My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 332 Chen Yuan is very well connected.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"What a disappointment!"

Jiang Shouqin stretched out his hands angrily, trying to point at the sky to curse, but when he thought that such behavior was too childish, he disdains it...

But the depression always needs to be vented. The push news said that there was a meteor shower for more than three hours tonight, and the official account of this news was directly cleared. Before the clearance, the official account was reported. .

...The reason for "spreading false information".

But when he remembered that he still had a lot of wishes, Jiang Shouqin went online to find the accounts distributing meteor shower news and reported them one by one. When the reporters got tired, he stopped.

Seeing that the short video just recorded didn't receive much reading and likes, Jiang Shouqin spent another five hundred to promote himself, and the data came up at a speed visible to the naked eye.


While Jiang Shouqin was sitting with these things, Jiang Shouji dragged her cheeks to watch the animation.

Although she also felt that she had been cheated by the news, she did not have so much unprovoked anger.

Today, I have done a whole day of papers, and it has been very hard. Why should I bother with my mind and soul?She doesn't have the mentality like Jiang Shouqin. Looking at the anime now, she doesn't think this anime is good-looking, she just relaxes her brain...

Speaking of relaxation, Jiang Shouzheng has walked from the front to the rear of the car. He has not found a relatively spacious place until now.


What to do tomorrow morning?

Since practicing boxing, Jiang Shouzheng has never stopped practicing. The college entrance examination has not stopped him from practicing boxing. Now on the train, there is no place to practice boxing. How bad!!!

The place I can't find, maybe the flight attendant will know.

Looking at the little auntie, Jiang Shouzheng asked quietly: "Hello, is there any spacious place here?"

The flight attendant was clever and stood upright. When he saw Jiang Shouzheng, he breathed a sigh of relief. After a sigh of relief, he said:

"Sir, the train is so big and there is no room for it. If you are taking a high-speed train or a high-speed train, the first-class place may be a little more spacious."

"Is there really no special place? I for it."

When Jiang Shouzheng said this, it was still quite difficult, but in order to have a place for boxing practice in a few hours, then he always had to pay.

"No payment."

The professional smile of the flight attendant, and the answer without pause, made Jiang Shouzheng clearly realize that...there will be no place to practice boxing tomorrow.

Anxiety rushed up all at once.

"Thank you."

After thanking Jiang Shouzheng, he returned to his car, sat down and leaned heavily on the chair, and began to think about the problem of practicing boxing tomorrow.

"Brother, why did you go?" Jiang Shouji glanced at Jiang Shouzheng and asked with concern.

Before Jiang Shouzheng had time to speak, Jiang Shouqin helped speak: "Sister Xiaobai, where did the brother go without reporting to us, it is very bad and impolite to ask brother this way. When the brother wants to tell us , It will naturally tell us that when the brother did not take the initiative to tell us, we, as the brother and sister, should not take the initiative to ask, in case..."

Jiang Shouqin made a logical statement, and Jiang Shouzheng felt that what he said was reasonable.

But things like reason all need to be brewed, and there will be a hint of sharpness and hostility if they are directly displayed.

Jiang Shouzheng rubbed his fingers, and Jiang Shouqin's voice stopped abruptly. His mouth was "glue" by Jiang Shouzheng's force.

Because that breath did not come out, the breath naturally passed on from the nasal cavity...

A piece of nose hair fell out, fluttering and turned into a short piece of root...Reading Bookstore

Fortunately, no one noticed such details. Jiang Shouqin twisted the root, walked to the toilet, and threw the root through the transom.

The chance of his resurrection after death, +1.


Go out happy, go home disappointed.

This can sum up Chen Yuan's mental journey today.

There is no need not to lose the ticket as a Cengfan, now there is an extra mouth at home.However, we can't take such a utilitarian look at having a dog at home. Chen Yuan at least found that the feeling of chatting with a dog is quite good.

Especially when you talk to it, it can give you certain feedback, such as a long mouth and a tongue, or tilting your head, or rolling...

Chatting with dogs is much easier than people. Unconsciously, Chen Yuan chatted with Budiu for more than two hours.

The content ranges from studying, starting a business, expecting college life, not being pretty for seniors, and finally talking about the divorce of parents.

"To be honest, I'm really uncomfortable, really uncomfortable, but I don't know who to tell, if I say it, or if I show it, someone will come to comfort me, but when I think about it When others comfort me because my parents are divorced, I will feel even more uncomfortable. I can't even think about it, you know?"

He looked at Chen Yuan with his head tilted, of course, this time he didn't utter any words...

If you can spit out words in the morning, it should be Qingfengguan's dog demon teasing him.

Seeing the silly look of Buddhism, Chen Yuan placed his hand on his forehead and supported his chin with the other, and then made it "nod".

"Well, you know, do you sympathize with me?"

This time, I felt uncomfortable because of being "caught" his head, and suddenly broke free, shook his head, as if shaking his head.

Obviously knowing that not to lose is not to give him feedback on the problem, but Chen Yuan is still very happy.

At this time, the phone’s alarm clock rang, and the reminder displayed——

Time to sleep!

Chen Yuan patted his head without losing it, got up and went to wash in the bathroom.

I always feel very boring when I brush my teeth in the bathroom, but I can’t use my mobile phone or something. This is a habit I developed after being scolded by my grandma.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Chen Yuan casually produced a piece of cloth.

Then he won.


Chen Yuan just wanted to spit out the foam in his mouth, so he swallowed it...

"Do you feel a little surprised or horrified?"

A line of blood appeared on the mirror, and the blood began to drift away. He shrank on the sofa without losing it, his head buried in the cushion "barking"!


That is impossible.

After all, at the moment he first won, Chen Yuan thought it was a test of God.

But looking at such special effects, it should not be.

In particular, the slightly threatening "word of art" made Chen Yuan's eyes a little flustered, but it was only flustered. There was still a great distance from fear, because he soon remembered that he was being tested. The man favored by God, but the Linjiang Gemini star who was planted mana by Jiang Shou in his of them, he knows the test god, the big eagle, and the...

There are so many connections, there is no need to be afraid of a guy who only dares to hide in the mirror and scare people.

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