My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 340 Go North to Kyoto!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!An organization needs to develop, and it needs nothing more than people, money, and things.

For Heavenly Court, that is the demon, money, and treasures of heaven and earth.

It is still relatively difficult to become a spirit in these years. There is less and less aura between heaven and earth. Even the second generation of demon with good blood will be polluted by turbid energy. Everyone who has the opportunity to become a spirit will be the great treasure of heaven.

As for the treasures of heaven, material and earth, of course there have been fewer in recent years.

Excavation teams such as deep mountains and old forests still need to be organized and dispatched, and places like no-man's land are also to be explored, but more are to open planting bases.

Plant ginseng, cultivate Ganoderma lucidum, cultivate Cordyceps,...

The artificially cultivated natural treasures are much less effective than the wild ones, but at this time, some are better than none.

Still pick?

I'm afraid I want to eat fart.

The most critical, and also the most pressing issue of Heavenly Court, is money.

There are still many channels for making money in Heaven. The Adventure No Man’s Land records VLOG editing videos, sells drugs, sells pig blood, turns into a body to perform acrobatics, go on stage, participate in sports events...

However, the cost of the Heavenly Court is also large, the maintenance of information channels, the rewards of the information database, the structure of the personnel reward mechanism,...

And a lot of demons, they are offered like the uncle.

After all, after so many years of cultivation, the purpose is to work in human society?

Are you kidding me?!

Those who want to integrate into human society are like extremely tyrannical people.

Most of the members are like the tortoises of Linjiang Zoo who have a longevity. They eat and drink all day long, eating and drinking on their own one-third of an acre. The time is up, the interest is coming, and the offspring will be reproduced...

Financial constraints are the biggest problem they face.

However, it has eased over the years because they found an ancient book. The translation means--

"How to make the most of the gods".

In this ancient book, the gods are regarded as alternative genius treasures, which can increase cultivation, condense weapons, make wound medicine, and...make a cornucopia.

With a cornucopia, then hire a few more human actuaries... to speculate in futures.

But if the validity period of this cornucopia is to be lasting, it is necessary to continuously put the gods into it to maintain its power.

...This is the greatest secret of Heaven!

However, because of Linjiang's defeat, their cornucopia was "dormant" for a while.

As we all know, speculating in futures is more terrible than speculating in stocks. Tianting's finances are directly in deficit due to the "dormancy" of the cornucopia.

There was really no way, so I had to hire a big boss who was made from gamble on stone.

After making a small profit and making up for the shortfall, the boss went to sleep again——

'I want to have eternal life, don't bother me if it's fine.'

'If you bother me again, I will kill you.'

...Worries flashed across its mind. As the secretary general of the heavenly court, Hou Bailiang, it felt that it had an obligation to maintain the operation of the heavenly court.

Finances are a bit tight now. Now there are 1,375 credit cards on hand that need to be repaid today. Would you like to ask the seniors to cut it???

Hou Bailiang scratched his face with some annoyance. The monkey hair on his face was already a little whitish, which was a manifestation of excessive use of his brain.

"Congratulations on your wealth, get the red envelope soon~"

The phone rang, and I glanced at it to remind me that this is an outstanding junior of the monkey tribe over the years, and is now called..."Magician" by people in the circle.

Although there are elements of support, it is more of this little monkey's efforts.

Challenge the famous people, rub a wave of traffic...


Hung up the phone, Hou Lei rubbed his eyebrows.

The ancestor asked him to send money again today. He has just gotten his job right now. Where did the money subsidize him, not to mention the possibility of repaying the money after borrowing it.

Joining the Heavenly Court is good, but there are also many disadvantages——

"You transfer 50150.23 to Mr. Hou Bailiang, and the current account balance is 0."

Look, the disadvantage is coming.

Daguofan, when I was not transformed, it was subsidized to grow me, but after I transformed, I couldn't control my bank card...

Shaking his head, Hou Lei took out a wad of money from his pocket and tossed it.31 Novel

"Fortunately, I am smart, and I have withdrawn."

This kind of operation was acquiesced by the heavenly court.

A little private money, not too much relationship, as long as it does not fundamentally destroy the interests of Heavenly Court, then Heavenly Court will not pursue excessively.

After all, the nature of the organization is similar to that of an association...

With a pinch of both hands, the wad of money disappeared.

As a standard magician, you need to integrate magic into all aspects of yourself to ensure that you can integrate them when performing on stage.

One minute on stage, ten years off stage.

This sentence is also applicable to the demon Hou Lei.

It’s just that others may need ten years, he needs... a year?Half a year?A month?

Anyway, practice a lot, there is always no big mistake.

Hou Lei got up and opened the tent...

That's how it works in a circus, either performing in a big tent or sleeping in a small tent.

This is not to say that there is no money to live in a hotel or something, but such a way that the circus can be hooked with the tent and then formed into a symbol.

The head of the team said: "I want everyone to watch the performances that are not in the tent, and they think it is pirated."

The leader is an ordinary person with big ideals.

Hou Lei is a monkey spirit with small ambitions.


After blowing a whistle and a sharp sound, one of the circus tents made a crackling sound, and then the tent was opened.

Three monkey heads poked out--

These are the three little guys whose monkeys are expected to become refined.

It’s hopeful that it will be refined here, it may be tomorrow, or it may be next year...maybe it won’t be before death.

But at any rate, there is a chance, it is better than not having a chance to live a whole life.

They were sent by "express" a few days ago, and they had just applied for a "pet certificate" and "watch verification" yesterday. These days, Lazarus ate and drank and slept in a cage.

As a predecessor who has successfully transformed, Hou Lei has confirmed with the three little guys, and they can only open the door and leave by themselves when Hou Lei blows the whistle.

"Big brother, big brother, it's so exciting!"

"Good look! Good look! Very interesting!"

"They are all true."

Their voices were deliberately lowered for fear of being heard.

Before being transformed, even if the three of them possessed a certain amount of wisdom, it would still be difficult to express them.

After ten minutes of communication, Hou Lei understood what they meant——

last night.

A man.

A female.

Into the tent.

Under the gaze of the three of them...

Hou Lei patted his forehead and said to the three animals: "Next time someone comes to your sleeping place for excitement, you will scare them."


"Good, good."

"How to scare?"

Hou Lei thought for a while, and said, "Just speak to them."

After patted the heads of the little three, Hou Lei decided to take them out.

At noon today, they are heading to Kyoto, the last stop of the national tour.

The little three didn't have much time to walk outside, not only because of the circus's work, but also for safety.

Kyoto, it's a mixed place, so be careful.

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