My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 333 The returning old watcher needs to dig a bird's egg.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Linjiang.

Red moon.

Tonight, the cold moon, with a hint of reddish color, is a natural phenomenon, and similarly...




Some evil creatures have been dormant for a day, and some evil creatures have been dormant for several years. Today, they finally waited until Jiang Shouzheng left Linjiang, and finally waited until Jiang Shouqin left Linjiang!!!

In the past, when Jiang Shouzheng was still in his hands, who fell into his hands, so he thought he was unlucky, killed alone, and lost his soul...

Each ghost sweeps the blood in front of the door, and puts it on the widow.

Now when Jiang Shouqin appeared, it was simply a nightmare. People Jiang Shouzheng was trying to make money, then they could still understand that they did something bad for others, and their skills were not as good as others.

But what is Jiang Shouqin?

Money is also needed, life is swallowed...death is too ugly.

"I have been hiding in the toilet for fifteen days, every day...Oh!!!"

"Don't tell me, I have been hiding in the cemetery for two months, only occasionally pretending to be a phosphorous fire to scare passers-by, I dare not make any big moves!"


"None of you have stayed for as long as I did. I have been more than ten years..."

As soon as these words came out, the lively atmosphere was choked.

"Why are you hiding for ten years?!"

"Yes, why should I hide for ten years!"


Seeing that he was dragged out of the mirror, the test god gave it to the KO with a snap of his fingers. Chen Yuan applauded and reacted as the people who eat melons should have.

"You stayed at home tonight, Linjiang is not peaceful now."

"Now when you talk, you really seem to be with Jiang Shouzheng, aren't you really Jiang Shouzheng becoming?"

"I've said it many times. The way I am in front of you is just because you think you should look like this!"

After the test, he disappeared in place with a bang.

Chen Yuan hurriedly called grandma and asked her to come back quickly.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yuan was still worried. Although the old man said that he would be back soon, listening to the music on that end should not have finished so soon.

Grandma had to practice hard every night when she went home. He could clearly know that now this song is the eighth song, and there are 23 songs in total for the square dance.

Chen Yuan rinsed his mouth, raised his head and gurgled to clean his mouth, then spit out the water into the sink.

Wiping his mouth, he hurried out to pick up grandma.

After walking a few steps, I turned my head back to the mirror, first compared a pair of scissors to the mirror, then cloth, and finally rock.

Every time it was a tie, it was good and normal.

Chen Yuan left, and grabbed him from the cushion before leaving.

"It's okay now, come out, it's safe."

"I'm in a rush to go out now, you have to be good at home, don't tear your home!"

After the exhortation, regardless of whether he could understand it or not, Chen Yuan went out.

The moment the door closed, he screamed at the bathroom without losing it, then turned into a whine, and finally got into a new cushion.

In the bathroom, "Chen Yuan" was still making his fists, but when he was out, he "broke" the mirror and walked out of it.

This mirror is a bit small, and it's very irrational when he comes out.

There is nothing to be picky about getting things done urgently.

Now if you don't want to run away quickly, can't wait for the gods to come back to deal with it.

When passing by the living room, looking at the delicious bloody food, "Chen Yuan" gave up the urge to feast on it. Small lives matter, and small lives matter.

... a good novel

Outside the Qingfeng view, the red lanterns were hung high.

Rhubarb was lying at the door all day, except for the two in the morning, there was no one alive.

It is going to start tomorrow, and it is a good choice to lie in the Qingfeng Temple.

When he got up, the door of Qingfeng Temple opened strangely, and when it walked in, it closed again.

~~ It’s not peaceful, but the guys who have been overwhelmed don’t have the guts to watch the trouble~~

~~ As for me, just sleep well.~~

Rhubarb grew up lazily, and then the sawdust on his body fell one by one, from the target of the big dog to the puppy, and then disappeared.

What remains on the ground is just a pile of sawdust, and this pile of sawdust, if no accident, will become the new rhubarb tomorrow.

But there is no accident, it is not called life.

The black hole appeared in the main hall of Qingfengguan.

This black hole rhubarb has an impression. This impression not only comes from the video that the owner Jiang Shouzheng showed it, but it also sensed this black hole when it was integrated into the Qingfeng View.

After all, a foreign body appeared in the body inexplicably.

Looking at this black hole, Rhubarb turned into a human form. He felt that it was necessary to contact the owner to let him know that after he left, the black hole appeared again, and this black hole neither ate nor spit out garbage.

How to contact?

Of course it was a phone call.

"The number you dialed is not in the service area. Please try again later."

"The number you dialed is not in the service area. Please try again later."

"What you dialed... I asked you to call later, but I didn't let you keep calling!! After the other party's call is in the service area, I will notify you by text message! Give me a stop!"

Are current AI services already so smart?

Rhubarb put down the phone, looked at the black hole, and after watching, an old man "spit out" from the black hole.

This old man looks a little familiar, no, he is very familiar~

Because of the agitated mood, Rhubarb's body suddenly couldn't sustain it, and it became a puppy again, but this time, it actively jumped into the big tank and started to flop.

~~ barking~~

"Oh, I'm back, did Shangqingmen leave me this time?"

"I am such an outstanding talent, able to watch the door and fight, but also...smelt equipment, actually fired me?!"

"Huh? When did I learn the smelting equipment?"

Old Guanzhu frowned, but he didn't think too much about this issue. Instead, he fished out the dog who couldn't get water from the big tank and threw it on the ground.

"Aren't you dead?" Looking at the familiar puppy, the old master asked.

~~ Looking back at the Lord’s words, under the master’s warmth, mine came alive again.~~

"Oh... are you alive?"

Laoguan nodded his head in a calm manner, and replied without smoke.

Although he has just been expelled from Shangqingmen, he immediately returned to the Qingfeng Temple and felt a little confused and stared--damn, can a dead dog survive?Now you can still transfer words directly to your mind?

But when I thought that there were already a fox spirit and a lotus spirit in Guanli, it was not too surprising.

The most important thing now is to verify whether the smelting equipment skills that have suddenly appeared in my mind are true.

How to check?

Find some iron ore and make a hot pot?

But where's the iron ore in Qingfeng View!

In addition, he has not eaten for several days, and the whole person feels a little erratic...

I looked around and saw the extra tree beside the quiet room. There were many bird nests on the tree.

Do you want to move your body?It's been a long time since I punched.

After a set of boxing techniques, Linjiang can no longer see the red moon.

The birds that circled him at night were also driven away by him.

Then climb the tree and dig out the bird eggs...

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