My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 350: The Drunken Old Viewer and His Blisters...

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Do you know why most people who use brains don't have hair?!"

"Do you know why most people with strong martial arts have no hair?!"

"Do you know why most people in high positions don't have hair?!"

"That's because they locked their essence, and then let their own power be contained in their own body, look... One Punch Man is a good example, he will become stronger only when he is bald ! Even people who draw comics know this truth!"

Scanning the card and entering the door, Jiang Shouzheng saw Lao Guanzhu walking slowly in the living room, holding a jar of wine in his hand, sometimes lifting it high, sometimes raising his head to take a sip, his footsteps looked very vain, but no matter what How to go, this body just didn't fall...

The amount of alcohol is not very good for an old-minded person. Drinking a little bit of alcohol will make your head and face. I heard that this is a manifestation of no "enzyme" in the body, which will harm the body.Wanting to persuade him to drink less, the old Guanzhu always used the words "The meat and wine have passed through the intestines, the Buddha left it in the heart" to prevaricate him...

They are Taoists, although they seem to be fake...

Seeing that the old Guanzhu’s eyes were a little blurred, Jiang Shouzheng wanted to step forward and take away the wine jar. The old Guanzhu stepped back and slammed into the coffee table. The whole person turned backwards and looked like Very embarrassed, but the wine in the jar still didn't spill a single drop. If it weren't for the squeaking noise, Jiang Shouzheng would suspect that it had been drunk.

The old view master fell to the ground, and just turned somersaults, the bun that was inserted with a wooden stick disappeared. After shaking his head, the long hair fell behind: "Hey, look at my hair. It’s so long, so many, that means it’s not the qualification to become a master~ this is natural, no wonder others."

Looking at Jiang Shouzheng, he was still going forward. With a kick of the old Guanzhu's legs, the whole person "slid" to the corner and said with a serious face: "I'll drink such a small altar, can you take it away!" "

In order to prove his innocence, Jiang Shouzheng raised his hand, his voice subconsciously became a coaxing accent:

"Lord, I have no plans to take away your wine jar, I just see if you just got hurt."

"Nothing, like I've traveled north and south for so many years, falling somersaults is nothing, I can still fall a few somersaults!"

The style and style of drunk people are very detached.

Jiang Shouzheng knew this before he went out to work and integrate into society.

You see, the old master is now doing a backflip, so he raises his head and takes a sip of wine. As usual, the wine in the jar is not spilled.

What else can you do besides applause now?

Rhythmic applause rang, the old master has his own rhythm, and after the applause gradually accelerates, his speed of somersaults is also fast, and the speed of drinking is naturally faster!

"Yeah~ no more, really no more drops!"

The old master raised the wine jar, turned it over, and waited for a while with his tongue out, but there was no drop of wine...

"Guardian, do you want to drink more cleanly?" Jiang Shouzheng asked by the side.

"Of course you have to drink cleanly. This wine is made from grain. The state tells us to cherish grain. How can we waste it? Naturally, we must drink it cleanly!" Put it on the coffee table and said with a depressed look, "But I have already drunk very clean, there is no drop, no drop!"

With a move of Jiang Shouzheng's hand, before the old Guanzhu could hold him, the wine jar fell into Jiang Shouzheng's hands.

"Shouqin, get a little feng shui to pour it in the wine jar, so that the audience can drink the wine cleanly."

Upon listening to Jiang Shouzheng’s instructions, the old Guanzhu laughed happily, and the red on his face became even more obvious: “It makes sense, it makes sense. You must clean the inner wall of the jar well. You guy has a lot of ideas. Don’t be my apprentice? I’m very powerful, I can slap a tree! I can..."

The old Guanzhu was talking and yawning. Jiang Shouqin was not ready yet, but the old Guanzhu fell asleep first...

"Brother, do you still drink it for the master?" Jiang Shouqin held the wine jar, which was filled with the water he had just "ordered".

"Originally, let the old master drink some refreshing feng shui to make him sober up a little bit. Now that he has fallen asleep, there is no need to wake him up again..."

Carefully put Lao Guan Zhu Nian back to the master bedroom. When he leveled his whole person, Lao Guan Zhu opened his eyes suddenly, seeing that Jiang Shouzheng closed his eyes again, just closing his eyes. Not long after, he opened again in a daze, and said to Jiang Shouzheng beside him:


"Eh, I am here."

"When you first walked in, did you ask me who was going out?"

"Yes, yes, I asked such a question just now."

"Hey! What went out was the one-punch superman I just burned out, ha, haha, I burned out two, hehehehehehe..."

The old master smiled happily, and after tears were squeezed out, he fell asleep again. This time he snored. It may be that the temperature of the air conditioner in the room is a little lower. The old master's nose blew out a snot Bubble, suddenly big, suddenly small...

Jiang Shouqin couldn't stand it anymore, so he found a toothpick and stabbed it.

With a soft "pop", his nose burst, but Jiang Shouqin's body was slammed against the wall, and his body was ignited with the heart of the master...

"Ah! Brother, help!"

Jiang Shouzheng's expression was solemn, he unscrewed a bottle of water from the bedside table, poured mana and splashed it on Jiang Shouqin's body. It was not a big fire, but it was extinguished...


The old Guanzhu suddenly did it again, looking at Jiang Shouzheng and Jiang Shouqin, and asked with a confused expression: "I just felt that someone was attacking me. Did you see it?"

Jiang Shouzheng: "No..."

Jiang Shouqin: "No."

"Oh, then I may be dreaming." After speaking, the old master fell asleep again.

"On duty..."


"I used to quarrel with the master when he was drunk, so he just grabbed me and pushed me to the ground..."

"I know."

Jiang Shouqin was silent for a while, got up, saw the old Guanzhu blowing out another snot bubble, and hurriedly left against the wall.

"Can't afford to provoke, still can't hide?"

Jiang Shouji, who had been watching at the door, patted her chest and left.

"Just scared the baby to death."


"Your hair is gone!"

"Your eyebrows are gone!"

"Damn, I am in good health now... silky."

"Xu Liang, stay away from me, don't touch your body, we are like this now, it doesn't seem very good."

"It doesn't matter, we can draw without the eyebrows, and we can wear wigs without the hair. Strength is the real deal!"

"That said, it seems that there is nothing wrong. The old man is really too strong, and he directly gave us a cleanser. It is just a side effect of this, which is a bit obvious..."

On the side of the street, two people were running wildly wrapped in hotel-style bath towels. They didn't look like good people. They ran quite fast.

"Two suspicious elements appeared on my side, asking for support."

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