My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 336 Old Master: Be decent.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Not to mention, it's good to buy expensive things.

Not only can you buy products, but you can also buy services, and let others install everything that should be installed. It feels refreshing to watch by yourself.

He has old arms and legs now, and let others do things if they can be done.

Installing furniture or something is fast, and by the way, I slightly changed the layout of the quiet room.

Said it was a change, but only slightly moved the positions of the two beds.

"Master, you are really such a thing."

This room is almost dust-free, and everything is clean and neat.

Even if the bed was moved, there was no trace of the foot of the bed on the ground.

This is an old man who loves cleanliness and is particular.

For the praise of others, the old watchers naturally accept it.

There is no way to explain what it is. Could you tell them that the whole Qingfeng View is now cleaned by monsters?

It's okay to persuade them, but if you refuse, then you have to be admitted to a mental hospital.

Speaking of it, it's really difficult to get out after entering that place.

Once there was no more food left in Qingfengguan, and there was no game around as a food intake. If you went outside the restaurant and waited to pick up the rest of the food, you would be driven away...

At that time, there was no way. After thinking about it, the old-minded master had to pretend to be crazy on the bus.

It's very simple. Just keep saying "I'm ready" and "I'm ready" running around on the bus without showing any aggressiveness. He spat when someone talks to him, and then "Hee hee" grinning.

After that, he went into a mental hospital and had dinner. After he was full and drank, he naturally had to pack it. Jiang Shouzheng did not have a full meal in the Taoist temple.

Jiang Shouzheng is still growing up. "Half-sized son, I starve to death" is not a lie.

But the mental hospital is the kind of place that is easy to come to but not easy to go.

The main problem is-

You have no way to prove that you are not mentally ill.

The old view master said that he came in for the sake of eating, but they promised to "know" and "know", but they would not let themselves leave.

He even said that there is a child who is hungry in Qingfeng Temple, and one of the guys who looks like a caregiver pouted and said, "Lord, they are here~"

Seeing that the old watcher couldn't hold back, he broke the iron railing open, and knocked the two doctors who asked him to pass out.

Isn’t it tiring to bring a box of food back?

When he came, he came by ambulance, and he was killed by the bumps. Because he was weak without eating, he was a little sick.

Adhering to the principle that thieves do not go empty, rob the rich and help the poor...Bah bah bah, and adhering to the action plan of "food is bigger than the sky", the old master came to the logistics office of the mental hospital calmly and calmly.

"Give me both the warehouse key and the car key for purchasing the goods."

"Who are you always?"

"Don't care who I am, I am very anxious now, you can't afford to waste my time!"

"No, you have to..."

The words in TV and radio are all artistic. At critical moments, you still have to use your fists.

Any exchange, just knock it out.

On this day, the old Guanzhu moved away a lot of food, because the mental hospital was relatively loose in general. After driving the car back, the old Guanzhu wrote an IOU, and then Shi Shiran left.

"I owe Guiyuan ten bags of rice, two bags of potatoes, and five bags of sweet potatoes..."

To this day this debt, the old master finally remembered and paid it off.Zhuiwen Novel Network

Although Jiang Shouzheng's money was used, isn't Jiang Shouzheng's money his?His money...

Thinking of this, the old master thought of his lost gold nugget again...

Distressed, so distressed.

"Master, are you a heart attack? Where is your medicine? I will help you out now."

Rejecting the kindness of the account manager, after taking a few deep breaths, the attitude was adjusted.

"You go ahead and do yours, my body is very good."

There is no way to share the pain of losing money with others. The more you talk, the more distressed.

But as soon as he opened the door, watching the bird dung falling from the sky and the "stars and dots" in the small square, the old master closed the door again.

Now that there are outsiders, Rhubarb has no way to do anything...

To say, this professional matter still has to be handled by professional people.

The screen is high-definition, the TV is interesting, the air conditioner is cooled, and the humidifier emits the fragrance of essential oil...

The thief is comfortable in the quiet room now, which is probably the happiness of the rich.

A sip of Coke, a sip of Sprite, and a sip of Fanta. When I got interested, I put all three straws in my mouth, slurping...

It's hard to drink.

"Slap. Slap. Slap...."

From time to time there was the sound of bird droppings falling from the roof, but it would be cleaned up by the rhubarb soon. If the bird droppings hadn't fallen into the breeze view and the rhubarb couldn't control it, then there would be no noise in the quiet room now.

"Rhubarb, when you can't let the bird droppings fall, do you throw away the bird droppings?"

~~ There is no direct contact with Qingfeng Temple, and I have no way to control it.~~

The rhubarb lying on the bed gave a big yawn.

"It's not right for you to do this. Your ability needs to be improved. It's all about sea, land and air, sea, land and air. Now you have mastered a land, how can you do it? You have to master the'empty' now to be right,' Sea' we don't count on it, after all, there is no sea around us now..."

When it comes to the issue of training capabilities, the nature of being obsessive comes to mind.

Be good at being a teacher.

That's how Jiang Shouzheng was cultivated back then. "How bold a person is, how productive is the land" is still very effective to a certain extent, especially in the field of metaphysics. If you don't set limits on yourself, then it is infinite. of.

In order to make what I said was right, I didn’t read Chicken Soup Magazine much...

"Dududu, dududu, the master is calling."

Rhubarb raised his eyebrows, and his mobile phone floated in front of it. This was Jiang Shouzheng's phone. Before it had time to pat it on the dog's paw, the mobile phone was taken away by the old master.

"I'm so rich, so I don't want to change my name."

Lao Guanzhu glanced at the phone number, and naturally knew that it was Jiang Shouzheng.


"Rhubarb, why did you call me last night?"

"This is not rhubarb, this is your master."

There was silence on the other end of the phone. Before the old Guanzhu had time to say a word, an illusory figure appeared in front of him, which didn't seem like a good thing.

When he was alert in his heart, the flame appeared again, wrapping up the transparent figure.

"Looking at the Lord, it's me, Shouzheng!!!"

"Uh...what's the matter with you? Dead?!"

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