My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 339 Economic benefits and waste. (Two more, please subscribe~)

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Jiang Shouqin looked at the handful of blue flames in front of him and felt an unprecedented threat.

It's not to say how powerful this flame is. To be honest, this fire directly contaminated his body and would not cause substantial Shanghai to his body at all, but this feeling of facing natural enemies made him instinctively afraid and disgusted.

For a long time, Jiang Shouqin knew very well that he would not die. Even if this body was not immortal, he would be able to come back to life again due to the decay of time.

For thousands of years, repeated cycles have verified his conjectures.

The lotus seeds he dropped, as long as there is a trace of life, can resurrect him.

Even if the lotus seeds he dropped were completely wiped out, the rhizomes he left in the world would re-grow and make him resurrect.

But this time, just this time, he clearly realized that "if this flame is stronger, then he won't have any chance of resurrection."

This feeling, the longer he stared at this flame, the more obvious it felt...

"Brother, what is this?" Jiang Shouqin's voice was a little dry, and he asked every word.

"This is the supernatural power of the master, I just simulated it." Jiang Shouqin's face was too pale, and Jiang Shouzheng withdrew the supernatural power. "By the way, do you remember the master?"

When this question was asked, Jiang Shouzheng's voice trembled a little.

If the old Guanzhu came back, but the memory of the younger brother and younger sister has not recovered, then it will make him feel...very annoying.

"..." Jiang Shouqin didn't reply. After the flame disappeared, he had no energy all over his body, so there was no way to reply.

"Guanzhu is back? Great!" Jiang Shouji clapped happily. Her enlightenment was taught by Lao Guanzhu, and she was still very emotional.

The last time she left without saying goodbye, she had been sad for a long should have been for a long time. She didn't remember the specific feeling very clearly. After all, it was a long time ago.

"Living in the present and having fun in time" is the core idea of ​​their fox clan's inheritance memory. For the temperament of "sorrowing the spring and sad autumn", the seniors have used their lives to admonish younger generations like her.

"Well... it seems that the influence of the old view of the Lord's departure has disappeared."

Jiang Shouzheng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. At least for now, everything has returned to normal.

Although Jiang Shouji's memory has been biased, it does not seem to hurt at the moment. More importantly, he has no way to correct the opponent.

She would not approve of telling the truth.

Jiang Shouqin's current state should be similar to Jiang Shouji.

Ready to talk a few more words, Jiang Shouzheng received a new "message" from Fear of Soul——

"Shouqin, let me ask you a question. Have you ever dug a gold nugget near Qingfeng Temple?"


"The gold nugget is subject to the subject, and the supernatural power of the subject is much stronger than what I simulated. He called this supernatural power the heart fire..." Speaking of this, Jiang Shouzheng added, " Because the gold nugget was lost, the observer was in a bad mood. I hope that after this visit...Oh, no, the observer will buy the ticket for tomorrow and he will go to Kyoto to wait for us.


"Didn't you say it all, isn't this divine body belonging to you? You should return it to other gods and don't occupy the magpie's nest."

Old Guanzhu waved his hand to let Jiang Shouzheng leave.

Jiang Shouzheng was still by his side, and many things were difficult to do.

For example, eating melon seeds with Erlang's legs upright is very comfortable, but it hurts face in front of juniors.

Jiang Shouzheng arched his hand, and after saying "yes", he returned the initiative of the divine body to Kaoshen.

Kao Shen looked around for a while, greeted Lao Guanzhu, and left in a hurry.

Today is the second day of Linjiang's high school entrance examination. As a god test, he is still very busy at this point.

At least thousands of children's background materials are circling in his spiritual thoughts. He needs to combine the power of providing faith, the sincerity of the faith, family conditions, past resumes, etc. to screen, and then take care of it.186 Chinese Network

Among them, Chen Yuan’s kind of related households are not within his scope of review, and there are also children with very good grades and solid foundations who are not within his scope of review...

By the way, before blessing, I have to report to the mother god about Qingfeng View...

The fire last night was set by Jiang Shouzheng’s master. His name is... By the way, this old man does not seem to have a name...


Jiang Shouzheng left, and the old master felt relieved.

The air conditioner huffed, and the sound of "shit" outside almost disappeared.

These birds seem to be quite spiritual now, and it seems that they won't be able to dig out their eggs in the future, troublesome.

I hope they don't become monsters like Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji, or they have to beat them up again.

Thinking about it, the old master knew Jiang Shouzheng's college entrance examination results...

Oh my God?!

Terrible, terrible?!

So many people like my apprentice, and still want to know how he learned this way?

Lessons learned, as the observer of Qingfeng View, he feels that he has a great say.

Of course, you have to give yourself an accurate position when speaking.

Lao Guanzhu thought for a second, opened his social account, and changed his profile from "beautiful guys in flowers, part-time fortune tellers" to "the god of no old man, the master of the national college entrance examination champion Jiang Shouzheng".

Then, sent a selfie——

"Hello everyone, I am Jiang Shouzheng's master. You can ask me any questions about Jiang Shouzheng."

The popularity of this news soon came up. The data of comments, likes, and reposts continued to rise, and the traffic burst suddenly.

The comments below are all "true and false" and "a picture of my husband".

Where did the picture of Jiang Shouzheng come from the phone you just bought?

But such a small problem, how can it be hard to keep an old mind?

In order to prove the authenticity of his words, the old Guanzhu made Rhubarb look like Jiang Shouzheng and took a few pictures.

Side photo, ID photo, back photo...

Photos of sweeping the floor, photos of practicing exercises, photos of cooking...

After shooting from multiple angles and omni-directional, let the system beautify the picture, and the old observer uploads the picture.

This time, the popularity directly began to impact "hot search."

Then the old master began to wait in the background for advertisers to come to the door, and the tutorials recommended to do "self-media" are all interpreted like this.

He doesn't want to make much money. An air ticket to Kyoto, if possible, a washboard, durian shells, and gloves that don't hurt people.

"Ginger! Shou! Diligent!"

"Steal! Me! Money!"


Somewhere in the world.

In a room full of servers.

A hunched, very old looking monkey scratched his face and uttered:

"Mom, have our money been spent for nothing?"

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