My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 337 Heavenly Court: Take a photo for a souvenir.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Life is inertial, which is not only reflected in the laws of nature, but also in the details of everyone's life.

Jiang Shouzheng's biggest inertia every day is to light incense, wash, and practice boxing. This is almost the third, fourth, and fifth thing that he does every morning when he opens his eyes.

Opening your eyes and leaving the quiet room is the first and second thing.

But this kind of rhythm and regularity of life can't continue because of being "trapped" on the train?

No, it cannot.

But the narrow carriage is really not suitable for practicing boxing.

Then use force to stimulate the muscle tissues that would be stimulated when practicing boxing, and simulate the feeling that you are still practicing boxing.

So, at five o'clock in the morning, in a certain carriage of a certain train, a teenager began to "spasm" and "convulse" all over. While others were still asleep, he had already started daily morning exercises.

But there is always a little regret in doing this, just like someone asks you to take glucose every day and doesn't give you food.

Of course, what’s more troublesome is--

The scene of Jiang Shouzheng's "simple" boxing practice was seen by the flight attendant sitting in front of the monitor.

"...There is a client who seems to have been epileptic!"

"Roger that."

It is very difficult to tell others that they are not sick. Such a degree of difficulty is no less than telling others that you are sick.

If you are sick or not, it is more often the cognition of others than the feedback of the body.

Even in extreme cases, even if you are not sick, you can claim that you are sick to gain a sense of dignity.

In this situation, the flight attendants see more.

Especially young people in this session, they cherish their decency more than their own lives.

It is human nature to hide their own flaws, but as flight attendants, it is the core purpose of their work that they cannot allow passengers to have any accidents on the train. Only by doing this can they maintain their current decentness. .

There are still very few irregular types of work with one break and two breaks.

In one day of work, you will have two days to deal with your own affairs.

Can they make mistakes...

So, the second day after going out, Jiang Shouzheng was transferred from the train to...the hospital.

The accompanying Jiang Shouji and Jiang Shouqin naturally followed--

"Little soul, what's the smell on you?"

"It doesn't taste much."

"You must have a smell, it smells... so stinky."

After the test, Jiang Shouzheng didn't show any major problems. On the contrary, he was recognized by several attending doctors when he was queuing to check his body.

Doctors are all academic masters.

That’s why even after graduating and working, they are still very concerned about the field of study. Jiang Shou is the champion of the college entrance examination this year, and they have heard about it. Some people even like to wind up the circle of friends before the college entrance examination——

In the college entrance examination these two days, don't disturb.

Then when I have free time, I will brush up on the questions exposed on the Internet and scold the teacher who made the questions while doing it.

Of course, what they scolded was from that year. As for this year, this year’s students will be scolded in the future...

"Can you give me a signature? My niece likes you very much." A doctor asked without holding back.

"I'm sorry, I won't sign on the blank paper. What if it's made into an IOU?" Jiang Shouzheng was very firm with regard to the matter of signing.

I am now an adult, eighteen years old, and judging from the legal provisions I read these days, I am already a person with full civil capacity.

You need to be responsible for what you do.

Hearing Jiang Shouzheng’s reply, the doctor pressed his own hair, stroking the hairline as far as possible "to the front", and then drew a piece of white paper from the printer next to him, and wrote on it. With.ok composition network

"Today Liu Bin pays medical expenses in place of Jiang Shouzheng, [][][] agreed.”

Doctor Liu Bin pointed to the empty location. After Jiang Shouzheng hesitated for a second, he took it and wrote his name in the blank space.

Doctor Liu Bin flicked the edge of the paper, faced it and put it back in his drawer...

"Can you take a group photo?"



Back in the hallway, Jiang Shouzheng wanted to get some blood, but after thinking about it, let it go.

Now I can control my skin a little and it can still be punctured, but my blood vessels are not punctured by ordinary needles.

In order to reduce the trouble, Jiang Shouzheng still went to the place where the blood was drawn under the leadership of the staff of the Ministry of Railways. Then when he saw someone being drawn, he retched...

"If you suspect that I have epilepsy, other test results can allow the hospital to draw a conclusion. There is no need to waste time on blood drawing..."

Under Jiang Shouzheng's efforts, he was not drawn blood.

Walked back to Jiang Shouji and the others, and sat aside waiting for the result.

"Brother, that Doctor Liu Bin is really interesting."


"He just tossed something like a clown in front of us. He was very flexible and took a picture with us."

This was an innocuous little thing that Jiang Shouzheng quickly left behind. He had to wait for the report to take the train again.

The waiting time is also boring, and practicing in the hospital is afraid of accidentally crushing some innocent spirits and souls, and then being swallowed by myself.

...Then call back to Qingfeng Temple to ask how things are going.

Although Dixun stayed in Linjiang, it was agreed that most of the time the body would be used by the god of examination, and Jiang Shouzheng would not interfere.

But as soon as the call passed, he heard the voice of the old master...

After a while, Jiang Shouzheng hung up the phone tremblingly, and carefully checked the phone number. That's right, it was for Rhubarb!

What's the matter with the voice of the old master?

No, I have to let Dixun go back and see!


"Jiang Shouzheng."

"Jiang Shouqin."

"Jiang Shouji."

"I didn't expect that I had such good luck. As expected, I would always be a little bit lucky to be a hospital manager."

Doctor Liu Bin slid his phone, then found a friend "purchasing pig blood at a high price*8", and sent Jiang Shouzheng's picture first—

"This is a patient I met when I was helping people to see a doctor, named Jiang Shouzheng, from Linjiang, you can see if the photos can be used. If they can't be used, I will take a few more photos when I go out."

"It works."

The other party responded quickly, that is, a few seconds after replying, his mobile banking reminded him that there was a bank transfer of 100,000.

Doctor Liu Bin smiled happily, this part-time job is simply invincible.

"I also have pictures of Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji. They should be taken with Jiang Shouzheng, or?"

"Receive all orders as they are taken, and remember to delete them after sending them out."

Send one and collect a sum of money.

Send another one and collect another sum of money.

I have the girlfriend’s diamond ring money.

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