completely sunk, the master quickly copied the dog up. It was strange to see the dog.

When Jiang Shouzheng wanted to copy this dog, he fell into the water tank unsteadily...

After ten minutes, Jiang Shouzheng changed into a brand new robe and hurried out of the quiet room:

"Lord, I just threw the dog in. It can't swim!!!"

The subject nodded, indicating that he knew it.

"Watch the Lord, a dog can't swim! Don't you feel strange?"

"What's so strange about this, everything in the world is unpredictable, you are still young, there are more weird things in this world, just a dog that can't swim, what's so strange. As you grow up, When you have a wide range of knowledge, there will always be strange and weird things. Don’t always be surprised. This is a loss of face for our breeze, especially my face. , Chuyaotang, Master of Demon Sect, Footwashing City... Cough cough, anyway, in a nutshell, in short, you have to learn not to change your face, not to be surprised when things happen, and don’t take care of everything. , People can see through you at a glance." Guanzhu held his hands behind his back, looking serious and serious.

"Disciples remember"

Although I don’t understand what the Lord is saying, but it makes sense. Remember first, understand slowly later, do the business first, and wash the puppy clean...

Huh?Where's the dog?

Ok?Why is the ground so wet?

"Watch the Lord, where's the dog?"

"Just went to the back."

"But there are no footprints on the ground."

"I said to go to the back is to go to the back, why don't you hurry to find it?"


When Jiang Shouzheng stepped into the hall, the master squatted down and put the puppy on the ground, and pushed: "Quickly, take two steps, don't lie on the ground without moving."

The puppy flicked its fur and lay motionless on the ground.

"Move it up."

The puppy cast a blank look.

"I... don't eat you anymore."

The puppy stood up, flicked his fur again, and ran up and down in the small square.

"Shouzheng, the dog has come to the front, come and wash it clean."

"I'm coming."


"Lord, don't we eat dogs?"

"Don't eat it, this dog looks very spiritual, keep it first."

"But I will be a short winter melon without meat."

"Uh...go, go out and catch a snake."

"it is good."

This support is nearly ten years.

Xiao Huang became rhubarb, then old yellow, and finally dead yellow...

The company of the past ten years, this feeling is very familiar.

"Rhubarb, is it really you?"

~~Wow!Wang!Wang!It's me, your little brother~~

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